Afshain Afzal

Afshain Afzal

By Afshain Afzal

The contemporary geo-strategic environment and threats of leakage of strategic data and air violations demand Pakistan’s control over her space. The security calculus demands Pakistan's government monopoly and control over the aviation industry. The recent statement of Chairman Privatization Commission Mr. Abdul Aleem Khan that he would allow divestment of 51% to 100% shares of Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) and amendment in Request for Statement of Qualification (RSOQ) has exposed the dirty game being played with regard the Pakistan’s flag bearer airliner in the same manner Privatization Commission did with the selling of state-owned Habib Bank Limited.

The question arises did the International Monetary Fund (IMF) ever recommend the sale or privatization of PIA, Steel Mill or other State Owned Enterprises (SOEs)? No IMF or World Bank never put such demand as a condition for the grant of loan but instead recommended serious restructuring and investment. The name of IMF is being linked with the sale of 31 State Owned Enterprises. The board of directors of PIA has already approved the government's plan to privatize the national flag carrier ahead of the country securing a new loan programme but still Pakistan's strategic asset can be saved from going into the hands of inexperienced, financially weak and ineligible due to failing to meet the conditions announced earlier by Privatization Commission.

Pakistan has allowed all national and foreign airlines to operate from all international airports of Pakistan, which is also the main cause of losses. Hence all International Flight Operations to and from most International Airports of Pakistan are permissible. It's rare for any country to grant these rights. This is good for competition but dangerous for national security. Let us have a look what the other developed nations do with their aviation industries. In the US the federal government prohibits foreign airlines from operating flights between American cities. Under US law, foreign-owned or operated airlines are not allowed to fly routes within the United States. Air Cabotage laws ban foreign airlines from operating routes between US airports. With regard to commercial flights, the United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority do not accept foreign or European Union Aviation Safety Agency. Therefore, the operator would have to limit to one stop in the UK or include a tech stop outside the UK. Similarly, in Germany air carriers based outside the European Economic Area are not allowed to operate flights within the community, however, member states are entitled to operate flights within the community but still a special application or notification is not required.

If we critically examine why PIA failed to perform as a profitable enterprise we can enumerate some of the main reasons. These include inexperienced and inefficient leadership from other departments or unfit blue-eyed persons, employment of employees by politicians and Grade-22 officials without considering merit or recruitment rules, corruption and kickbacks in purchases including acquisition of aircraft and equipment, personal interests in agreements with stakeholders, third parties including award of contracts and making fake entries or certifications regarding maintenance on international standards of emission etc and where Pakistan all foreign airlines to operate in all the international airports but PIA is restricted to one stop only. It is high time to give up the idea of selling PIA and Islamabad must follow the IMF recommendations including restructuring and investment by engaging the private sector, of course under certain guarantees.

NEW DELHI, 24 September 2024, (TON):- In a move to promote the global technology initiative, the United States has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Indian government to invest in expanding India's semiconductor industry.    

The chip plant will focus on meeting the requirement of three essential pillars for modern warfare – advanced sensing, advanced communications, and high-voltage power electronics.

Direct negotiations between the United States Space Force and Indian firms Bharat Semi and 3rdiTech for a strategic technology partnership to set up a semiconductor fabrication plant in India concluded. In this regard, besides a list of classified components, the new semiconductor fabrication plant would manufacture infrared, gallium nitride, and silicon carbide chips.

The long-term objective of setting up the industry in India is to have a monopoly over global supply chains in semiconductors. India and Taiwan are already working on joint production while US Space Force is in India since 2019. Now India is trying to persuade Taiwanese companies to invest in India to neutralize Chinese influence on semiconductor industry. It would ultimately end in neutralizing Taiwanese-lead in semiconductors technology, especially Artificial Intelligence.

By Afshain Afzal

On 20th September 2024, the first phase of Lok Sabha engineered elections 2024 was held in seven districts of Indian-held Jammu and Kashmir including Anantnag, Doda, Kishtwar, Kulgam, Pulwama, Ramban, and Shopian. The Kashmiris made complaints that the Indian Army had made clear announcements that those who would not cast their votes will be expelled from their jobs, their children dropped from schools and will be charged with treason. They made announcements that Indian authorities have installed surveillance cameras along all the routes and webcasting in all the polling stations to identify all Kashmiris who are loyal to India and who are the enemies. Witnesses including Nazir Bhat and Mohammad Irshad said that the Indian security forces threatened them to misbehave with their women and other members of their families if they do not cooperate.

