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WASHINGTON, 09 July 2021, (TON): The Biden administration in August will fly thousands of Afghan interpreters and their families out of the country to safety ahead of the U.S. military’s full withdrawal from Afghanistan, the White House confirmed.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki told reporters that the administration had stood up an operation to physically relocate the Afghan nationals before the U.S. military mission concludes but she did not say specifically where they would be relocated.

She said “the administration’s operation has identified U.S. facilities outside of the continental United States, as well as third countries. Because of security reasons, we’re not going to outline and detail at this point where those are.”

 The U.S. is considering sending the Afghans to the United Arab Emirates, Qatar or Guam as they wait for their visas to the U.S. to be processed.

SRINAGAR, 09 July 2021, (TON): In Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, Indian troops during a cordon and search operation martyred one more youth in Rajouri, raising the toll to five in one day in the territory.

The troops killed the fifth youth in Sunderbani area of Rajouri district during an ongoing operation which entered its 10 day.

Indian army claimed that the youth was killed during an encounter, which also left an Indian soldier dead and two others including a JCO injured. It said, the slain soldier has been identified as Sepoy Yashwant Reddy while the injured as Naib Subedar Srijith of 17 Madras and Nk Santosh of 9 Para.

Earlier, Indian troops martyred four Kashmiri youth in Pulwama and Kulgam districts of South Kashmir.

NEW DELHI, 09 July 2021, (TON): External affairs minister S Jaishankar said that the fact that China has not observed bilateral agreements on the border issue has disturbed the foundations of India’s ties with China.

Speaking in Moscow, where he will hold talks with his counterpart Sergey Lavrov, Jaishankar said for the last one year, there had been a lot of concern about the relationship because China had not observed agreements that “it had signed up to when it came to our border”.

“After 45 years, we actually had a border incident with casualties. And peace and tranquillity on the border, for any country, is the foundation of a relationship with a neighbour. So naturally the foundationship (sic) has got disturbed, so has the relationship,” said the minister. India and China had last year arrived at a 5-point consensus in Moscow to resolve the LAC stand-off. The disengagement process remains far from complete though despite India repeatedly saying that early and complete disengagement is necessary for overall development of ties. Jaishankar said though that there was no nuclear arms race between India and China.

In the talks with Lavrov, the two countries are expected to focus on the deteriorating security situation in Afghanistan and on Russian President Vladimir Putin’s upcoming summit with Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

KABUL, 09 July 2021, (TON): President Joe Biden delivered a vehement defense of his decision to end the war in Afghanistan, insisting no amount of sustained American presence there could resolve the country's own intractable problems.

Instead, Biden argued American resources, lives, money and attention were better focused elsewhere. Pressed on the likelihood of a total Taliban takeover, Biden grew defensive and said nothing in Afghanistan's history suggested there was anything the US could do about it.

Now, he said, it is up to the Afghans to defend their country, determining there was nothing more the United States could do after two decades of war.

Biden said "I will not send another generation of Americans to war in Afghanistan with no reasonable expectation of achieving a different outcome."

Thursday's remarks were the first time Biden discussed his decision to end the Afghanistan war in a formal setting since announcing the withdrawal plans in April.

A longtime skeptic of the war, Biden resisted pressure from military leaders to maintain a troop presence, determining instead there was nothing that could be accomplished by remaining.

The hasty draw-down has coincided with major Taliban gains and a growing fear that without American military support, the Afghan government will collapse.

Biden has not second guessed himself, even as his decision comes under scrutiny from members of Congress and others who argue the US must do more to prevent a full-blown civil war.

By TON Research Section 

July 8th, is marked as death anniversary of freedom fighter of Jammu and Kashmir Burhan Muzzaffar Wani, who was dubbed as a militant by India authorities and was martyred by Indian security forces along with his two colleagues Saraj Ahmad Sheikh and Pervaiz Ahmad Lashkari at Bumdoora village in Kokernag area on July 8, 2016. A young boy, who challenged massive Indian forces made a drastic shift in the mindset and operational thinking of youth of Indian Illegally occupied Jammu & Kashmir. Besides this, Burhan Wani turned the longest-standing conflict into freedom movement of Kashmiris. Albeit, Kashmir fight for freedom started just after the independence of Pakistan but it gained momentum after valiant Burhan Wani’s struggle for liberation and right to self-determination.

