Afshain Afzal

Afshain Afzal

Gaza, 8 July 2024, TON: Horrifying sconce of three dead bodies without clothes and one of them had their leg chopped off were witnessed at Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis, Gaza. The ill-fated three Palestinians were found dead at the Karam Abu Salem crossing in southern Gaza, where they were attacked by a bomb after their release. They were identified as Kamel Ghabayen, Mohammed Awad Ramadan Abu Hejazi and Ramadan Awad Ramadan Aby Hejaz. As per the statement of Mahmoud Abu Taha, another detainee. they came under fire shortly after their release.

As per the statement of a witness the Israeli forces opened fire on the detainees so that they should not return but someone hurled a bomb and killed them. One of the Palestinian locals of the area said Israeli-backed anti-Hamas groups active in Gaza and they along with the Israeli might be behind it.

By Afshain Afzal

International peace and security is threatened as Israel's state machinery is behaving like a wild beast or dangerous hardcore terrorists, challenging the international order and on the rampage killing and bulldozing everything on her way. One of the main reasons why the International Justice system is at threat is that some nations become critical to obey the orders of ICC and ICJ. The arrest warrant for Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over genocide and other war crimes in Gaza is being delayed under the patronage of these supporters of war crimes and terrorism. There is only one-liner demand, “Israeli intelligence agencies must release all abducted Israelis and guests of 7th October 2023 attack to end drama against Palestinians and withdraw at once.”

On the international chessboard, there are high hopes that Britain would not compromise over upholding the International Law. The world is watching the moves carefully and those Western countries, which are openly supporting in the hate campaign to eliminate the entire Palestinian population who observes a specific religious ideology. The law that provides punishment and war on terror against actors supporting terrorism is also applicable on them. The UN Security Council Resolutions regarding threats caused to international peace and security by the terrorist acts entitle other states to come into action and activate sanction regime. US, UK, Germany and few other nations supporting Israel's genocide and terrorism must realize that all states are equal before the International justice system. The fate of these countries would not be different than those who were told that they would be raised to the ground if they continue supporting, arming, funding and campaigning acts of terrorism.

Today, there is a clear division in the world, over funding, arming and supporting war criminal Israel in acts of genocide of Palestinians including Hamas and those supporting Palestinians for their right of self determination. In the latest statement UK newly appointed PM Me Keir Starmer said that Britain is committed “to continuing the UK and Israel's vital cooperation to deter malign threats.” As a symbolic gesture he said, "that his longstanding policy on recognition to contribute to a peace process had not changed, and it was the undeniable right of Palestinians,” but there is plot against the orthodox, no matter they are Jews, Muslims or Christians. The new confederation of Arab nations comprising Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Sudan and others are watching the situation carefully. Things are moving as planned to win peace.

By Afshain Afzal

In a statement issued by the Hamas in Gaza, West Bank, Arab territories and Eastern Europe strategy in the holy month of Moharram was announced. In Al Quran, the Almighty Allah has forbidden to wage war in this month unless they are imposed war and expelled from their houses. Speaking on the occasion final touches to formal independence of Palestine on 26th July 2024 was chalked out. It was hoped that the United Nations Organization would grant full membership to Palestine without further delay. Hamas has requested all nations to formally issue letters of recognition as an independent and sovereign state of Palestine, which would be an Islamic Democratic Republic. Palestine has asked nations to nominate their Ambassadors before 26th July nations to be stationed at Jerusalem after peace and stability and till that stationed in Saudi Arabia or Egypt.

As per the plan agreed upon the State of Palestine will become independent on 26th July and will become part of a Confederation of Arab nations comprising Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Iraq and Sudan. Next stage other Afro-Asian countries would join the confederation. Saudi Arabia and Turkey would be guarantors to ensure the independence of Palestine. It would be the responsibility of the grand confederation to ensure the security and economic stability of Palestine. The Western nations will be bound to support the Palestinians under the agreements made in the past, failing which no agreement will be honoured and the issue will be resolved de novo. Agreements registered with the United Nations will have effect, however, secret letters will not have any effect unless the present state authorities sign a formal agreement thereof.