Polling for 24 seats of the 90-member Indian-held Jammu and Kashmir Assembly was held, with clear orders to the security forces to shoot at sight. Chief Electoral Officer Pandurang K. Pole said in a statement that Indian security forces provided tight security and last two weeks, 23 Kashmiris were killed and 13 injured to create deterrence. Election Commission of India had set up 3,276 polling stations with webcasting to ensure a fair and transparent voting process. Over 23.27 lakh voters were entitled to cast ballots to determine the fate of 219 candidates. The second phase of the elections is scheduled to be held on 25 September and the third and final on 1 October, whereas the counting of votes will take place on 8 October 2024.

The Kashmiris around the world and the people of Pakistan have rejected the illegitimate Lok Sabha elections in the disputed state of Jammu and Kashmir and have called upon the international community to hold Prime Minister Narendra Modi government accountable for ongoing human rights violations and war crimes by Indian security forces against Kashmiris. The extent of violation of human rights can be judged from the fact that each year thousands of Kashmiris are killed by the Indian Army and Para Military forces and many are kidnapped with no traces at all. When complaints are lodged against the Indian Army or Para Military Forces in Jammu & Kashmir, these are dismissed as “false and baseless” or “with other ulterior motives of maligning the image of Armed Forces.” If a complaint is lodged against Indian Army it is dismissed under Rule 24 of the Army Rules, 1954 after a pre-trial procedure called the summary of evidence and there is no possibility for the victims’ families to appeal or review the decision reached through the Indian military justice system.

It is disappointing that Pakistan and the US are trusted allies and thousands of Pakistanis sacrificed their lives in joint and separate operations but Washington is backing New Delhi by violating the right of self-determination of the Kashmiris of Jammu and Kashmir, which is still on the agenda and pending issues of United Nations Security Council. It is generally believed that Washington prevented Islamabad from challenging the Lok Sabha elections in Jammu and Kashmir. There is a strong need engage the United Nations Organization and International Human Rights organizations to take concrete steps toward conducting a plebiscite in line with United Nations Security Council Resolutions on Jammu and Kashmir state and take notice of human rights violations against Kashmiris.

By Afshain Afzal

The 18th of September 2024, passed as a normal busy day in Pakistan despite the fact the first phase of Lok Sabha elections was held in Jammu and Kashmir which authenticated that Jammu and Kashmir is no more part of Pakistan and dispute between India and Pakistan is no more a pending issue. To a sheer disappointment, Pakistan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs neither challenged nor condemned New Delhi’s evil attempt of legalizing Indian occupation by holding Lok Sabha election in Jammu and Kashmir. Earlier, to much disappointment Pakistan’s foreign office spokesperson issued a weak statement during a press briefing on 12 September 2024, in which Islamabad condemned the decision by the Indian Court upholding several political parties. In other words, Islamabad encouraged Lok Sabha elections in Indian-held Jammu and Kashmir and desired that all Kashmiri political parties should be allowed to participate. 

On the day of Lok Sabha elections, Pakistan’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Munir Akram instead of highlighting Indian terrorism in Pakistan, Indian held Jammu and Kashmir or Afghanistan and illegitimate elections, introduced a new terminology of “Fitna al-Khawarij” (the murderers of 4th Caliph Ali bin Abu Talib) at the forum of UNSC before 34th report of the UN monitoring team at Qatar and raised alarms bells against Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) backed by ruling Government of Taliban in Afghanistan and their growing alliance with Al-Qaeda that could soon elevate it to a central role in regional and global terrorist activities. One wonders are we not inviting foreign forces to be deployed in Afghanistan and part of Pakistan where such elements are claimed to be hiding? 

One wonders why Pakistan mostly feels shy in naming India for terrorist activities inside Pakistan and elsewhere. On the Lok Sabha elections in held Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan Ambassador said, “TTP, known as Fitna Al Khawarij in Pakistan, as the largest terrorist organization in Afghanistan that is conducting almost daily terrorist attacks against Pakistan with full support and protection of the Afghan Interim Government (AIG) and sponsorship of Pakistan’s major adversary”. It is shocking that Ambassador did not name India and instead used a phrase “Pakistan’s major adversary”? Instead of lobbying for the recognition of Afghanistan, Pakistan's Foreign Office summoned the Afghan Chargé d’Affaires and lodged a strong protest over the Peshawar Acting Consul General’s breach of diplomatic etiquette on the day the UNSC gathered to initiate a report on Afghanistan.