Since the emergence of Pakistan, Kashmir has remained an area of conflict between both countries. The grotesque genocide of Kashmiri’s, human rights abuses and violence by Indian security forces against defenseless people of IIOJK is the reason behind the struggle for liberation.  In this Kashmir movement hundreds of Kashmiri freedom fighters were jailed, tortured, exiled and succumbed to death by Indian security forces. Burhan Wani was also amongst those fighters who have been martyred by Indian forces because India considered him as a threat, who could strengthen freedom fight of Kashmiris. Burhan Wani was the commander of the largest indigenous Kashmiri freedom fighters orgnaisaiton “Hizbul Mujahideen”. He joined armed struggle in 2010 to fight against the oppression, inhumane and barbaric acts of Indian security forces in IIOJK and was very popular on Social media since 2011.

Wani used social media to educate Kashmir youth and promoted freedom struggle. He was extremely active on social media and making full use of it, he created awareness among Kashmiri youth to fight for independence. He had given a complete shift to the freedom movement of Kashmir. Death of Burhan Wani, an iconic youth leader sparked an uprising in the valley. Massive anti-Indian protests were started in the valley due to which Indian security forces imposed longest curfew in the region of more than 100 days after which hundreds of Kashmiris were killed and beaten by Indian security forces.

Jammu & Kashmir, which is one of the most militarized zone in the world, where Kashmiri freedom fighters have fought for decades against Indian atrocities and despite facing every day to day aggression of Indian forces, these valiant freedom fighters have continued their fight for freedom plus given hopes to the innocent people of IIOJK where their quality of life is worse. It will not be wrong in saying that Kashmir fight for freedom is still alive because of these valiant freedom fighters. From the start till now, Jammu & Kashmir has been a mock-democracy and people of the region have been at the bottom of India’s pyramid of priority. Albeit, Burhan wani, the voice of Kashmiri youth will be remembered as symbol of bravery, which has always taken stand against Indian atrocities.

Today, on the 5th martyrdom anniversary of Burhan Wani, Kashmiri’s are paying him tribute. Jammu & Kashmir liberation alliance displayed posters and called strike on July 8th to express solidarity with the families of martyred Kashmiris. The posters, displayed by Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Alliance gave strike call to express solidarity with the families of martyred along with that many other freedom groups and organizations including Youth Democratic Political Movement, Jammu and Kashmir Tehreek-e-Azadi, Political Resistance Movement (JKPRM), Jammu and Kashmir Justice and Peace Initiative (JKJPI), Jammu and Kashmir Justice League (JKJL), Kashmir Resistance Movement (KRM), Kashmir Hurriyat Forum (KHF), Wareseen-e-Shuda, Sada-e-Mazloomeen also displayed their posters and urged Kashmiri people to observe a strike on death anniversary of Burhan Wani. A complete shutdown is being observed in the valley to commemorate the martyrdom anniversary.

Today in IIOJK, democracy and politics are in turmoil, peace seems nowhere, region has been torn apart, Indian aggression has crossed all limits but the world is numb and has merely became a spectator. Massive use of force, killings, blinding and other human rights violation are on rise. Kashmiri’s are being marginalized in their own state. Albeit, the freedom movement started by Burhan Wani’s changed the landscape of Jammu & Kashmir and was the groundwork of the current resistance movement against atrocities and Indian rule. The struggle of wani still resonates loudly within Kashmir, which motivates and gives hope to people of Kashmir to stand up for their right of self-determination. Freedom fighter Burhan wani gave new life to the fight of Kashmiris against oppression and kept the issue alive. Undoubtedly, Indian government has miscalculated this as always that by killing of freedom fighter Burhan Wani everything will be in their hands and they will be successful in gaining their objectives but today, the freedom movement started by Wani gain more momentum and will be continued till Kashmir’s get their right of self-determination.

PORT-AU-PRINCE, 08 July 2021 (TON): Prime minister Dr. Claude Joseph said “Haiti President Jovenel Moise was killed at his house last night by unkown gunmen.”

In a communique, Interim Prime minister Dr. Claude Joseph added the First Lady Martine Moïse had also been wounded and was being treated.

Interim Prime Minister Joseph condemned what he called a hateful, inhumane and barbaric act, adding that Haiti’s National Police and other authorities had the situation in the Caribbean country under control.

The killing late comes amid deepening political and economic stability and a spike in gang violence.

The nation of more than 11 million people had grown increasingly unstable and disgruntled under Moïse's rule.

