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NEW DELHI, 12 December 2020, (TON): In the wake of BJP government failure to address the legitimate concerns of farmers and trade unions, now doctors, on Friday protested. An estimated three thousand doctors went on a day-long strike on Friday protesting a newly enacted federal government law allowing Ayurveda practitioners to carry out minor surgeries.

Non-critical medical operations and routine consultations across the country, which were already affected by COVID-19 were further disrupted as the Indian Medical Association (IMA), the umbrella body for all conventional doctors and surgeons, declared a decision to suspend work for 12 hours.

Rajan Sharma, the head of IMA said, “The government’s decision to bring in a rule that allows practitioners in specified streams of Ayurveda to be trained to perform surgical procedures trivializes the medical profession”. 39 general surgery procedures and around 19 procedures involving the eye, ear, nose and throat was listed in the notification.

BEIJING, 12 December 2020, (TON): China held India accountable for situation along LAC after the tension had escalated following a border clash between the two armies in June. The deadlock continuous in the halt of an effective discussion.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said, “China and India are neighbours and the world’s two biggest emerging markets and keeping good relations serves the fundamental interests of both countries and its people but it requires common efforts from both sides,” He said, “The merits of the situation at the border area are very clear and the responsibility totally lies with the Indian side.”

The statement further reiterated Beijing position of strict adherence to the mutual agreement and negotiation to solve border dispute saying, “But like all sovereign states we are determined in safeguarding our territorial integrity,” she said. “So on the Indian side, I think this is a serious question on what it should reflect upon.”

The spokesperson also asked India for mutual cooperation aiming to common development. Following the border standoff in June, both have had eight rounds of Corps-Commander level talks, but no one was progressive enough to achieve them a solution to the deadlock.

ISLAMABAD, 12 December 2020, (TON): The Foreign Office on Friday summoned senior Indian diplomat and lodged a strong protest over the grave ceasefire violation by Indian troops along the line of control while stressing commitment to 2003 ceasefire agreement.

The Foreign Office informed while saying, owe to "indiscriminate and unprovoked firing" by the Indian occupation forces in in Hotspring Sector of the LoC on Dec 9, a 55-year-old woman had suffered serious injuries.

According to reports, this year, so far, India has committed 2,940 ceasefire violations, resulting in martyrdom of 27 people and additionally, serious injuries to 247 innocent civilians.

It was once again reminded that the indiscriminate ceasefire violation cannot alter the reality and divert attention of the international community from heinous human rights violations. Indian side was called upon to uphold its commitment to 2003 ceasefire agreement and, carry out investigation to the recent and all such provocation of deliberate ceasefire violation while maintaining an environment of peace along the LOC and WB.

Under United Nations Security Council resolutions, India side was also stressed to allow military observer group along both side of LOC to play its mandated role.

ABUJA, 12 December 2020, (TON):  At least four people were killed and nine injured when two cars exploded in Dikwa, a town located 90 km east of Maiduguri, Nigeria's northeastern state of Borno on Friday.

The injured were rushed to State Specialist Hospital, Maiduguri where condition of four has been stated to be critical. One injured was shifted to another hospital for treatment. The International Committee of the Red Cross officials have confirmed four dead and eight injured.

Borno State officials said the vehicles were fitted with improvised explosive devices (IED).

Last month Police had to use tear gas and resort to baton charge to disperse a protester loyal to Sheikh Ibrahim El–Zakzaky of the Shia Islamic Movement of Nigeria (IMN) in the Maitama area of Abuja, who is facing trial of committing culpable homicide and other offences. The trial of Sheikh Ibrahim El–Zakzaky and his wife Zeenat is in progress at the Kaduna State High Court. It is claimed that he has been detained intentionally to keep him safe and would be released who situation is ripe to take over the country.

El–Zakzaky has deep connections with India and his loyalists are funded and armed by New Delhi. Last year in August 2019, he was able to get relief from t court which granted him medical leave to El Zakzaky and his wife to visit India and stay there for some time. After getting instructions he returned to Nigeria after some time. Some people in Nigeria alledge that IMN is linked with ISIS but the official of the organization have not admitted in any statement.

Violence has spread to neighbouring countries, killing more than 30,000 people and forcing two million to fled from their homes, according to the UN.