It is strange that despite incriminating evidence of Indian involvement in almost all the terrorist attacks in Pakistan, especially in Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan fails to name India or its nationals who operate under the cover of TTP or Afghans. To quote an example on 10 May 2011, French agencies provided incriminating evidence that Indian national Mohammad Niaz Abdur Rasheed resident of Madurai, India along with his members adopted the cover of Al Qaeda and engaged in terrorism in Pakistan, Afghanistan against Europeans and Americans. Can India deny Mohammad Niaz's Indian nationality or his involvement in terrorism? We cannot deny that in Pakistan Indian agents are systematically inducted in Pakistani departments and they do not let the truth come out.

By Afshain Afzal

With over 200 cases of fraud, misuse of power, corruption and money laundering and causing loss of billions of dollars against the Nobel Laureate Mohammad Yunus in different courts of Bangladesh, Muhammad Yunus has asked the World Bank to lend its technical support to recover billions of dollars of stolen assets siphoned off from Bangladesh by corrupt individuals during PM Sheikh Hasina’s rule and to bring back stolen assets. A direct question to Nobel Laureate Mohammad Yunus, 'Is he along with his group of accomplices ready to present themselves for accountability and punishment?' The World Bank country chief in a statement said, ‘We are happy to help you”. It is surprising, rather shocking that countries including the US and institutions including the World Bank and the Islamic Development Bank have announced support to Bangladesh’s interim and illegitimate setup funds amounting to $ 202 million, $ 3 billion and $5 billion respectively.

To build ‘a zero-corruption Bangladesh, everyone must first be prepared to present himself for self-accountability by giving access to official data of all transactions and deals. Will Muhammad Yunus and his 38 accomplices including Grameen Telecom team; Nazmul Islam, Naznin Sultana, Ashraful Hassan, Parvin Mahmud, Muhammad Shahjahan, Nurjahan Begum, and SM Huzzatul Islam Latifee, Sramik-Karmachari, lawyers Zafrul Hasan Sharif and Yusuf Ali, Union members. Can Muhammad Yunus deny that in a single case Bangladeshi Court ordered him to pay US $4.5 million in outstanding taxes, being a government employee he was running businesses, transferring foreign loans amounting in billions of dollars in his private accounts and after some time transferring back, selling Grameen trade mark to foreigners, despite ineligible receiving salary and privileges for decades, tax evasion and money laundering and over 200 cases were pending against him in Bangladesh and foreign countries when Bangladeshi government was ousted last month?

Meanwhile, as PM Sheikh Hasina is all set to return to Bangladesh, the interim authorities are in a fix as the masses are likely to support her come back. Intelligence reports circulating in Dhaka said that law enforcement agencies including RAB would not be able to control or resist PM Hasina’s comeback.

Meanwhile, Muhammad Yunus who is in strong relations with India and other nations has pressurized Bangladesh’s government to grant commissioned officers of Bangladesh Army powers of Special Executive Magistrate, regard to the conduct offences under Sections 64, 65, 83, 84, 86, 95(2), 100, 105, 107, 109, 110, 126, 127, 128, 130, 133 and 142 of the Code of Criminal Procedure 1898. This means we are about to witness take over of Bangladesh by the US, India and the World Bank etc and reign of terror through state and international machinaries. The money funded will be used to conduct a reign of terror to achieve anti-Bangladesh objectives.

By Afshain Afzal

As of 7 September 2024, Hamas is waiting for concrete steps by Israel and her Western allies to restore peace in Gaza and Palestinian territories. In a statement issued here at the Ukrainian capital during a one-to-one meeting between stakeholders head of the Hamas government in exile said, "We are waiting for the International community to come into action for the execution of arrest warrants issued by the International Criminal Court (ICC). The Palestinian leadership is ready to give guarantees for the appearance of those Palestinians against whom arrest warrants have been issued by the International Court, subject to subsequent surrender by the Israel leaders involved in genocide and war crimes.

In another development, the heads of the American and British Intelligence agencies confirmed that they are working on a ceasefire and hostage deal in Gaza. In this regard, US CIA Director William Burns and British MI6 Chief Richard Moore said in a joint statement, "Our intelligence agencies had exploited available intelligence channels to push hard for restraint and de-escalation.”

