Afshain Afzal

Afshain Afzal

By Afshain Afzal

On 24 October 2023, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres while addressing the quarterly open debate on the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine of the United Nations Security Council in New York said that nothing could justify the deliberate killing and kidnapping of civilians, or the Hamas rocket launches against civilian targets, but it was important to recognize the attacks by Hamas "did not happen in a vacuum." He said, "The Palestinian people have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation… clear violations of international law”. Reacting to the statement of the United Nations Secretary-General Israel’s representative to the United Nations demanded Guterres’ resignation and announced that Israel would withhold visas from UN officials.

Meanwhile, Israel’s Foreign Minister Eli Cohen started blackmailing tactics and also accused Secretary-General Guterres of justifying terrorism and canceled a planned 24 October bilateral meeting with the UN chief. Clarifying his position, Secretary-General Guterres said, “I am shocked by the misrepresentations by some of my statement ... as if I was justifying acts of terror by Hamas. This is false. It was the opposite…” He said, “I believe it’s necessary to set the record straight, especially out of respect for the victims and their families.”

Foreign Minister of Israel Eli Cohen has interestingly issued a statement which said, “Israel had not chosen this war, and that its proportional response to the 7 October; massacre is the total destruction of Hamas.”

Secretary of State Antony Blinken's statement before the United Nations Security Council on 24 October, “the United States does not seek conflict with Iran” and demand by Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen and Israeli Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan for the resignation of United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is only aimed to blackmail and pressurize the World Organization. The Israelis demanded, “The United Nations Secretary-General who shows understanding for the campaign of mass murder of children, women and the elderly is not fit to lead the UN. I call on him to resign immediately.” He added, “There is no justification or point in talking to those who show compassion for the most horrific atrocities committed against the citizens of Israel and the Jewish people.”

It is extremely scary to see Israel as a war criminal getting recorded its official statement at the United Nations Security Council meeting that Tel Aviv will go for the massacre and total destruction of Hamas and also declared withholding of visas from UN officials to visit Israel and Gaza. In fact, Tel Aviv is admitting genocide of Hamas and those Palestinians who support it as a political authority in Gaza as well as the cold-blooded massacre of three dozen journalists and media persons in Gaza, which is just a portion of incriminating pieces of evidence of Israeli war crimes and genocide of Palestinians. Now when the Office of the High Commissioner of United Nations Human Rights set up UN Independent International Commission of Inquiry on 10 October 2023, and started collecting evidence of war crimes committed by all sides in Israel and Occupied Palestinian Territories since 7 October 2023, there is only hope from UNO and Human Rights Organization to allow Palestinian to get their right of self-rule and sovereignty in new State of Palestine. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

By Afshain Afzal

As per the figures released by independent sources more than 36 Muslim Palestinian journalists were confirmed martyred and 12 injured. However, multiple news agencies and sources only confirmed killing of 23 Palestinians and 1 Lebanese while injuring 9 journalists since the Israeli aggression began on 7 October 2023. It was also reported that 3 journalists are missing or detained missing by Israeli authorities. Those who were martyred included: Ibrahim Mohammad Lafi, a photographer from Ain Media, Mohammad Jarghoun from Smart Media, Mohammad Al-Salhi, a photojournalist from Fourth Authority News Agency, Assaad Shamlakh, a freelance journalist along with nine members of his family, Hisham Alnwajha from “Khabar” news agency, Mohammed Sobh, a photographer from “Khabar” News Agency, Saeed al-Taweel, editor-in-chief of the Al-Khamsa News, Mohamed Fayez Abu Matar a photojournalist, Ahmed Shehab from Sowt Al-Asra Radio along with his wife and three children, Issam Abdallah, a Beirut-based videographer for the Reuters, Husam Mubarak from Al Aqsa Radio, Salam Mema, head of the Women Journalists Committee at the Palestinian Media Assembly, Yousef Maher Dawas from Palestine Chronicle and a writer for We Are Not Numbers, Abdulhadi Habib from Al-Manara News Agency, Issam Bhar from Al-Aqsa TV, Mohammad Balousha from Gaza based media channel “Palestine Today”, Sameeh Al-Nady from Al-Aqsa TV, Abu Aathra, Khalil Abu Aathra, a videographer from Al-Aqsa TV, Abu Aathra, Mohammed Ali from Al-Shabab Radio (Youth Radio) and Roshdi Sarraj co owner of Ain Media, a private media company in Palestine was also working for Radio France.

