Derailing the democracy through a noble prize-winner

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By Afshain Afzal

The very first statement Sajeeb Wajed, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Wajed’s son gave was, "My mother was so disappointed that she even thought of considering the proposal of her resigning as after all her hard work for the minority, they rise up against her.” As today, there is no evidence that Prime Minister Hasina resigned or left for India. The helicopter and transport aircraft story as well as the one narrated by India was discussed but on the ground it was not implemented. Careful observation of the video clip attributed to PM Hasina and her sister claiming to be taken before fleeing for India proves that PM Hasina or her sister were not the ladies seen in white Saree in the video as neither the physique was matching PM Hasina nor being a 77 year old lady, PM Hasina can mount on a SUV by standing on the pedestal as shown in the video.

The Indian and Western nations since long planned to introduce a broad-based government in Bangladesh with Indians, Iranians and other minorities controlling the helm of affairs. To achieve this task the West assigned Nobel laureate Dr Muhammad Yunus, who took oath on 7 August 2024, as the head of Bangladesh's interim government. Yesterday Dr Yunus spoke to the media and said, “People are being attacked, houses are being burnt, properties are being destroyed, instances of theft, offices are being destroyed, minorities are being attacked; Hindus, Buddhists, Christians and Ahmadiyyas are all under attack. Our responsibilities are to protect everyone; all are our brothers and sisters." By such misleading statements the masses around the world will get an impression if the killings carried out in Bangladesh in recent days were that of Bangladeshi minority members. Can Dr Yunus disclose how many minority members got killed since the protests started till today? Independent reports confirm only two deaths and one not related to protests. As the head of Bangladesh's interim government, Muhammad Yunus must clarify motives behind such misinformation before he may be allowed to proceed further.

There are reports that Dr Muhammad Younus changed his religion to Christianity and started attending Church sessions after marrying his first wife, Vera Forostenko, who was also a lifetime member of St. Vladimir's Orthodox Church, Trenton, and St. Alexander Nevsky Russian Orthodox Cathedral, Lakewood. In 1977, first daughter Monica Yunus was born but a few months after the birth of baby girl, Dr Yunus divorced Vera Forostenko, who returned to the US along with few months old Monica to live with her parents, claiming that Bangladesh was not a good place to raise a baby girl. Later, little girl suffered from identity crisis but managed to become an opera singer in New York City.

The drama being staged after the kidnapping of a sitting Prime Minister of a sovereign nation has not been condemned by a single country. Without understanding its repercussions nations are welcoming the formation of an interim government of criminals and money launderers. The fact cannot be denied that Dr Muhammad Yunus, as the head of Bangladesh's interim government was undergoing sentence for his criminal activities. He deposited $1.2M evaded tax amount outstanding against him and a huge amount is still pending as tax evasion. He also influenced the US against the US government and caused blocking of $3 billion funding of the World Bank for the country’s biggest multipurpose Padma bridge project. There is a requirement that UNO and human rights organizations must support the reinstatement of a democratically elected Prime Minister of Bangladesh.


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