Israel will repent – Worse for the peace

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By Afshain Afzal

Israel's Ministry of Defence sources quoting Defence Minister Yoav Gallant’s statement of 2 June 2024 said, it suggested deployment of joint forces, “Israel would not accept Hamas continuing to rule Gaza during the complete withdrawal and peace process and an alternative government under Israel-American arrangement will be formed.”

Earlier, a notice has been served to United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) by the Israel Land Authority to vacate its building and compound at East Jerusalem in Ma'alot Dafna within 30 days. The notice read as, “The UNRWA owed NIS 27.1 million ($7.3 million) for maintaining offices on Israeli state land without permission over the last seven years. UNRWA to immediately stop any illegal use, destroy everything they have built in violation of the law, vacate the land or items thereon and return it to within 30 days from the date of this letter.” The Isreali Housing Minister Yitzhak Goldknopf confirmed the serving of notice saying that the latter was served to UNWRA in 14 January 2024 to vacate built on a 21-acre plot of land near the Qalandiya checkpoint located at northern Jerusalem neighborhood of Kfar Aqab.

UNRWA authorities have rejected the allegations saying they the land is on lease and they have not breached of the lease till now. UNWRA clarified that the Israeli bank has frozen UNRWA’s account in February 2024, preventing them to carryout any financial transfer including Israel Land Authority. Israeli attempts to brand UNRWA as terrorist organization in the past failed due to strong support of the agency for it innocence. Now Israeli is bringing a legislation designating UNRWA as terror organization.

Meanwhile, despite Israeli Supreme Court decision in the past to freeze evictions of Palestinian families in Sheikh Jarrah, Jerusalem Magistrate court is issuing orders for the forced removal of three Palestinian families from their homes in Sheikh Jarrah, the Palestinian neighbourhood of occupied East Jerusalem. In addition, Tel Aviv has started mass scale illegal settlements in East Jerusalem. Various combinations of laws are sandwiched to deprive Palestinian from their properties but same rules are not applicable on Israelis. The Absentee Property Law, passed in 1950 and amended in 1973, prevents Palestinians from reclaiming lost properties. One wonder it is illegal that the pre 1947 personal properties of the civilian orthodox Palestinian Muslims have been forcibly occupied by the Israelis which are protected under the international law.

In another development, in the second week of March US Marine ship. General Frank S Besson, ex US Central Command sailed sail from a military base in the state of Virginia to shores of Palestine to build the floating harbor at Gaza. The official statement from Washington said, talked for “the establishment of a temporary pier to deliver vital humanitarian supplies to Gaza” but Pentagon shared a plan of deployment of 1,000 US Marines for 2 months. The European Union has also approved a new sea route to Palestine from Spanish shores. A report says these American troops and equipment will be to materialized in coming weeks for the formation of pro-Israel new government in Gaza through the barrel of the gun.

Aftermath the verdicts of International Criminal Court (ICC) and International Court off Justice (ICJ) both Israel, USA, Britain and other nations are bound to obey the orders of ICC and ICJ, failing which they are party to the genocide of Palestinians and war crimes. Public announcements of defiance of international law warrants expulsion of these war criminals from the member of United Nations Organization (UNO) and punishment prescribed in UNO Charter. Many new countries joined a group of nations supporting a genocide case against Israel filed in ICJ and many have started recognizing Palestine and Hamas as legitimate government. Hamas has categorically announced that it will not use coercive tactics inside Palestine or outside in any other foreign, strongly following international law and obligation. We hopeful of total isolation of Israel and its alliance in their attempts of genocide and war crimes against not only orthodox Palestinian Muslims but other nations where similar tactics are in full swing. An independent Palestine is visible on 26 July 2024.

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