In addition to these Israeli rescue service Zaka said that its paramedics removed approximately 260 bodies from a music festival including journalists attending the function. As per the reports, on the first day of attack on 7th October, Israeli nationals namely Shai Regev, editor for TMI, a Hebrew-language newspaper Ma’ariv, Ayelet Arnin, news editor with the Israel Broadcasting Corporation Kan and Yaniv Zohar, a photographer working for the Israeli Hebrew-language newspaper Israel Hayom were killed. However, it could not be confirmed as about Ayelet Arnin and Shai Regev as it has been revealed that they were among those killed when some group gunned down revelers at a music festival in the Israeli desert. About Yaniv Zoharit it is revealed that they lived at Kibbutz near the Gaza border was killed by Hamas but how Amir Tibon from Haaretz who also lives at Kibbutz, survived after hiding with his family in a safe room for ten hours while Roee Idan, a photojournalist for news site Ynet went missing along with his three-year-old daughter.

One wonders massacre and violence against journalists and media persons and silence over these crimes remains one of the greatest challenges to freedom of expression. The Israeli self-engineered 7th October attack inside Israel was aimed to legitimate genocide of Palestinian Muslims. How it is possible that during claimed attack on a country with hundreds of rocket fired from different directions, anyone can continue with music festival. It also gives leads that the 7 October attack was Israeli intelligence agency Shen Beth and Mossad’s self engineered. There is no doubt; freedom of media is essential to enable democratic, free and responsible societies to ensure transparency and accountability for public and governmental authorities. Yet media freedom and the safety of journalists are under threat, especially in the Muslim world where they are targeted like wild rabbits in a farmland. United Nations must condemn the target killing of the Palestinian Muslim journalists and media persons in strongest words, as part of Israeli genocide plan of Palestinians and attempts to change Hamas political authority with western sponsored surrendered authority to take control of Gaza and elsewhere to negotiate peace in near future.

By Afshain Afzal

The tragic event of 7 October and its aftermath, leading to the killing of innocent civilian Jews and Muslims is worth condemnation in the strongest possible words. After all they were humans… they were killed for someone else’s sins. The horrifying killings in Israel and Palestine took place at a time when Arab – Israeli negotiations were at the peak for normalization, especially between Israel and Saudi Arabia. Investigation into the actual happening revealed the “Nature Party” was in full swing, they danced and drank and took part in taking drugs…, enjoyed the company of different people and had a good time with them. Eyewitnesses said, “it was gunfire from their behinds. I thought I heard gunfire but later I was told that these were missile attacks from Hamas from across the border”. A Canadian guest from Toronto said, “Many people were relaxed if nothing had happened they were laughing and cracking jokes and took time in their packing up.” Eyewitnesses confirmed they were being shot from guns, “We saw abandoned cars full bullet holes” and Leza said, All-night outdoor music festival fun turned into a mourning festival.” Another witness said, wherever we passed we saw “soldiers dressed up like Israelis, it was Israeli Defence Forces”.
From all over the world gay persons, Lesbians and their friends assembled at Urim, the Negev Desert near the Kibbutz Re'im to enjoy “Nature Party”. The Western countries are patronizing such clubs and encouraging them in their countries. A per the reports, in the United Kingdom, night club “ Butt Mitzvah” was created for those Jews who feel they are gays; the Jewish LGBTQ club night. Other countries have similar clubs. Media reported that the Nova Festival a rural farmland nearby near Urim, the Negev Desert near the Kibbutz Re'im on the Gaza-Israel border was one of the main targets hit on 7 October morning at 6:00 AM by Hamas militants. According to Israeli rescue service Zaka, at least 260 bodies were found at the festival site where the dance party had ended at the closing of Sukkot religious holiday. Some attendees were taken hostage. On Israeli social media and western channels including CNN horrifying images and videos were released. Ironically dead bodies were not removed while Israeli military vehicles were passing by. One wonders why Hamas or Muslims would attack a dance party inside Israel.