They said, "ceasefire between Israel and Hamas in the war could end the suffering and loss of life of Palestinian civilians as well as bring home the hostages reportedly under confinement”. However, the strategy to reach to the Hamas leadership and traces of Israeli hostages miserably failed as the Polio teams in Gaza had failed to find evidence. This ground reality has exposed those Israeli false allegations that Israeli hostages are held by Hamas in Gaza. The WHO claims that they have completed the first phase of polio vaccination in Gaza.

The agencies are positive, “We are still to waiting to check remaining areas in the garb of Polio campaign”, but to a disappointment Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a statement that reports of a breakthrough are inaccurate. There is no doubt that Hamas is not involved in the 7th October 2023 terrorist attacks on Israel and no knowledge about hostages made on 6th October. Meanwhile, the Palestinians have already announced their independence as the Islamic Republic of Palestine on 26 July 2024 and majority of the countries have recognized Palestine as an independent and sovereign state. These countries including their civil aviation and other organizations have altered their maps by adding Palestine as a sovereign state. Hamas leadership in exile demanded immediate arrest of war criminals against whom arrest warrants have been issued failing which death warrants may be issued for those who refuse to obey the ICC's orders. No matter what Prime Minister Netanyahu says hopes are high for a long-lasting peace between Jews and Muslims.



By Afshain Afzal

The cat is out of bag… Indian operations against Bangladesh are not only exposed but New Delhi has no place to hide. PM Sheikh Hasina exposed the role of the US but the Indian wish list to annex Bangladesh as Indian Union, with a special autonomous status, has been recently exposed. Nevertheless, the main player at the stage, Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus is unable to take over the stage due to premature leakages. Muhammad Yunus was always close to India due to pre-partition origin but we noticed the frequency of air travel to India by Muhammad Yunus increased before and after the award of the Noble Prize. India awarded Yunus "Shera Bangalee 2006". At Kolkata, India plans were chalked out to replace Bangladeshi leadership with Muhammad Yunus and Indian-origin migrants to Bangladesh. Grameen Banks of Bangladesh and Indian West Bengal banks merged as Paschim th Banga Gramin Bank (PBGB) and Bangiya Gramin Vikash Bank (BGVB) established in February 2007. Muhammad Yunus has embezzled billions of dollars, involved in money laundering and anti-Bangladesh activities.

If the latest development New Delhi has asked Muhammad Yunus if PM Hasina should be allowed pre-recorded limited access to media but disallowed and PM Hasina was given a disgraceful ultimatum, “I have told Hasina that she should keep her mouth shut till her trial commence.” In another development, Indian West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has declined to endorse a deal signed during former PM of India Manmohan Singh's Dhaka in 2011 while Bangladesh's Chief Adviser Muhammad Yunus has come up with a new agreement to resolve the Teesta water-sharing treaty with India. There is a conspiracy going on to deprive Bangladesh’s rights over the rivers. Dhaka must not repeat the mistake Pakistan committed by signing the 1960 Indus Water Treaty, which deprived Pakistan of its due share according to International law. The Bangladeshi nation needs to understand that regimes and interim governments should not be allowed to deal with such matters, and all decisions should be based on international law.

Muhammad Yunus has started political victimization in which many political leaders of Awami Party and allies have disappeared and some arrested without warrants. The Interim puppet led by Muhammad Yunus has also closed 'Access to Information' (A2I) programme between the Government of Bangladesh and UNDP which was progressing well. Earlier Muhammad Yunus pressurized the World Bank to block funding Bangladesh's Padma bridge project, however, now he is working to get loans worth $14 billion from the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, Asian Development Bank and other international lenders. It is high time for the people of Bangladesh to stop self-centered businessman Muhammad Yunus from undertaking strategic decisions that will ultimately deprive the sovereignty and integrity of Bangladesh. The international community must also pressurize India to allow PM Hasina freedom of speech and movement as well as access to media.

By Afshain Afzal

Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina Wajed disappeared on 5 August 2024 and still missing, but no one is bothered as the UNO, Human Rights and International Organization have full faith on Bangladeshi mob and plotters that PM Hasina resigned and fled to India. No one is certain if she has been kidnapped, unconstitutionally detained by Bangladesh authorities or in the illegal custody of India but all seems OK as it is in the interest of the stakeholders. Almost over a month has passed but no official or public statement has been issued by the Prime Minister of Bangladesh which is a matter of concern.