A majority of countries have already recognized the Statehood of Palestine but these nations are expected to announce a fresh recognition of Palestine to remove any doubt. In addition, all countries including new ones are expected to make a final announcement by the deadline 20th July. In time frame, Turkey and Saudi Arabia along with the other members of the confederation would determine the security apparatus needed for deployment to ensure peace. Jews holding valid proprietorship (till 1948) will be legitimate citizens of Palestine subject to certain conditions while others would be settled on case to case basis. A committee of Muslims and Jews would also be set up to organize dialogues for the removal of irritants and to ensure peace and harmony between all communities.  

 With regard UNO’s full membership of Palestine, the General Assembly merely found Palestine to be a suitable candidate for full membership, and recommended that the Security Council should “reconsider the matter favourably” but US Vetod the move that will disturb the peace effort as reciprocal cancellation of Israel’s membership and a complete ban may be moved. We hope Palestine will emerge as an instrument of peace for the Middle East and beyond.


By Afshain Afzal

Israeli forces tanks and special equipment were seen northern Gaza moving towards the south this weekend. Earlier as a decoy some elements attacked western and southern sides. Huge destruction of houses and properties as well as standing crops was witnessed in Gaza. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu repeated his stance that he would eliminate entire Hamas and their offspring to achieve victory over groups supporting Islam. An Israeli Ministry of Defence official said on the condition of anatomy that over 1800 Israeli Defence Forces personnel are facing Court Martial proceedings and another 980 are missing. Unconfirmed reports suggest Israeli Defence Forces suffered 1390 causalities in addition to those Israeli personnel killed in Israel's intelligence-backed 7 October 2024 attack inside Israel.

Meanwhile, the US and UK have accelerated their supplies and funding to Israel. The troika is using bases in Jordon and Syria for drone attacks on the Palestinian population. In another development, most of the Hamas and allied leaders in Palestinian territories and Eastern Europe have declared 26 July 2024 as Independence Day when Palestine would officially emerge as an independent and sovereign State. Hamas top leader disclosed that besides armour fire Israelis are also anti-tank rockets and mortar bombs and filing these events for unknown reasons. The Palestinian government in exile in Eastern Europe has warned Israel to implement the judgment of ICJ and ICC and confirm complete withdrawal from Gaza and other Palestinian territories. The leadership denied planning any unilateral actions against those who committed genocide of Palestinians and their supporters in their home countries and said “we have formally applied for full membership of UN and will abide by the international law as we believe in peace”.

Earlier this month, a request to ICC was made by the United Kingdom to provide written observations on whether the Court can exercise jurisdiction over Israeli nationals, in circumstances where Palestine cannot exercise criminal jurisdiction over Israeli nationals under the Oslo Accords. ICC prosecution’s request for arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and Defence Minister, Yoav Gallant is still valid but the United Kingdom has been allowed by the court that she may submit legal arguments to judges. One wonders if Oslo Accords is intact between Israel and Palestine after Israeli intelligence plot against innocent Israelis and guests dated 7th October 2023 and genocide thousands of Palestinians especially Hamas in Gaza. The brutal genocide of Palestinians has witnessed condemnation around the world. Even the Israelis have been criminalized by ICJ and ICC, issuing arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister and Defence Minister but what UK is going to prove, “is genocide permissible” against non-members?”

 By Afshain Afzal

In the latest development, member countries of G7, gathered in Italy to reaffirm unity and determination to meet global challenges from multiple interconnected crises. Interestingly, the members spoke supporting universal human rights, social progress, respect for multilateralism and the rule of law but their open support the genocide of orthodox Palestinians and war crimes in Gaza as well as allowing Ukrainians to bleed through pushing them to war was nothing but a mockery to show the cosmetic face through beautifully crafted words. Funding, arming and supporting individuals, and entities labeled by the International justice system involved in genocide and war crimes as well as defying arrest warrants accounts an active participation in genocide and war crimes.