As days pass and events become clearer, conflicting reports about the Israeli hostages held by Hamas; 340 later detained by Palestinian civilians during their attempt to carry house to house search have neither been confirmed by Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) personnel nor the Palestinians. It seems all was part of false self-generated reports by locals playing at the hands of Western players. Conflicting statements were received about the identification of the group holding Israelis; is it Hamas, the Islamic Jihad, the surrendered Palestinians operating from foreign lands or the Israelis themselves? However, the genocide of orthodox Muslims including Hamas political authority, its allies' leadership and journalists is continuing. United Nations must share the facts with the world as media persons are being denied access to Gaza or Israel and totally blank. The Israeli and Western psychological operations as part of hybrid warfare that Israelis are facing tough resistance by Hamas and Israelis are likely to lose ground in Gaza must be substituted with the whole truth. It is strange that UN and Human Rights Organization are silent over the target killing of 32 Muslim journalists and serious injury to 12 others.

By Afshain Afzal

As the intensity of aerial bombing has comparatively calmed down and is almost at halt, tens and hundreds of Palestinian protesters in black-and-white check-scarf with Palestinian flags chanted slogans against Israeli barbarism. No one knows how many Muslim Palestinians killed, injured, made orphans and became widows. And how many infants and young children have been airlifted to foreign countries to be adopted by civilized people? Interestingly, no one knows who is providing arms and funds to Israeli to carry out terrorism against the Palestinians? One wonders what if some smaller country or group provide these weapons? Will this be taken as allies and civilized or terrorists? Why same acts by Western countries and Veto powers do not account for terrorism?

Some of the protesters were displaying placards and photographs of children killed in Israeli attack at Al Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza on Tuesday. An official statement from Tel Aviv claimed that it was Islamic Jihad was misfired a rocket that landed at the hospital. However, Islamic Jihad and all Palestinian groups allied to Hamas have denied and are want the United Nations to approach them so that they may expose Israeli barbarism and grave violation of human rights.

Meanwhile, US President Joseph Biden addressed American taxpayers on 19 October 2023. Washington also announced exemption of visa for all Jews entering United States. Interestingly, the one who drafted the speech focused of both Ukraine and Israel to confuse the opinion makers in carrying out an analysis of the situation. We need to understand that in case of Ukraine there was an agreement from the Ukrainian government that called for the help of Russians but in the Gaza and Palestinian territories, the Palestinian Muslims never made any request, agreement or understanding with Tel Aviv to come for their help, rather they are in protest against Israeli aggression and barbarism since last 72 years.

US President Joseph Biden in his 19th October address cautioned American taxpayers to be prepared for contributing billions of more dollars to be spent on Israel and Ukraine. As per the reports, President Biden will be “sending Congress an urgent budget request to fund America’s national security needs to support our critical partners, including Israel and Ukraine”. The American taxpayers must know where this money is going. If we recall, in 2022, the US Congress approved more than $113 billion of aid and military assistance to support the Ukrainian government and allied nations. US $67 billion, about three-fifths has been earmarked for defense needs and the remaining $ 46 billion, about two-fifths for nondefense concerns such as general Ukrainian government aid, economic support, and aid for refugee resettlement.