All guess works converge at a point that the political and human rights of PM Hasina and her party as well as all who follow her ideology have been violated but the UNO and Human Rights organizations are silent observers as nothing has happened. Quite surprisingly, the stage is all set to execute PM Hasina after depriving her from her premiership despite enjoying 3 / 4th majority and despite most of those killed or arrested in the June – August protests belonged to PM Hasina party or allies. At least 12 criminal cases filed against PM Hasina including nine for murder, one for abduction, and two for committing crimes against humanity and genocide in Bangladesh to create hatred in the minds and hearts against the leaders who voted to get independence from foreign rulers and partition from Hindu majority India.

PM Sheikh Hasina who ruled Bangladesh from 1996 to 2001, was accused by two businessmen in separate cases of extortion totalling 80 million taka and murder. If we recall former PM Khaleda Zia, who regained power in 2001 was arrested in 2007 on corruption charges. Similarly, PM Hasina was also arrested and held in prison on charges of extortion by the military-backed government. The charges against Hasina were dropped but she continued to face some extortion and corruption charges. Due to weak justice system such political victimization and delaying tactics as matter of routine, which should have not occurred.

After the unconstitutional ouster of PM Hasina on 5 August 2024, an unconstitutional and illegitimate government led by Interim Government of Bangladesh’s Chief Adviser Muhammad Yunus took the stage and is misusing powers and authority as if he is democratically elected leader of Bangladesh. In the recent development, Muhammad Yunus signed the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearances on 29 August 2024. Next task on the agenda is proactively work towards the full implementation of the Convention by ratifying it and enacting a strong domestic legislation. If we recall, on 29 August 2024, the unconstitutional interim government announced a 5 member commission of inquiry that would investigate reports of enforced disappearances between January 2010 and August 2024. We should not forget that Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus has been assigned by the invisible elements from foreign lands to ensure ratification of International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearances, remove reservations and declarations by Bangladesh while signing International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights to abolition of the death penalty, allow comeback of enemies of Bangladesh like Taslima Nasreen, develop equity between the illegal non-Bengalis and original Bengali Muslims, Hindus and others, remove the names of all Bengali leaders who created Pakistan including the family of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and to establish broad-based pro-Indian and pro-Western secular government in Bangladesh.

By Afshain Afzal

A United Nations team headed by Mr Rory Mungoven, Chief of the Asia-Pacific region at the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, arrived in Bangladesh on 22 August 2024, to discuss with unconstitutionally installed interim government the process of investigating alleged human rights violations during the recent movement, which toppled the government of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in August 2024. The official statement from the UN’s team said, “It is important to note that this visit is not an investigation, but rather it will focus on discussing the process for investigating human rights violations in light of the recent violence and unrest.” The UNO is a world organization of peace and justice and one expects that this organization will carry out probe and investigation on the basis of internationally-recognized justice system, democratic norms and rule of law.

It is alleged that the UN fact-finding team is in Bangladesh to probe atrocities committed during the student protest in July-August 2024. However, it is on record that all the parties including Awami League of PM Sheikh Hasina have called for probe into the killing during the unrest and identification of those who were behind the killing of students and other during the protest. The video and photographs of June – August 2024 reflected that anti-PM Hasina mobs carrying large sticks and iron rods killed or injured many of PM Hasia loyalists including students, government officials especially police personnel, lawyers, judges, politicians and others including ordinary citizens. In a statement PM Hasina said, “I want everything to be investigated, because it needs to be found out what happened behind it and how these happened. I have appealed to United Nations to send their experts. If any other country wants they can send their experts too”. She added, “I want these incidents to be investigated properly. We’ll have to take action against the culprits no matter who they are”.

If we recall, on 10 December 2021, the US Treasury Department imposed sanctions on Bangladesh’s paramilitary force, the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB), as well as seven of its current and former officers due to serious human rights violations whereas RAB received training and equipment from USA and operated in a manner taught by the Americans. Later, the Human Rights Watch, Bangladesh opened forced disappearances Inquiry on 29 August 2023. Statements such as one from the US issued last year said, “those undermining democratic elections would be denied visas” and similar other statements generally encourage activism by Human Rights organizations that is taken as direct support by powerful western governments. This bring the UNO and human right organizations into action but surprisingly, on 15 May 2024, US Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia Donald Lu told the Bangladesh government that they would support the withdrawal of sanctions against RAB. The US also asked Bangladesh to ensure timely payments to American companies conducting business.

