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By TON Resrach Team

The curfew was imposed on 9 May 2022, after peaceful protests surprisingly turned violent, killing at least nine people and injuring hundreds others. Sri Lankan police arrested hundreds of suspects in connection with last week's violent protest, however, the worsening situation is still not under control. There are reports that 38 Galle Road Colombo was involved. One of the violent arrestee by the police took the name of Eldos Mathew Punnoose, who made payments to protesters. Everyday Police arrests protesters on charges including curfew violations.
This Sunday, nationwide curfew was partially lifted to mark the Buddhist holiday of Vesak. Buildings across the Sri Lanka were flying the multi-colored Buddhist flags to mark Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and death. The newly appointed Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe of the United National Party (UNP) is still nervous despite Cabinet appointments on Sunday.
The ruling family faces accusations of corruption and mishandling of the economy. Opposition parties have refused to join any new government unless the president steps down first. The acute shortage of food and essential commodities including fuel have brought ordinary people on the roads for peaceful demonstrations.
Sri Lanka’s heavily depended on India especially during COVID-19. On the instructions from New Delhi and prolonged closed down the tourism industry was totally paralysed. The present government dependence on Western nations and India as well as attempts to approach the IMF for assistance has further ruined the nation's economy.
There is no doubt that too much dependence on West and dictation from India, especially investment of imposing Indian culture and heritage in Sri Lanka would damage tourism industry and tourism based robust economy. Sri Lanka can easily revive its economy and come out of the crisis if either the ruling government step down and allow opposition under the leadership of Sri Sanjith Premadasa and his collation to handle the situation or stop dependence on India and Western assistance as it is seriously damaging Sri Lankan sovereignty, national integrity and independence.

By F. F Mushfika

The unanimous uproar of Sri Lanka today is targeted towards the President demanding to immediately resign from his post for an interim government. The public are massively organizing protests to showcase their displeasure towards the contemporary government. The occupying of the Galle Face Green by the protestors is a significant landmark in the history of Sri Lanka. People have entirely lost their trust and confident on the president and openly slam him as an incompetent ruler. The constant brag of his brother Mahindha Rajapaksha – the ex-Prime minister, his victory over the horrendous 30 years’ war while addressing the nation, has even more instigated hate upon the Rajapaksha regime. People have become vigilant. The sense of manipulation has influenced the fighters to emerge against the government for a common cause. The demonstrators are emotionally associating themselves with the struggle with strong building of ties among the minorities which was at a split in the past. They together are chanting “GotaGoHome” as a pivotal part.

The most striking element of this protest is its creativity. The protestors displace their anger through several unique manners with art, style, drama, and humor which has attracted global attention, thereby urging the current government for an immediate action and measures. The demonstrators are committed in engaging in a peaceful protest throughout the country with the support of the law and order. Amidst any violation of their fundamental rights the BAR ASSOCIATION of lawyers come flocking up to rescue the alleged violators. Hence, the message to the president is sufficiently clear – to leave his position and go home.

President Gotabhaya Rajapaksha – assumed duty in 2019 as the 8th President of Sri Lanka. He has a tremendous record of serving in the military and defeating the Tamil Tigers providing an end card to the long and destructive civil war. During his campaign as a candidate of the Presidential election he stood up on a pro-nationalistic platform providing that of an economic development and a safe society. The citizens of Sri Lanka being horrified by the Easter Attack prior to the election confided unto him with a percentage of 52.25 votes. The former government failing to secure the trust due to its inability to save the country from an attack that they could have evaded, paved way to the sole reason for their loss. Ironically the same government that rose into an immense power with a majoritarian vote is facing a relentless chase by the public with demands for the President to step down as it is the people’s mandate.

What has led down to this situation? How did the President lose his enormous support with a short span of time? This needs to be discussed in a broad and extended manner with a deliberate analysis of the crisis that is on-going in Sri Lanka currently.