The question arises where Washington has spent the amount; and whether this money had actually gone to Ukraine. It is time for accountability to expose how Americans have been cheated rather than spilling more blood and dancing over the dead bodies of Muslims? Although Israel is not allowing foreign journalists and human rights organizations to visit either Israel or Gaza but United Nations has the mandate and must visit to restore peace and identify war criminals and terrorists.

By Afshain Afzal
All culprits and some of the stakeholders who were party to the dirty alliance have distance from playing the lead role in the Israeli war on the Palestinian population. If we recall, on the world’s chessboard Iran’s chief nuclear negotiator Ali Bagheri Kani and the European Union’s coordinator for the nuclear talks, Enrique Mora met in Tehran on 11 May 2023. Interestingly, this meeting coincided with the visit of Emir of Qatar Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani who met Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi in Tehran for talks on two important issues including efforts to restore Iran’s 2015 nuclear deal which United States unilaterally abandoned in 2018 and Israeli actions in the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood in occupied East Jerusalem in 2022. These moves have been put on the back burner for some appropriate time. President Ebrahim Raisi was critical to limited responses from Arab countries but now these statements are seen with doubt. Qatar organized talks of surrendered Hamas former leaders including Ismail Haniyeh with the Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian but ground positions in Gaza and the unveiling of truth prevented them from showing their cards.

In the latest development, Washington announced sanctions on Iranian weapons manufacturers to give an impression that Iran provided weapons and funds to Muslims of Gaza or that Washington is not in alliance with Tehran, but it is totally misleading. There is no doubt that those Muslims who surrendered to US and Israel are fighting against the Palestinians. Washington cannot deny the reports received which claimed Israeli cargo planes were sighted unloading heavy weapons in Iranian – Azerbaijan border at Araks. Apparently, Tel Aviv was arming the Iranians or Armenians to get the enclave’s control back to Armenian military but things were not so simple. In another development, US and Israel since some time started dumping weapons in Iraq. The deadly plans to create new war theatres in Syria, Iraq, Azerbaijan, and Ukraine must not be allowed to materialize. The United Nations Organization (UNO) and human rights organizations must come forward to struggle for peace and disallow the evil game that is being planned.

Peace Deal with Tel Aviv linked with UNO Plan

By Afshain Afzal

At the end of the day Israelis failed to shake the determination of Hamas movement for independent and sovereign Palestine. The Israeli intelligence self-engineered attacks on its own Israeli Defence Forces failed to attract international attention. Now human rights organizations and UN Secretary General barred everyone from using “anti-Semitism, anti-Muslim bigotry and hate speech of all kinds.” Israel and its allies are much perturbed as there is no escape route. It is about time to reach a peace agreement between the Palestinians and Israelis with a couple neighbours as guarantors. Now when the Israelis have dropped hundreds and thousands of tons of bombs on unarmed Palestinian Muslims, and martyred a number of Palestinian men, women, and children, injured many more while thousands become homeless, it is time to carry out accountability. The bottom line is the implementation of UNO Partition Plan dated 29 November 1947, with Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine and access to the Mediterranean Sea in letter and spirit, where the UN General Assembly adopted the Plan as Resolution 181 (II), and carry out trials of war crime for the genocide of Orthodox Muslims by Israel. Hamas is still in control Gaza and has planned negotiations for the release of 340 Israeli personnel who attempted to carry out house-to-house search and were arrested. These are in addition to those captured on 7 October 2023.

If we recall, on 9 October 2023, Israel's military troops took full control of Hamas-ruled communities along the border with Gaza. Israel's Defence Minister earlier is said to have ordered to carryout "complete siege" of Gaza. In a separate statement by Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, claimed that the Israel Defense Forces carried out a combing operation and house-to-house search and was in the control of Gaza on 8 October. Israeli authorities claim that Hamas kidnapped and made hostage over 100 Israelis including women and children which they took along to Gaza while Islamic Jihad is holding more than 30 of the captives. Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant threatens, "The price the Gaza Strip will pay will be a very heavy one that will change reality for generations."