Its economic, political and social woes have deepened, with gang violence spiking heavily in the capital of Port-au-Prince, inflation spiraling and food and fuel becoming scarcer at times in a country where 60% of the population makes less than $2 a day.

These troubles come as Haiti still tries to recover from the devastating 2010 earthquake and Hurricane Matthew that struck in 2016.

WASHINGTON, 08 July 2021 (TON): US President Biden told reporters that he had a message for his Russian counterpart Putin about cybersecurity, but refused to disclose its contents.

“I’ll give it to him,” Biden answered when reporters asked about the message.

He held a meeting with his staff on new cyberattacks on US targets. Local media claim that over the weekend at least 20 American IT companies were attacked by hackers allegedly operating from the territory of Russia and using a ransomware virus.

Following the meeting, journalists asked Biden about Washington’s possible response to the ongoing attacks and whether he had a message for Russian President Vladimir Putin following a meeting with representatives of his own administration and experts.

When later at a briefing, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki was asked to clarify what the essence of this message was and what form it would take, she suggested that the president was simply “not going to discuss with you. What was discussed at the last meeting.”

MOSCOW, 08 July 2021 (TON): Defense Express edition writes that the Ukrainian, American, Georgian and Moldovan military practiced actions in the face of resistance from the population at the Sea Breeze 2021 exercises.

According to the scenario of the maneuvers, the inhabitants of the region in which the military operation is taking place began to block the routes of movement of troops.

The message says “this episode of the exe-rcises was planned in such a way that its conditions were as close as possible to combat conditions, for example, to the conditions of the 2014 armed conflict in the east of Ukraine.”

The military also worked out the elimination of illegal armed formations, landing behind enemy lines and pushing them out of an am-bush using electronic warfare (EW).

The Sea Breeze 2021 maneuvers started at the end of June in the Black Sea. Five thousand military personnel, 40 aircraft and 32 ships from 32 countries take part in them.

The Russian Defense Ministry reported that the Black Sea Fleet is carrying out measures to control the actions of the participants in the exercises.

In the northwestern part of the Black Sea, on June 28, the next Sea Breeze exercise began, during which until July 10, five thousand servicemen, 40 aircraft and 32 ships from 32 countries, including the United States and other NATO members, as well as Ukraine, will take part.

LONDON, 08 July 2021 (TON): Boris Johnson will make a statement to Parliament on British troops’ final pullout from Afghanistan.

Taliban fighters have made huge gains since US and UK forces withdrew from the war-ravaged country earlier this month.

The Prime Minister, who will address the Commons at lunchtime, admitted he was apprehensive about the fraught security situation.

He told the Commons Liaison Committee today “the people of Afghanistan have been the beneficiaries of decades of UK support and investment.

“We have done our level best to help the stability, security and peace of that country. Hundreds of British troops have died in that cause and if you ask me whether I feel happy about the current situation in Afghanistan, of course I don’t.

“I’m apprehensive, I think that the situation is fraught with risks.” He hoped the government based in the capital could thrash out a peace deal with insurgents.

He told MPs “we must hope that the parties in Kabul can come together to reach an agreement and somehow or other we must hope that an accommodation must be found eventually with the Taliban.”

DHAKA, 08 July 2021 (TON): Korean contribution to help WFP provide assistance for over 860,000 Rohingyas living at Cox’s Bazar camps.

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has received a contribution of $800,000 from the government of the Republic of Korea to support operations in Myanmar and Bangladesh.

A press release said “In Myanmar, the Republic of Korea funds will help WFP respond to the needs of communities in conflict-affected Rakhine state, where WFP currently supports 3,20,000 people, including many Rohingyas, with monthly life-saving food assistance.

The impact of pre-existing poverty, Covid-19 and the ongoing political crisis is now pushing 3.4 million additional people throughout Myanmar, and particularly the urban poor, into food insecurity.

Furthermore, more than 200,000 people have been displaced from their homes due to armed clashes and violence in various parts of the country since February.

In Bangladesh, the Korean contribution will help WFP sustain its humanitarian assistance for over 860,000 Rohingya refugees living at the Cox’s Bazar camps.

About 96% of Rohingyas are entirely reliant on external assistance. With the support of WFP, all Rohingya families now have access to electronic vouchers that they can redeem for fresh and staple foods at retail outlets supplied by local businesses and farmers.

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