One wonders why the US Treasury Department imposed sanctions on Bangladesh’s paramilitary force, the RAB, as well as seven of its current and former officers due to serious human rights violations and why after two years later, the US authorities claimed to be supporting the withdrawal of sanctions against RAB…. It seems these are mere pressure tactics, blackmailing political governments and noting else. Are these actions by powerful nations tricks, pressure tactics, blackmailing’s or what? It is strange that India has made the whole Kashmir nation, after illegally declaring disputed Jammu and Kashmir State as part of Indian Union and all those who resist are eliminated but the UNO is silent. Similarly, in Gaza same practice is followed by the Israelis forces, who are continuously carrying out genocide and other war crimes against Palestinian Muslims. Quite surprisingly this time it is the turn is of Bangladesh where PM Hasina has been deprived from her premiership despite enjoying 3 / 4th majority and most of those killed or arrested belonged to PM Hasina party or allies, but at least 12 criminal cases filed against Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina including nine for murder, one for abduction, and two for committing crimes against humanity and genocide in Bangladesh. Human and political rights in Bangladesh require the restoration of democracy and the return of PM Hasina.

By Afshain Afzal

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Ukraine was not a pleasant one. Indian Ministry of External Affairs issued a statement ahead of the departure of Prime Minister Modi's visit to Ukraine and Poland that it will widen and deepen India-Ukraine and India-Poland relations. Embarrassment after embarrassment, the Indian foreign policy has been exposed; first the Indian role in destabilizing Bangladesh and feeding wrong intelligence inputs and pulses that led to pro-Indian interim government in Bangladesh and now Indian military personnel caught redhanded campaigning inside Ukraine helping Russia in achieving military targets. Without condemning either Russian or Ukrainians, Prime Minister Modi concluded his visit by saying. “As a friend and partner, we hope for an early return of peace and stability in the region.” Indian External Affairs Minister Dr S Jaishankar also concluded the visit, "The two sides need to engage with each other to find an acceptable solution."

The fact cannot be denied that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky summoned Prime Minister Modi to answer a few simple questions including, “What the Indian nationals in Russian uniforms doing in Ukraine?” and “India must guarantee a complete end to any further recruitment of Indian nationals in the Russian Army”. Although, this was the first-ever visit by an Indian Prime Minister to Ukraine since diplomatic relations were established between the two countries in 1992 but we saw no smiles on the faces of the two leaders. India still buys more than 50% of its defence equipment from Russia but in recent days, Washington has discussed India’s prime role in Indo-Pacific Alliance that would allow Indian hegemony over the South Asian and Eastern nations. Washington has given assurance to New Delhi of its control of Gilgit Baltistan and Azad Jammu and Kashmir to have a direct link with Afghanistan and Central Asian states on the guarantee that India will contribute bulk of her soldiers in restoring American and alliance influence over the areas of influence and dominance as well as Indian scientists for the experimentations.

Early this years there were reports that hundreds of Indians joining the Russian forces to fight against Muslim dominance in the coastal areas of Ukraine and that eight Indian nationals who joined Russian forces were killed in Ukraine. In March Indian Central Bureau of Investigation confirmed that two Russia-based agents involved in human-trafficking network that pushed Indians into the Ukraine war zone. However, this was taken as cover-up stories and later New Delhi officially admitted that many Indian nationals proceeded to Russia on “support jobs” in Russian military but Indian authorities had no idea that they would be sent to front line in war against Ukraine. Indian agencies also tried to link it with Islamic State in India but the on-ground evidence reflects non-Muslim Indian nationals induction in the Russian Army and serving Indian Armed Forces personnel in advisory roles. If we recall, in March eight Indian nationals were killed in Ukraine, two months back three more Indians were killed fighting in Ukraine. In July one more soldier was killed while now an Indian military advisor is reported in custody being interrogated.

India is facing an embracing situation when several Indian nationals were caught spying for Russia in the past but it was brushed aside. This time, with the killing of Indian national Sandeep Chandran son of Kankil Chandran, resident of Nayarangadi in Thrissur district in an attack on a Russian military group in Ukraine has not only created mistrust between Ukraine and India but also Washington and New Delhi as India is playing her own game despite a strong member of the Western alliance. The report that an Indian military advisor is reported in custody is being interrogated but the same could not be confirmed by independent sources. One wonders that when there is a great need of peace and harmony around the world India’s double game in many fronts around the world is a matter of concern. Where the peace-loving Indian civilians and a majority of politicians are unaware of what Indian military and intelligence services are doing, India is trapped in a dangerous game where not only India as a nation is dragged into an awkward situation but the security and safety of the who regions has been threatened.

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