No doubt, criticism and flat refusal to honour measures ordered by ICC and ICJ speak of a criminal mindset sending a negative message to other nations to follow the same path of state-sponsored terrorism. One wonders what prevents direct intervention by NATO after the signing of US-Ukraine Bilateral Security Agreement when Article 5 of NATO treaty provides that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all. Is this not hypocrisy that US instead of sending her combats to fight against the Russians, is arming and funding Ukrainians to fight while other NATO members just watching the Ukrainians getting killed? How long we allow this to happen?

The final Communique of G7 leaders was not more than a planned plot to continue targeting orthodox Muslims and Jews of the Middle East and Eastern Europe through genocide and war crimes depriving them the Palestine, Crimea, Sea of Avoz and the Black Sea. It also aim at bringing negative demographic change through genocide and mass migration thus reducing the original populations of all the border areas of Ukraine to minorities plus to allow new settlements to fill the gaps. It is high time to empower UNO and its bodies to save the world from further disaster and chaos.

The visit of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to Saudi Arabia immediately before the G7 summit was not without substance and reflects trust in Saudi leadership. Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Salman took a wise step to decline attendance of G7 Summit due to due to Hajj responsibilities as well as foresight about the outcome of the summit due to presence of nations supporting genocide and war crimes. The bold stances by Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Egypt and many other nations is a precedent for the rest of the world. Ukrainian focused G7 Summit and later conference in Switzerland is an attempt to divert attention from the genocide of Palestinian in Gaza.

Ever since Hamas’ declaration of 26 July 2024 as Day of Independence of Palestine, the Afro-Asian nations including many countries of other regions have joined hands to act as solid rock ensuring that Palestinians exercise their right of self-determination to attain independence. Under the leadership of Saudi Arabia and other leaders, countries have started recognizing Palestine with its capital as Jerusalem with full membership of UNO. Multilateral and bilateral agreements are likely to be inked very soon followed by a “Grand Joint Declaration” to support and implement United Nations Security Council Resolutions and measures announced ICC and ICJ to safeguard Palestinian’s future. The constitutional framework and other modalities will also be worked out side by side.

By Afshain Afzal

The visit of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to Saudi Arabia immediately before the Group of Seven (G7) summit was not without substance. The top Muslim leader, Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Salman took a wise step to decline attendance of G7 Summit due to due to Hajj responsibilities as well as foresight about out come of the summit. The bold stance by Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Egypt and many other nations are eye opener for the rest of world. Ever since the declaration of 26 July 2024 as day of Independence of Palestine, the Afro-Asian countries including many other countries of other regions have joined hands for the first time to act as solid rock for right of self-determination of the people of Palestine to attain independence. Under the leadership of Saudi Arabia and other leaders, countries have started announcing recognition of Palestine with its capital as Jerusalem as independent and sovereign state with full membership of United Nations Organization. Multilateral and bilateral agreements are likely to be inked very soon followed by a “Grand Joint Declaration” to support and implement United Nations Security Council Resolutions and measures announced by International Criminal Court (ICC) and International Court of Justice (ICJ) to safeguard Palestinian’s future. The constitutional framework and other modalities will also be worked out side by side.

In another development, member countries of G7, gathered in Italy from 13 to 15 June 2024, to reaffirm unity and determination to meet global challenges from multiple interconnected crises. Interestingly, the members spoke supporting universal human rights, social progress, and respect for multilateralism and the rule of law but their open support to the genocide of orthodox Palestinians and war crimes in Gaza was nothing but a mockery to show the cosmetic face through beautifully crafted words. Funding, arming and supporting individuals, entities and illegitimate government labeled by the International justice system as involved in the genocide of Palestinians and war crimes and defying arrest warrant accounts to equally party to genocide and war crime. No doubt, criticism and flat refusal to honour the orders and measures of ICC and ICJ speaks of criminal mindset has send negative message to other nations to follow the same path of state sponsored terrorism. One wonders that US-Ukraine Bilateral Security Agreement has been signed during G7 Summit, whereas Article 5 of NATO treaty provides that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all. Is it not hypocrisy that US instead of sending her combats to Ukraine to fight the Russian is arming and funding Ukrainian to fight and dies while other NATO member silently watch Ukrainians get killed. How long we allow this to happen?