Interestingly, as Islamic law provides that women and children can neither be arrested nor harmed; Hamas released women and children and also aired the video to provide evidence of their act. Many media channels released footage and statements that clarified, “Hamas was not the possession of any women and children”. Demographic engineering is taking place in Palestine, especially in Jerusalem and Gaza. This genocide is targeted at those holding ideologies of Hamas Islamic Jihad and Muslim Brotherhood. The forced eviction of Palestinians from their homes and target killing of entire leadership is to bring socio-political change. Palestinians under Israeli occupation continue to be forced out of their homes and evicted from their land and properties on the basis of discriminatory laws in violation of international law. It is the time that UNO should play its role rather than allow partners in war crimes to negotiate and play new blood and fire games.


By Afshain Afzal

Nothing is secret anymore as the Israeli latest doctrine presented by former Chief of the Israeli General Staff Lieutenant General Aviv Kohavi (GAK Doctrine) is public and was tested in September – October 2023. In the past Israeli Armed Forces used to spend 72 percent of available resources in defending against enemy rockets, missiles, and drones to destroy them before they are launched while only 28 percent was spent on offensive capabilities. The new doctrine aimed to shorten the duration of wars and achieve decisive victories to the advantage of Israeli forces. There is also role of the allies and partners as well as the United Nations Organization and International Organizations and media. The 25 September attack on armed forces of Bahrain serving as part of the Arab Coalition at the southern border of Saudi Arabia, the 5th October attack in Syria on Syrian Armed Forces and the 7 October attack on Israel and ongoing affairs in Palestine, are on ground testing and implementation of GAK Doctrine.

The GAK Doctrine provides space for the Armed Forces to “negotiate and carry out diplomacy”, which Israel's Chief, Lieutenant General Herzi Halevi is carrying out without the knowledge of the Knesset. In fact, due to GAK Doctrine the Israeli political system is likely to collapse and democracy would come to an end. If not exactly collapsing, the 7 October Israeli attacks on its own Armed Forces are quickly moving Tel Aviv towards that direction. In the latest development, the Israeli military has double-crossed its political leadership. Negotiation and diplomacy with the Palestinians fall outside Israeli military’s purview as it is reserved for the political leaders and diplomatic envoys at the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Today, Israel Defence Forces Planning Directorate is undertaking coordination and negotiations. Post 2020 Abraham Accords instead of peace efforts, legal targeting of Muslims has started.


The doctrine focuses of propaganda units in the forefront with integrated cyber attacks and default electronic warfare operations of maneuver forces. This is in addition to equipping frontline units with thousands of drones, advanced anti-tank missiles, and precision-guided weapons. The plan envisioned high-tech upgrades to the barrier along the border with Gaza. And it included policy changes regarding the advanced Iron Dome missile defense system and enhancements to help deal with shorter-range rockets and mortars. Israel has established its military might to defuse threats of Iran, including its nuclear program, Tehran’s attempts to establish military assets in Syria, and its assistance to and training of Hezbollah and other armed factions. The Israeli propaganda units launch cyber attacks and wage electronic warfare operations to develop general consensus that beside assisting to and training Hezbollah, Iran is also supporting Hamas, and Islamic Jihad. Hence, the peaceful struggle for independence by Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other Palestinian groups would be linked with terrorism.



To kill two birds with one stone is an idiom but has become old-fashioned and outdated after the introduction of “GAK Doctrine,” an Israeli invention to eliminate whole generations of enemies and rivals in the shortest possible time. It is on record that there was always mass black propaganda against Hamas and Islamic Jihad by western, Indian and Middle Eastern think tanks and media outlets. For instance, The American Jewish Committee writes in “Five Things to Know About Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Escalation in Gaza,” dated 6 August 2022 that Hamas and Islamic Jihad are largely funded by Iran, continue to build capabilities, including an offensive and defensive underground infrastructure for future confrontation. Similar views have been expressed by The Wilson Center in an article titled, “Iran, Hamas & Palestinian Islamic Jihad” dated 21 May 2021.