Unfortunately, Gotabhaya Rajapaksha seemingly portray himself as a leader who has failed the nation. Upon coming into power, we witness a leader who is considerate of prioritizing his family over the state by giving rise into nepotism. Providing the highest positions to his fellow family members of Rajapakshas such as Mahindha, Basil, Chamal, Yoshitha, Nirmala and Namal – the President hitherto has laid down a regime of nepotism. Along with that, the Presidential pardon to Duminda Silva upon assuming the Executive Presidency – 20th amendment, and several other murder convicts induced a sense of threat to the democratic reforms of the country. People were noticing the ignorance and started to draw threads unto political games. The series of non-ethical conduct of the President as of convicting Ranjan Ramanayake over a contempt of court and so on collided with the intention of the Presidency in a bad light.

Although these facts did not immediately escort the people to walk into the street, they do ring a bell. Further, the rising inflation together with money printing along with the depreciation of the local currency due to the shortage of the foreign reserve entrusted the government to supply the essentials in demand. The hiking prices and extending queues at filling stations outraged the commoners. At some point it necessitated them to get on to the street calling for the President to quit along with the abolishment of the 20th amendment. They further urged the government to restore democracy that was sustained by the 19th amendment. Despite their demonstrations the President stood unchanged and was reluctant to give up his position. It further provoked the public and there were mass gatherings in support of the people at Galle Face Green, all over the country. The unstoppable price hikes and the incompetent nature of the president being unable to resolve the immediate issues such as the shortages of food, LP gas, milk and fuel instigated the protestors for a system change.

In fact, the inability of the government to provide a relief to the grievances ensured that there was a serious corruption and mismanagement of funds. The demonstrators perceived this as a requirement for a mandatory system change. This they believed to be started from the Rajapakshas withdrawing from the political arena. The uproar for the President and his family to step down remains unchanged even today. There have been so many challenging issues and attempts were made to disperse the peaceful protestors into violence, yet they stayed on their grounds, intellectually handling the matters.

It is unrealistic for the President Gotabhaya to carry on his power up until the next election. People are moving towards anarchy and the President does have a responsibility to stop the country from falling into it. Today the people are demanding a systematic change by questioning the privileges of the politicians and strongly steering against a future with corruption. The fear of losing the country to bankruptcy and thereby losing means of survival, threatens the lives of the citizens. Therefore, people are not ready for any compromises other than that of the stepping down of the Presidency.

Further, the government’s decision to ban the chemical fertilizers and cutting down the taxes at the beginning are factors which have enormously reduced the revenue that has led to the current economic crisis. The government under the headmaster of Gotabhaya Rajapaksa even failed to have reached International Monetary Funding far before is a constant reminder to the people of his inability and egoistic nature. The 58-year-old Vish Govindasamy an oldest business entity recalled as the emergency of seeking the IMF assistance long back “fell on deaf ears” of the President. Had it have been done, today’s disaster in economy could have been spared to a greater extent.

This connects to the attention that the aforementioned are the causes that lead to the present tumultuous situation of economic downfall which is believed to get worse than getting better. The collaborative call for the Presidency to step down is a fundamental issue in the domain of the Sri Lankans today. It has been the outcome of long-lost hope that was built in an individual as an ultimate hero. President Gotabhaya Rajapaksha received his position by a majoritarian of votes and the same people are demanding for him to quit and let the government for a system change with an inclusion of intellectuals and young political minds with no greed for power. Therefore, it is very important for him to mandate with the decision of the public and accept their disapproval and dissatisfaction while paving way for a constructive change as well.

WASHINGTON, 17 May 2022, (TON): Counselor of the Department Derek Chollet will lead an interagency delegation to Chisinau, Moldova, from May 17 to 18.

He will meet with Moldovan government officials to discuss the impact of the war in Ukraine on Moldova, continue discussions of our 30-year U.S.-Moldovan partnership under the framework of our Strategic Dialogue, and meet with refugees fleeing Russia’s war against Ukraine.

Counselor Chollet’s visit will reinforce U.S. support for Moldova’s democracy, prosperity, and security.

Counselor Chollet will travel to Tbilisi, Georgia, from May 18 to 19 to for consultations with our Georgian partners about European security and democratic development.

He will meet with government, opposition, and civil society representatives for discussions on Russia’s continuing occupation of parts of Georgia, on the Kremlin’s brutal war against Ukraine.

RIYADH, 17 May 2022, (TON): The governor of Saudi Arabia’s Northern Borders region, Prince Faisal bin Khalid, received Natalie Fustier, UN resident coordinator in the Kingdom.

During the meeting, the pair discussed a number of issues of common interest.