The final G7 Leaders’ Communique was noting more than a planned plot to target Muslims of Middle East and Eastern Europe through genocide and war crimes. It includes some factions of Jews too. Since the Western and Israeli plot has been exposed to deprive Muslims of Palestine state, which has announced its independence as sovereign state with effect from 26 July 2024, and Muslims of Eastern Europe to deprive them from Crimea, Sea of Avoz and Black Sea. It also aimed at to bring negative demographic change through genocide and mass migration thus reducing majority of all the border areas of Ukraine to minority plus to allow new settlements to fill the gaps. It is high time to empower UNO and its bodies to save the world from further disaster and chaos. Everyone is hopeful that on the “D” Day the independence of Palestine State will be secured which will be followed by the resolutions of other pending issues to bring peace around the world and save our future generations.


By Afshain Afzal

The Muslims along with a majority of nations have strongly condemned the genocide of the orthodox Palestinian Muslims by the Israelis and an all out support by the US and allies in war crimes. The disregard to international law and more recently imposition of sanctions of UNO judges by Washington has invited an unannounced boycott by a majority of nations of the world. To isolate Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Egypt and others Muslim nations, an impression is being given if these countries are indirectly and morally supporting the Israeli genocide of Palestinian Muslims of Gaza and they have no concern with the US sanctions on the judges of ICC. The attendance of Group of Seven (G7) summit by these countries from 13 to 15 June 2024, where Pope Francis would deliver a virtual holy sermon will be propagated as a divide between the Muslim world. At G7 Summit there will proposal to send missionaries, relief workers and forces to Gaza to carry out reconstruction, developmental, educational and health sector initiatives as well as to de-radicalizing Muslims of Gaza and others in support of Israel. Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman might face issues due to his father, King Salman bin Abdul Aziz’s health and his support the Palestinian cause… same fits for the others.

Post 8th October 2023 senseless spree of genocidal attacks on orthodox Palestinians and other Muslims has for the first time united marginalized people including the Muslim world along with the nations of Africa and Latin America as well as others. These nations have given up their differences and united for the cause of peace. The event also saw major events including Iranian leadership visiting Saudi Arabia after discarding all previous grievances, consolidation of Saudi government’s 2022- cease-fire with Houthis in Yemen and the world assembly under the banner of Saudi Arabia and Turkey to find a permanent solution for the Palestinians including peace in the Middle East and Asia. A successful sabotage attempt to destroy the world’s peace was achieved by a cold-blooded murder of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian in a Western operation “Regime Change in Iran”. Tehran has not yet reacted but a strong reaction is awaited. It is a blessing in disguise that Iran did not react but now all depends on the events, how these would be unfolded in the coming months.

Due to events in Gaza and the Middle East the world has witnessed division within the Western allies, where the European Union has come out of spell of hardliner American and Israeli leaderships and joined hands with peaceloving people previously as Western allies. After the exposure of Israel's and Western-Intelligence self-engineered drama of 7 October 2023 attack on Israel and last month’s judgments of the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the International Court of Justice (ICJ) that criminalized Israel and her allies in war crimes and genocide, an era of peace is likely to prevail. However, to blackmail ICC and ICJ in their future judgments, US House of Representatives imposed economic sanctions and visa restrictions to individuals and judges associated with the ICC, including their family members over the issuance of arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. The latest events led to total isolation of the US and Israel as they have not only refused to obey the International justice system but have also crossed all limits by criminalizing the honourable judges of ICC by imposing punishments on them and their families.

In the latest attempt, aiming at destroying international peace and widen the gulf between Muslim world by isolating Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Egypt from rest of the Muslim world, media campaign through Artificial Intelligence has started. Rumours are spread that Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman through US-Saudi Arabia-Zionist security pact is about to acquire US and Israeli weapons including F-35 fighter jets and a green light for its civilian nuclear program for Saudis is about to be announced. Ironically, on the other hand where state-funded media campaigns are run to project that there is new evidence that shows that some Saudi government officials were involved in preparations for the 9/11 attacks. If we recall, President Joseph Biden last march said, “I won't go into detail, I've been working with the Saudis and they are prepared to fully recognize Israel.” Same propaganda has taken up much of social media space for other countries. It is high time to comprehend dirty international politic and allow peace to win so that our future generations are secure and we can concentrate on more important issues like poverty, unemployment and climate change.