We all know that Iran was always the strongest ally of West, especially the US, while Palestinian organizations Hamas and Islamic Jihad had no connection with Iran but till the time sanctions remained imposed on Tehran, funding and arming of these groups by Iran was officially authenticated but now US and other Intelligence agencies. The question arises why now these agencies are delinking Iran with Hamas and Islamic Jihad. No one can deny that they are international refugees and need to be treated so. They have been made homeless and living miserable lives in shelters in Gaza and all around the world. However, the UNO and other organizations are dancing to the tunes of funding from aggressors. No doubt, the very survival of these organizations is on the funding from aggressors claiming themselves as advanced and civilized nations but in such a case where marginalized and weak segments can seek justice to attain their legitimate rights? No matter what United Nations and International organizations must end genocide of Palestinians as well as others including inside Africa and Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir, where Israelis too are implementing this doctrine.

By Afshain Afzal

Much of the drama has unfolded; in the latest move, the Israeli Knesset (Parliament) has not approved the declaration of war on Palestine, announced by the Israeli Cabinet on 7 October. One wonders if such was the case why such a drama of International level was to be stages? Probably, the article by The Orient News, “Behind the 7th October Attack on Israel?” has exposed Tel Aviv’s horrifying plot against the Palestinians. In this drama, Qatar is playing the same role, which it played in Afghanistan by assembling surrendered fighters and posing as Taliban and in the present case surrendered Palestinian fighters as representatives of Palestinians and Hamas to negotiate release of Israeli hostages.

It is strange that soon after the claimed attacks by the Palestinians’ Hamas, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu asked mayors of border towns to "stand steadfast because we are going to change the Middle East". On night 7/8 October 2023, Israeli warplanes, helicopters, guided drones carried out attacks on more that 610 pre-designated targets in Gaza. Israeli Ministry of Defence reported targeting of Hamas’ eight Command & Control Centres, multi-story buildings having Hamas offices and private homes and long tunnels built to malign Palestinians for their involvement in terrorism. In couple of hours there was complete blockage of Gaza.

On 9 October 2023, Israel's military troops took full control of Hamas-ruled communities along the border with Gaza. Israel's Defence Minister earlier is said to have ordered to carryout "complete siege" of Gaza. In a separate statement by Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, claimed that the Israel Defense Forces carried out combing operation and house-to-house search and was in the control of Gaza on 8 October. Israeli authorities claim that Hamas kidnapped and made hostage over 100 Israelis including women and children which they took along to Gaza while Islamic Jihad is holding more than 30 of the captives. Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant threatens, "The price the Gaza Strip will pay will be a very heavy one that will change reality for generations."

It is quite disturbing that Israeli TV channels is reporting that the death toll inside Israel exceeds 700 and around 2,400 people have been wounded. Same was reported by Haartez and CNBC. But international media has hardly shown any glimpse to authenticate what is being reported, as if nothing or very little has happened. Seen of mass killings and dead bodies taken to the hospitals are totally missing. Probably the western their Journalism is confined to Islamic countries. On 8 October 2023, Reuters reported, Islamist group Hamas killed 700 Israelis and abducted dozens more while in response, Israeli air strikes hit housing blocks, tunnels, a mosque and homes of Hamas officials in Gaza, killing more than 400 people, including 20 children. Other news agencies including: BBC, CNN, AP, ABC, Aljazeera and numerous news channels did not cover either the Israeli causalities.

To authenticate the drama of attack by Hamas on Israel killing several hundred of its soldiers and kidnapping women and children to pose them as terrorist and inhuman, London reported that 10 British citizens are feared dead or missing in Israel while a White House National Security Council spokesperson confirmed several American national were killed. US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin ordered the USS Gerald R. Ford Carrier Strike Group to the eastern Mediterranean as a show of support to Israel. Washington has warned the other nations not to get involved in the Israeli-Palestinian recent skirmishes.