There are currently 21 UN agencies, funds and programs working with Saudi Arabia, including regional offices, and the Kingdom is a major contributor to the UN’s development assistance.

WASHINGTON, 17 May 2022, (TON): The United States intends to continue working to strengthen relations with the United Arab Emirates.

This was announced by US Vice President Kamala Harris, speaking on Monday in Abu Dhabi to American journalists who accompanied her on a trip to the funeral ceremony of the previous leader of the Middle Eastern country, Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan.

The deputy head of the US administration said “Harris’ remarks led her press pool, we are here to discuss the strength of this partnership and this friendship, as well as our commitment to continue working in the future to strengthen this relationship.”

“We are here as a delegation on behalf of President [US Joe Biden], the American people and our administration, to express our condolences to our friend and partner in the United Arab Emirates. And also to congratulate the new [UAE] President and reaffirm our common commitment to security and prosperity.”

The Vice President emphasized “in this region, [to state that] this relationship benefits the American people in terms of security and prosperity.”

RAMALLAH, 17 May 2022, (TON): The Palestinian Authority has reiterated its appeal to the EU to provide its pledged aid without conditions.

The authority is concerned about the continuing uncertainty over the EU’s annual financial support for its budget despite holding several meetings with senior EU officials in recent months.

Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammed Shtayyieh, who met EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell Fontelles in Brussels last week, urged the bloc to expedite the transfer of its financial support, which has been suspended for two years.

Shtayyieh pointed to a growing financial crisis caused by the drop in external support and the continuation of Israel’s deductions from the tax it collects on behalf of the PA.

Shtayyieh said “we have called on the European Union to provide its pledged aid without conditions. We hope to accomplish this very soon.”

PARIS, 17 May 2022, (TON): Elisabeth Born, who has until now headed the Ministry of Labor, has become the new Prime Minister of France.

This is stated in a statement from the Elysee Palace, received by the Paris bureau of TASS.

The communiqué said “the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, has appointed Elisabeth Born to the post of Prime Minister and instructed her to form a new government.”

Born replaced Jean Castex, who led the Cabinet since July 2020 and resigned on Monday during a meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron, at the head of the French government . Bourne became the second woman in French history to be appointed prime minister.

As expected, after the official appointment, Born should start forming a new cabinet. Its important task will be to prepare for the parliamentary elections, which will be held in France in two rounds – June 12 and 19.

MOSCOW, 17 May 2022, (TON): President Vladimir Putin said “Russia had no issue with Finland and Sweden, but that the expansion of military infrastructure on their territory would demand a reaction from Moscow, as the Nordic countries move closer to joining NATO.”

Putin, speaking in Moscow at a summit of the Russian-led Collective Security Treaty Organization, said “ATO’s expansion was a problem for Russia and that it must look closely at what he said were the US-led military alliance’s plans to increase its global influence.”

RIYADH, 17 May 2022, (TON): Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman paid a visit to Abu Dhabi to offer his condolences on the death of Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al-Nahyan.

The crown prince was received at the airport by the President of the UAE, Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al-Nahyan.

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is received by the President of the UAE, Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al-Nahyan.

The visit comes under the direction of King Salman, and Sheikh Mohamed expressed his thanks and appreciation to the crown prince for his sincere feelings toward the UAE and its people in their time of grief.

The crown prince departed for the Kingdom after paying his respects and Sheikh Mohamed saw him off at the airport.

HYANGAN, 17 May 2022, (TON): The Taiwanese military began its annual Hanguang command post exercise, which will take into account the latest changes in military tactics in Ukraine. This was re-ported by the Taiwan Central News Agency.

According to the head of the defense department of the island, Qiu Guozheng “the exercises will reflect the experience of hostilities in Ukraine, as well as imitate the aggravation of relations with mainland China. Their first stage will last five days and end on May 20th.”

Only senior command personnel will take part in the exercises, which will develop both defensive and offensive operations for various branches and types of troops.

According to the Hong Kong newspaper “South China Morning Post, the Hanguang exercises will be held in several stages: on July 25, after the completion of the command and staff unit, their second stage will begin.”

It will include live firing and will also last five days. According to the publication, the troops will work out the tactics of using Javelin anti-tank missile systems and Stinger man-portable air defense systems, which are used by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

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