By Afshain Afzal

The Western strategic policies to impose the world order experienced a major dent due failure of Israel's self-engineered drama of 7 October 2023 attack on Israel as well as later the judgments of the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the International Court of Justice (ICJ) last month, criminalizing Israel and her allies. To counter the ICC;s and ICJ’s verdicts in favour of Hamas and against Israel, the US House of Representatives, on 4 June 2024, voted to impose sanctions on the International Criminal Court (ICC) to condemn the issuance of arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. The Republican – Democrats alliance in backing the war criminals in their so-called noble cause of genocide is unprecedented. The official statement issued from Washington said, “the charges against the Israeli leaders as baseless, reflecting “the ICC’s well-documented historical bias against Israel.” The on-ground situation is that the new legislation has imposed sanctions on ICC, especially officials associated with issuing arrest warrants for Israelis by blocking financial transfers and preventing the officials from entering the United States. The legislation would impose economic sanctions and visa restrictions to individuals and judges associated with the ICC, including their family members.

In the past too, Washington imposed sanctions on ICC prosecutor Fatou Bensouda under former President Donald Trump over the court's investigations into alleged war crimes by the Americans in Afghanistan, and Israel in the Palestinian territories as well as Phakiso Mochochoko, head of the ICC's Jurisdiction, Complementarity and Cooperation Division. Interestingly, revoking the sanctions under Executive Order 13928 in April 2021, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the sanctions "were inappropriate and ineffective… We believe, however, that our concerns about these cases would be better addressed through engagement with all stakeholders in the ICC process rather than through the imposition of sanctions." One wonders you never know if tomorrow the US, Russia, China, India or any other countries impose ban on UNO after declaring it as a terrorist organization or organization supporting and funding terrorism. Should we wait for that time?

Under Article 25 of the UN Charter, mandatory UNSC resolutions only create binding obligations for states, and not for international organizations constituted by these states. Therefore, while resolutions passed by the UNSC may be binding upon Member States of the UN regardless of whether they have an impact on another organization, this cannot extend to binding the organization itself. Hence, regardless of the validity of UNSC Resolutions, they would not have any binding effect on the ICC. If we recall, at the meeting of UNSC on 12 June 2003, Resolution 1487 (2003) was adopted by 12 votes in favour with 3 abstentions (France, Germany and Syria). The UN Secretary-General requested immunity from prosecution by the ICC for United Nations peacekeepers from countries not party to the Court’s Statute for 12-month period. No doubt, there cannot be three separate laws for peacekeepers, party states of ICC and nonparty states regarding their involvement in war crimes and genocide. This clash between the UNSC, ICC, party states, non-party states and organizations must be addressed to end the Jungle Law and bring international justice under a single umbrella.

By Afshain Afzal

Israel's Ministry of Defence sources quoting Defence Minister Yoav Gallant’s statement of 2 June 2024 said, it suggested deployment of joint forces, “Israel would not accept Hamas continuing to rule Gaza during the complete withdrawal and peace process and an alternative government under Israel-American arrangement will be formed.”

Earlier, a notice has been served to United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) by the Israel Land Authority to vacate its building and compound at East Jerusalem in Ma'alot Dafna within 30 days. The notice read as, “The UNRWA owed NIS 27.1 million ($7.3 million) for maintaining offices on Israeli state land without permission over the last seven years. UNRWA to immediately stop any illegal use, destroy everything they have built in violation of the law, vacate the land or items thereon and return it to within 30 days from the date of this letter.” The Isreali Housing Minister Yitzhak Goldknopf confirmed the serving of notice saying that the latter was served to UNWRA in 14 January 2024 to vacate built on a 21-acre plot of land near the Qalandiya checkpoint located at northern Jerusalem neighborhood of Kfar Aqab.