In a swift move, the UN appealed for the creation of humanitarian corridors to bring food into Gaza and said at least 70,000 Palestinians in Gaza are seeking shelter in schools it runs. Other sources said that the displaced Palestinian numbered over 120,000. Meanwhile, the United Nations and International INGOs have started moving in schools and other building to give humanitarian aid and health facilities to the Palestinians. One of the Indian Air force Aircraft C17 has taken off with 58 MT of emergency humanitarian aid, including crucial medical and food supplies for the Palestinians. No doubt, it is a drama in real life as part plot against ingenious Palestinians to be deprived of their homes and holy religious places by keeping them on refugees’ status for generations while carrying out genocide of selected communities.

Tel Aviv initially claimed 100 killed but cannot prove more than 26 dead including 10 military officers. It is time that the United Nations Organizations must detail a fact finding mission to find of truth in large scale attack by Hamas, killing of 1200 Israelis and serious injuries to over 3000 and similar in Gaza. UNO and International Human Rights organization must visit Israel to investigate the existing on ground evidences of loss to human lives and property as well as if genocide of orthodox Muslims like Hamas is really taking place. More so, Indo-Israeli nexus and the fact whether large scale Indian nationals settlements in Israel and Gaza etc is taking place, whether New Delhi transported rockets, missiles and other weapons from another country to Lebanon and in Gaza and role of Indian Embassy Beirut, Lebanon in it.  

By Afshain Afzal

Israeli Shin Bet and Mossad planned extremely well and attacked its own Defense Forces and their asets. It seems a replay of James Bond movie where Hamas cut holes in the border wire and entered Israel from the sea, and by para-gliders and killed over 100 Israelis and also took along Israeli soldiers and civilians as hostages to Gaza. These armed Palestinian gunmen were able to cross the heavily fortified border between Israel and the Gaza Strip, while thousands of rockets were fired from Gaza into Israel. Israeli Defence Forces have confirmed that Israeli soldiers and civilians have been kidnapped and taken as hostages to Gaza. Interestingly, despite smart barrier technology and hi-tech fence tops, manned by thousands of cameras and sensors, Palestinians were able to enter Israel and carry out an unprecedented attack, which Americans failed to do in Bay of Pigs or operations in Afghanistan.

In another act of violence, few days back on 5 October 2023, 89 people had been killed, including 31 women and five children, with 277 other people wounded in a drone attack during the graduation ceremony for military officers in Syria. No group has claimed responsibility for the attack. Many years ago, at a mourning ceremony of an Iranian officer killed in Syria, where both Saudi and Iranian have their proxies Iranian General Qasim Soleimani referring to t Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince, Mohammed bin Salman said, “He is very impatient and might kill his king and backing the backing by Saudis of rebel factions in Syria is only to undermine Iran's influence”.

In fact, the situation became tense after end September this year when the Israeli forces in preparations of Rosh Hashanah Jewish holiday, imposed a blockade, preventing thousands of workers from getting to their jobs in Israel and the West Bank. The closure was extended led to border demonstrations in which Israeli troops opened fire on stone-throwing protesters. The protesters claimed that they were in possession of permits from Israeli authorities to work outside the blockaded enclave then why restrictions were imposed on them. Israeli authorities have reportedly issued permits to over 18,000 Palestinians from Gaza. But full full-fledged attack was not the work of the Palestinians of Gaza and plot against them by their enemies.

Message from UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said, “The Secretary-General condemns in the strongest terms this morning’s attack by Hamas against Israeli towns near the Gaza Strip and central Israel, including the firing of thousands of rockets toward Israeli population centers… He stresses that violence cannot provide a solution to the conflict, and that only through negotiation leading to a two-state solution can peace be achieved. He said, “Civilians must be respected and protected in accordance with international humanitarian law at all times” Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Affairs Ministry issued a statement, in which it did not name and faction and used words, “unprecedented situation between a number of Palestinian factions and the Israeli occupation forces, which has resulted in a high level of violence taking place on a number of fronts there,” but Iranian Foreign Ministry said, “hailed the perseverance and sacrifices of the Palestinian resistance and people, especially in Gaza, in the face of atrocious attacks by the Zionist Israeli regime.”

