Afshain Afzal

Afshain Afzal

RIYADH, 14 September 2020 (TON): Saudi Arabian-led coalition fighter jets conducted 14 airstrikes at different positions in Yemen on early Sunday. They targeted barracks and military sites of the armed Houthi movement in the Yemeni capital Sanaa, the Saudi-owned al-Arabiya news channel reported.

Among the targets was the former command center for the Republican Guard located south of Sanaa and a maintenance camp that Iranian-led militias use to produce, develop, and manufacture weapons. The coalition also destroyed four Iranian-backed Houthi drones at al-Dulami air base north of Sanaa, al-Arabiya said, quoting local sources.

The Houthi militia’s al-Masirah TV channel likewise reported the airstrikes.

The Saudi-led coalition has not given any official confirmation of the attacks. However, these latest airstrikes follow attacks, which were conducted on Saturday, against two missile and drone depots sites in Sanaa.

Saturday’s strikes followed a Houthi claim that it had attacked an “important target” in the Saudi capital Riyadh on Thursday using a ballistic missile and drones. The Houthis’ military spokesman, Yahya Sarea, had released a statement on Twitter claiming that Houthi missiles and drones had hit “military and sensitive objects” at the Abha international airport,

The coalition did not confirm an attack on Riyadh but said it had intercepted and destroyed ballistic missiles and explosive drones launched towards the kingdom on Thursday. According to Saudi news sources, Houthi rebels conducted five drone attacks against the kingdom this week.

KABUL, 14 September 2020, (TON): In a terrorist incident on Sunday, five Afghan soldiers were killed as a m explosive plated on roadside struck a military vehicle in Abkamari district of Badghis province.

As per the confirmation by the District Police Chief said, a mine planted by terrorists on a road in Dehistan area of Abkamari district struck a military vehicle on Sunday afternoon, killing five soldiers aboard.

According to Afghan sources, since the start of intra-Afghan dialogue in Doha on Saturday with an aim to end the war in their Afghanistan,  over 40 persons including miscreants and security personnel have been killed in Badghis province.

NEW DELHI, 14 September 2020 (TON): Delhi Police Crime Branch, early this month arrested or questioned a number of Muslims and Hindus in connection with Delhi Riots. Umar Khalid was detained for questioning by the Delhi Police Crime Branch on 2 September 2020. Apparently, at that time he was cleared by the Police.

In the recent development, in late night raid on Sunday, Umar Khalid was arrested under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA) for his alleged role in Delhi riots. Sources claimed that his mobile was under surveillance and the first thing Police did was seized his mobile. Meanwhile, after hectic interrogation overnight, he was taken to Delhi Court today legal formalities. In the past too, he had been arrested by the Special Cell of the Delhi Police for his involvement in different riots.


WASHINGTON, 13 September 2020, (TON): US President Donald Trump has scored another trump through his telephone diplomacy, which has further consolidated his victory for the polls on 3 November. President Trump had announced on Friday that following a three-way telephone call, the leaders of the United States, Israel and Bahrain had reached an agreement for relations between the countries to be normalized.

In the meanwhile, Palestinian Liberation Organization Secretary General Saeb Erekat said the decades-long Israeli-Palestinian conflict has to be resolved first before peace can be achieved. He said, “The Bahraini-American-Israeli agreement to normalize relations is now part of a bigger package in the region. It is not about peace, it is not about relations between countries. We are witnessing an alliance, a military alliance being created in the region, maybe you want to call it an Arab-Israel-NATO.” Sensing a major disaster in the region, Palestinians view that it is going to be a military alliance in the region.

KABUL, 13 September 2020, TON: The intra-Afghan talks between the Afghanistan government and the Taliban opened in Qatar's Doha on Saturday, which was aimed at establishing peace and stability in Afghanistan. Afghan government's 21-member negotiating team was led by Masoom Stanekzai, a former intelligence chief while the Taliban were led by Mawlavi Abdul Hakim, the former chief justice. It was thought provoking sessions which raised many questions regarding future of Afghanistan. 

Key speakers at Saturday's opening ceremony at a hotel in Doha included Abdullah Abdullah, chairperson of Afghanistan's High Council for National Reconciliation, Taliban deputy leader Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar and US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

Speaking at a conference on Afghan peace negotiations in Doha through video conferencing, India's External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar said that Afghan soil should never be used for carrying out anti-India activities. In fact, India is concerned if Taliban comes to power in Afghanistan, India would be have no place to go as New Delhi considers Taliban as close ally Pakistan and see Kabul remotely controlled by Islamabad.

In the backdrop of US-Taliban peace talks, India does not want to see a Taliban government in Afghanistan as due to the fact Taliban means end to Indian hegemony in Afghanistan. Another important factor is that with the coming of Taliban, Indian investment and strategic targets in Central Asian countries, especially Uzbekistan and Tajikistan would be at stake.

India’s Ambassador to the United Nations, T S Tirumurti  has asked the UN Security Council to take off  the "outdated agenda item" of the "India-Pakistan question'', from the Council.

Pakistan’s Ambassador to the United Nations Munir Akram responded, “Indian representatives are either deluding themselves, or deluding their public, by asserting that they will remove Kashmir from the Security Council’s agenda.”

“Indian indulgence into coercive diplomacy has no future. It cannot override the express commitments of permanent and non-permanent members of UN Security Council.” Dr. Syed Nazir Gilani, President, Jammu and Kashmir Council for Human Rights.