UNRWA authorities have rejected the allegations saying they the land is on lease and they have not breached of the lease till now. UNWRA clarified that the Israeli bank has frozen UNRWA’s account in February 2024, preventing them to carryout any financial transfer including Israel Land Authority. Israeli attempts to brand UNRWA as terrorist organization in the past failed due to strong support of the agency for it innocence. Now Israeli is bringing a legislation designating UNRWA as terror organization.

Meanwhile, despite Israeli Supreme Court decision in the past to freeze evictions of Palestinian families in Sheikh Jarrah, Jerusalem Magistrate court is issuing orders for the forced removal of three Palestinian families from their homes in Sheikh Jarrah, the Palestinian neighbourhood of occupied East Jerusalem. In addition, Tel Aviv has started mass scale illegal settlements in East Jerusalem. Various combinations of laws are sandwiched to deprive Palestinian from their properties but same rules are not applicable on Israelis. The Absentee Property Law, passed in 1950 and amended in 1973, prevents Palestinians from reclaiming lost properties. One wonder it is illegal that the pre 1947 personal properties of the civilian orthodox Palestinian Muslims have been forcibly occupied by the Israelis which are protected under the international law.

In another development, in the second week of March US Marine ship. General Frank S Besson, ex US Central Command sailed sail from a military base in the state of Virginia to shores of Palestine to build the floating harbor at Gaza. The official statement from Washington said, talked for “the establishment of a temporary pier to deliver vital humanitarian supplies to Gaza” but Pentagon shared a plan of deployment of 1,000 US Marines for 2 months. The European Union has also approved a new sea route to Palestine from Spanish shores. A report says these American troops and equipment will be to materialized in coming weeks for the formation of pro-Israel new government in Gaza through the barrel of the gun.

Aftermath the verdicts of International Criminal Court (ICC) and International Court off Justice (ICJ) both Israel, USA, Britain and other nations are bound to obey the orders of ICC and ICJ, failing which they are party to the genocide of Palestinians and war crimes. Public announcements of defiance of international law warrants expulsion of these war criminals from the member of United Nations Organization (UNO) and punishment prescribed in UNO Charter. Many new countries joined a group of nations supporting a genocide case against Israel filed in ICJ and many have started recognizing Palestine and Hamas as legitimate government. Hamas has categorically announced that it will not use coercive tactics inside Palestine or outside in any other foreign, strongly following international law and obligation. We hopeful of total isolation of Israel and its alliance in their attempts of genocide and war crimes against not only orthodox Palestinian Muslims but other nations where similar tactics are in full swing. An independent Palestine is visible on 26 July 2024.

By Afshain Afzal

At New York, the former American President Donald Trump was declared guilty on all counts by Justice Juan Merchan, Judge Supreme Court in the “hush money trial”. He was imposed a $10,000 fine. He was convicted on 34 criminal counts related to falsifying documents to conceal a hush money payment to film actress Stormy Daniels, allegedly aimed at swaying the 2016 election. However, Mr Trump has denied all charges including the allegations of any sexual involvement with Daniels. If we recall, Michael Cohen, a lawyer who served as an attorney for Mr Trump from 2006 to 2018, testified that Mr Trump authorized a $130,000 hush money payment to Daniels and facilitated the reimbursement plan through monthly payments as legal fees.

There is no doubt that 35 years old Justice Juan Merchan’s daughter, Ms Loren Merchan is a Democrat operative and president of Chicago-based Authentic Campaigns, a major Democratic campaign group. She worked in other marketing firms too. The role of Ms Loren Merchan is influencing the decision from her father at the Supreme Court at New York cannot be ruled out.

It is a conspiracy to defame him by leveling serious allegations so that his comeback White House could be prevented. There is no doubt that Mr Donald Trump would wait until after his sentencing on 11 July 2024, to pursue appeal of his innocence. Trump will have 30 days from the date of his 11 July sentencing to file a notice of appeal. Expectedly he would file an appeal in August. Mr Donald Trump is still the favourate in the November 2024 election and it is American tax payers foresee his comfortable win due pro-American policies and a strict rule of law.

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