If we recall, addressing the 78th UN General Assembly, Prime Minister Netanyahu warned that Iran’s leaders would “do every they can to thwart this historic peace” between Israel and Saudi Arabia” But surprising instead of Hizbullah, Hamas is being targeted by Israelis and all the attacks are on the either Hamas or the Sunni population of the Gaza. It seems that it is a planned attempt of genocide of a specific community, which UN and international human right organizations must look into it. Analysts say that Iran has launched the proxy to divert the attention of attempt of regime change, which Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu also pointed out, “We should support the brave women and men of Iran who despise this regime and yearn for freedom… It is the people of Iran, not their oppressors, who are our real partners for a better future”.

Israel conducted air attacks through guided drones at three compounds belonging to Hamas movement in the Gaza Strip, while a tanks were witnessed some of the buildings. Aerial bombing and firing was reported on the on the protesters along the separation fence. It was reported by the Palestinians that Israelis used drones that in swift actions appeared overhead in few minutes, dropping stun grenades and tear gas canisters on the populated area to create fear and chaos. No doubt, it is aimed at punishing Palestinians and bringing demographic change in the Gaza strip, which will be part of an independent Palestine State. The State sponsor terrorism and drama to build consensus against Hamas has been exposed but Israeli terrorism against own people through agencies and other stakeholder must not derail peace efforts in the Middle East, especially Statehood to the Palestinians.



By Afshain Afzal

In the latest development, Indian External Affairs Ministry has taken over compound of Afghan Embassy in New Delhi while at least five Afghan diplomats including Afghan Ambassador Farid Mamundje have fled away. India refused to allow the new Ambassador to take over. In the letter by fleeing Ambassador, Mamundzay, he instructed Indian Ministry of External Affairs to take custodial responsibility of the mission properties, financial accounts including the lndia Afghanistan Fund, which currently holds more than $500,000. It we recall, in June 2022, New Delhi operationalized its Embassy at Kabul and stationed its diplomats and security personnel there.

Farid Mamundje was quoted to have disclosed that Washington has not allowed them to hand over the charge of Afghan Embassy to newly appointed Charge d’Affaires. He also disclosed movements of Indian nationals from India to UAE and other stations from where Intelligence operations are carried out in Afghanistan and Pakistan have been exposed after Mastung terrorism. He added that he has ensured that the record of Indian agents is not taken over by the Talilban. Furnishing the reasons of fleeing and taking asylum, he said, “sniff dogs on the payroll have started taking actions on their masters’ dictates”.

The situation took a worse turn when New Delhi refused to honour the new diplomats from taking over the charge, claiming that they have not recognized the Taliban Government. After the Mastung terrorist attack in Pakistani city of Balochistan by Indian agencies, Kabul diplomats in hand and glove with the Indians have been exposed. Presently, Afghan Embassy has stopped all operations after the Afghan Ambassador and other senior diplomats fled to United States to seek asylum there. Reports reaching Kabul also reflect that they also extended applications for asylum in European Union. The Indian Ambassador for Afghanistan, Rudrendra Tandon disclosed that Afghan the prevailing Afghan Ambassador to India was appointed by the previous Afghan government and recently Taliban has decided to replace him with another diplomat as Charge d’Affaires.

Interim Interior Minister Sarfraz Bugti said in statement, “the Indian intelligence agency, Research and Analysis Wing, is involved in carrying out terror incidents in Pakistan. We know who is doing it and from where." For the first time after many years of the gap, Pakistani media, both print and electronic have directly blamed India and its agents as functionaries in Pakistan for terrorist attacks including recent terrorism in Mastung and Hangu inside Pakistan. Further reports are being analyzed.

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