WASHINGTON, 12 December 2020, (TON): The US Supreme Court, on technical grounds, has rejected the lawsuit backed by President Donald Trump, filed by the state of Texas in an attempt to seek justice regarding fraud  election results in four battleground states.

President Donald Trump has challenged elections results in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin as “Fraud”.

As per the results announced, in all these state;  Joe Biden won the election which has been contested as “fraud”. The lawsuit was supported by 18 state attorneys general and 106 Republican members of Congress.

In a brief order the US Supreme Court, rejecting the lawsuit on Friday ruled that Texas did not have legal standing to bring the case.

After the rejection of the law suit Republican Party has an option to go for a review and if if even fails, show street power to impress US Supreme Court to invoke Suo Motto.

Fraud election and illegal votes have seriously question the reliability of US election system and the justice system how to address such issue. There is also requirement for amendments in the rules to formulate a policy that can address the legitimate right of US tax payers to be heard on account of fraud elections.  

Meanwhile, the Electoral College is expected to meet on Monday to formally elect Mr Biden as the 46th president of the US.

Aroosa Hafeez, The Orient News Research Section

The Himalayan former princely state has long been a bone of contention between India and Pakistan since independence. India stripped of Kashmir’s special status on 5th August 2020 and redrew the state’s internal boundaries. India made the region a simmering cauldron of discontent. The unilateral decision of India was the unconstitutional measure, which caused a burning effect throughout Kashmir and has ruined the normal functioning of the region. India invoked controversial and draconian laws in the region. Almost all Kashmiri politicians were arrested after the Government of India revoked the special status. Thousands of security personnel were sent in and the Valley was clamped down with severe communications blackout. Indian government quietly amended 138 state laws that were protecting the indigenous identity of Kashmir. The long-drawn Kashmir conflict claimed thousands of lives and made the economy bleed, and has posed grave threats to the region.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi changed Kashmir’s residency laws for the first time since 1947, in a bid to snuff out any challenge to the occupied territory. It systematically paved the way for settling colonialism in J&K by forced demographic change, institutionalizing a system of domination over native Kashmiris, and obviating the people’s exercise of their right to self-determination. The new set of laws announced for IIOJK by Indian government included domicile rights for Indian citizens, which altered the demographic status of the Muslim-majority Himalayan region. In a slew of legislative changes after BJP government ended IIOJK’s semi-autonomous status, a significant aspect of the March 31st order defined “domicile” with regard to government employment.

Under the new law, those who have resided for a period of 15 years in Indian-administered Kashmir or studied for a period of seven years and appeared in Class 10/12 examinations in educational institutions located in the region are only eligible to become permanent residents. The law also opens jobs to ‘outsiders’, which was not possible before the abrogation of J&K’s special status. Under the law, a person living in J&K for at least 15 years is eligible for all jobs in the Union Territories. It also extends domicile rights to children of Central government employees who have served in the UT for at least 10 years. New Domicile law is perhaps the greatest evidence of just how the Indian state wishes to reshape the demography of the region.

The law has overridden the erstwhile 1954 law, which empowered the state government to define the “permanent residents of J&K”, and to determine who had rights over jobs, property and land. Non-locals were not eligible for jobs due to special constitutional safeguards incorporated in the constitution of India.1927 law, promulgated by the king of J&Kand subsequently continued through Article 35A of the Indian Constitution, denied outsiders right to own property in IIOJK. It also stripped a Kashmiri woman of right to property if she married a person from outside the state. This law was apparently brought in, to protect the demographic identity of Jammu and Kashmir.

According to the 2011 Census, Muslim Population in Jammu and Kashmir is 85.67 Lakhs (68.31 percent) of total 1.25 Crore. Christian Population in Jammu and Kashmir is 35.63 Thousand (0.28%) of total 1.25 Crore whereas, Hindu are minority in IIOJK. The 97 %Muslims majority Valley stays a sore point for the Hindu supremacists because it remains the epicentre of the anti-India revolt. IIOJK is the actual target of the demographic flooding, where the Hindu right sees Muslim population as a threat. The demographic flooding and the actual settlement of outsiders will simultaneously reduce IIOJK into Muslim minority and will transform a 73-year-old political dispute into a religious one.

This new domicile law has disastrous ramifications on the economy, industrial sector, central Government employees and tourism industry. Land can be transferred to non-J&K residents, who can permanently reside in J&K. Tens of thousands of Indian citizens can now apply for government jobs in J&K. Demographic flooding in IIOJK will automatically impact the results of a potential plebiscite or referendum in India’s favor. Moreover, it will allow Indian companies to grab local land. The government has issued several other orders that are culling Muslims and paving the way for non-local enterprises to tap the region’s resources. According to Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) unemployment rate of IIOJK is 15.89% in comparison to the Indian average of 6.7%, the new domicile laws will worsen the problem to an unimaginable level.

Indian award of nationality to Indian nationals in IIOJK isjust to change region’s Muslim-majority into second-class citizens, a demographic minority, & pave way for ethnic cleansing. As IIOJK undergoes the biggest changes since India’s independence, the shrinking political space and denial of civil liberties had likely pushed every Kashmiri to join and support freedom fighters which they consider capable of confronting Indian forces.

Indian policy towards Kashmir is caught between a rock and a hard place. There are no signs that shows about the path India took will lead to peace and development in the region. The threat of demographic change, loss of livelihood and increased competition for scarce resources in the region has electrified an already incensed population. While Kashmir is being transformed beyond recognition as every day passes, all the factors have created a situation of hopelessness in Kashmir. BJP fascist regime has engineered demographic change to dilute the region’s ethnic and religious identity which has just fuelled anger among native Kashmiris.The implications of new domicile law is only calamitous.


WASHINGTON, 11 December 2020, (TON): All the world print, electronic and social medias, with the exception of very few, carried extensive propaganda about Morocco’s recognition of Israel but all news were far from reality and truth on 10th and 11th December 2020. Aljazeera reported news, “Israel, Morocco agree to normalise relations in US-brokered deal” and spread false news, “Under the agreement, Morocco will establish full diplomatic relations and resume official contacts with Israel.” BBC reported, “Morocco latest country to normalise ties with Israel in US-brokered deal; Morocco has become the latest Arab League country to agree to normalise relations with Israel in a deal brokered with US help”. France24 reported, “Israel and Morocco agree to normalise ties in latest US-brokered deal; Israel and Morocco agreed on Thursday to normalise relations in a deal brokered with US help, making Morocco the fourth Arab country to set aside hostilities with Israel in the past four months.” NBC News reported, “Morocco has become the fourth predominantly Muslim country to normalize relations with Israel in a U.S.-brokered deal.” Indian newspapers including The Hindu reported, “Israel and Morocco agreed on Thursday to normalize relations in a deal brokered with U.S. help, making Morocco the fourth Arab country to set aside hostilities with Israel in the past four months.”

Independent reported, “Israel and Morocco agreed on Thursday to normalise relations in a deal brokered with the help of the United States, making Morocco the fourth Arab country to set aside hostilities with Israel in the past four months.” DW reported, Moroccan King Mohammed VI on Thursday said his country would "resume official contacts... and diplomatic relations with minimal delay" with Israel, according to a statement from the royal palace” and “Netanyahu and Mohammed VI both raised the prospect of resuming direct flights between the countries and the opening of diplomatic missions.” CNN reported, “Morocco has become the fourth country in the Middle East and North African region to agree to establish full diplomatic relations with Israel, an 11th-hour foreign policy achievement for the lame duck Trump administration as it seeks to shore up regional support for Israel as a countermeasure to Iranian aggression.” Al Arabia quoting Reuters reported, Morocco will establish full diplomatic relations and resume official contacts with Israel, grant over flights and also direct flights to and from Israel for all Israelis.”

The Wall Street Journal reported, “Israel and Morocco Agree to Normalize Ties, Trump and Netanyahu Say Deal required U.S. recognition of Moroccan sovereignty over disputed Western Sahara” and “The U.S.-brokered deal was the fourth in four months between Israel and Arab countries that have refused to recognize the nation since it was created in 1948.” The Orient News reported, “World media publish fake news about restoration of relations between Israel and Morocco.” And “US President Donald Trump made a telephone call on Thursday and talked to Morocco’s King Mohammed the VI. Both sides agreed that there should be step forward for the normalization of security situation in the Middle East with reference to restoration of relations between Israel and Morocco.  President Trump agreed to recognize Morocco’s sovereignty over the Western Sahara, which is long pending territorial dispute between France and Algeria-backed Polisario Front and legitimate Government of Morocco.“ From the referred  event and many other such events we can easily deduce how the so called world’s responsible media report daily events.


BAKU, 11 December 2020, (TON):  Smartly turned brave soldiers with their broad chests up marched through the streets of Baku. Military might was displayed; Drones, tanks, and soldiers paraded through the streets of Baku in celebration of Azerbaijan regaining territory from Armenian forces in and around its breakaway territory of Nagorno-Karabakh. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey also attended the parade.

More than 3,000 military personnel and around 150 pieces of military equipment, including aircraft, took part in the parade, while naval vessels performed maneuvers in the nearby Bay of Baku.

A Turkish-made Cobra armored, equipped with a PK machine gun and a Belarusian-made Shershen anti-tank missile was center of attraction. Thousands of people witnessed the parade and praised the Azerbaijan heroes.

NEW YORK, 11 December, 2020, (TON): The United Nations General Assembly’s resolution on the situation in Afghanistan was adopted on Friday by a majority of 131 votes, supporting an inclusive Afghan-led and Afghan-owned peace process and calling on all Afghan actors to make sustained efforts to reduce and end violence in the country.

Under the resolution UN members have reaffirmed their strong commitment to the sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and national unity of Afghanistan, reports TOLO News.

It also says that the UN members respect Afghanistan’s multicultural, multi-ethnic and historical heritage and welcome the efforts by Afghanistan in the framework of the Transformation Decade (2015–2024) to consolidate its sovereignty through strengthening a fully functioning, sustainable State in the service of its people, with the goal of becoming fully self-reliant.

The resolution recalls the importance of the development of the institutions of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.

It also reaffirms the long-term partnership between the Government of Afghanistan and the international community based on their strategic consensus and mutual commitments.

The UN members in the resolution also reaffirm the commitment of the international community to continuing to support the training, equipping, financing and development of the capacity of the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces.

The UN members in the resolution reiterate their serious concern about the security situation in Afghanistan and the urgent need to tackle the challenges facing the country.

The UN resolution expresses its deep concern about the threat posed by terrorism to Afghanistan.

Afghanistan’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Adela Raz, said thanked the German mission to UN “for the skillful and balanced approach in negotiating and drafting the very important General Assembly resolution on the situation in Afghanistan.” 

TRIPOLI, 11 December, 2020, (TON): The eastern-based Libyan National Army (LNA) on Thursday announced the release of a foreign commercial ship intercepted a few days ago in eastern Libya.

Eastern Libyan commander Haftar’s LNA intercepted a Turkish ship named as Mabrooka and towed it to the port of Ras al-Hilal, east of Benghazi on Monday, prompting Turkish warnings of retaliation and "grave consequences."

LNA's spokesperson Ahmad al-Mismari said in a statement "The General Command of the Libyan Arab Armed Forces releases the ship Mabruka, which carries the flag of Jamaica, after searching it and completing the investigation with its crew."

The ship was fined for sailing in Libyan territorial waters without a Libyan permission or authorization, and also for entering a restricted zone, he said.

The crew of the ship, which was heading to the western Libya, consisted of nine Turks, seven Indians and an Azerbaijani, al-Mismari said.

Turkey earlier this week condemned the interception of the ship, saying it must be allowed to resume its journey to western Libya and warning of possible reprisals.

Turkey has been the main international backer of the UN-recognised, Tripoli-based Government of National Accord (GNA), which Haftar is trying to topple by force.

The LNA launched an assault on Tripoli in April 2019 and today controls large swaths of Libya’s east and south. Haftar claimed military rule over eastern parts of the country in April 2020. The LNA’s backers include Egypt, France, UAE, and Russia.

Whereas, GNA’s armed forces receives significant military aid from Turkey, Italy, and Qatar.

The capture of the ship came weeks after the country's warring factions signed a ceasefire agreement to allow negotiations to end the conflict.

Libya has suffered years of escalating violence and political division between LNA and the UN-backed Government of National Accord in the country's west.

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