Summary statement by Mr. Antonio Guterres, the UN Secretary General of matters of which the Security Council is seized, was issued on January 2, 2020. 56 items have been considered by the Council at a formal meeting during the period from 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2019, while, as 13 items were not. However, all 69 agenda items were identified “as matters of which Security Council was currently seized,”  including “The India-Pakistan Question.”

It is worth mentioning here that an item can be removed from the agenda only in accordance with the basic rules of procedure governing the function of the Security Council. The removal can take place if the conflict has been resolved or there is a consensus among all 15 members of the Security Council to remove a particular agenda item. In case of Kashmir, none of these conditions apply. As we know that the presence of  the United Nations Military Observer Group for India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP), in Srinagar (The Capitol City of Jammu & Kashmir), affirms that the Kashmir dispute is a matter seized by the Security Council.

India calls Kashmir dispute “Outdated agenda item.” Much is being made of the fact that seven decades have passed since the principled solution for Kashmir was formulated by the United Nations with almost universal support. Mere passage of time or the flight from realities cannot alter the fact that these resolutions remain unimplemented until today. The United Nations resolutions can never become outdated or obsolete, or over taken by events or changed circumstances. The passage of time cannot invalidate an enduring and irreplaceable principle – the right of self-determination of the people of Kashmir. If passage of time were allowed to extinguish solemn international agreements, then the United Nations Charter should  suffer the same fate as the resolutions on Kashmir. If non-implementation were to render an agreement defunct, then the Geneva Convention in twenty-first century in many countries is in no better state than these resolutions.

The UN Security Council resolutions on Kashmir are not of a routine nature. Their text was meticulously negotiated between India and Pakistan and it is after each provision was accepted by the two governments concerned that they were adopted by the Security Council. The assent of the two Governments was conveyed in writing to the Security Council. They thus not only embody a solemn international  agreement, but have been endorsed repeatedly by the Security Council and by successive United Nations representatives.

They explicitly recognize the right of the people of  Kashmir to determine the future status of their homeland. This right remains unaffected by the non-performance by either side of the provisions of the resolutions.

The idea that the dispute over the status of Jammu and Kashmir can be settled only in accordance with the will of the people, which can be ascertained through the democratic method of a free and impartial plebiscite, was the stand taken by India. It was supported without any dissent by the United Nations Security Council and prominently championed by the United States, Britain and other democratic states.

India’s Ambassador to the UN, Sir Gopalaswamy Ayyangar while presenting his government's case to the Council on 15 January 1948, stated, "The question … whether she [Kashmir] should withdraw from her accession to India, and either accede to Pakistan or remain independent with a right to claim admission as a member of the United Nations - all this we have recognized to be a matter for unfettered decision by the people of Kashmir." 

Mahatma Gandhi is known for his statement that “The will of Kashmiris is the supreme law in Kashmir."

Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru, the founding prime minister of India said, “We have declared the fate of Kashmir is ultimately to be decided by the people. That pledge we have given not only to the people of Kashmir but to the world. We will not and cannot back out of it.” November 2, 1947.

Ambassador Warren Austin of the United States stated during Security Council meeting # 235 on January 24, 1948, “…When India accepted the accession of Kashmir, it made its act stand for a great principle by stating as a part of the acceptance, that it was conditional on fair plebiscite being held to determine the will of the people of Kashmir with respect to accession. I think an example was made in history at that point.”

United States, Secretary of State John Foster Dulles stated on 5 February 1957 that: "We continue to believe that unless the parties are able to agree upon some other solution, the solution which was recommended by the Security Council should prevail, which is that there should be a plebiscite;

India, however, was soon undeceived of its delusions over Kashmir's political yearning.  Recognizing that its people would never freely vote accession to India, it contrived excuse after excuse to frustrate a plebiscite.  When the United Nations proposed arbitration, a reference to the World Court, or any other method of resolving minor demilitarization quarrels, India nixed them all.  After a few years, it dropped all pretense of acceding to a referendum by unilaterally proclaiming its annexation of Kashmir. And on August 5, 2019, in violation of all international agreements, India abrogated Article 370 and 35A. India's proclamation has never been accepted by the United Nations, which continues to list Kashmir as disputed territory and subject to the Security Council's self-determination resolutions.

The people of Jammu & Kashmir are thankful to Antonio Guterres, the Secretary General of the UN for stating the principled position that the Kashmir conflict should be resolved under the UN Charter and applicable UN Security Council resolutions. He has been consistent in urging both India and Pakistan to initiate a process leading to a resolution of Kashmir problem and to avail of his assistance towards that end. Until now, India has made no constructive response to this offer, instead India has cautioned the Secretary General not to interfere in her ‘internal matters.’

 The Secretary General is empowered by the Charter of the United Nations to bring a matter of this nature to the attention of the Security Council. We fully realize, however, that, in the present circumstances and, given the policies and attitudes of the permanent members, this right and power of the Secretary General might advisably be held in reserve. Short of invoking Article 99, the Secretary General could help turn the situation towards a cessation of human rights violations and beginning of a dialogue among the three parties – the people of Jammu & Kashmir, India and Pakistan – by sending a ‘Special Envoy’ to the region to explore all possible options to settle the Kashmir dispute to the satisfaction of all parties concerned. Such a mission could visit all parts of Jammu & Kashmir as well as the capitols of both India and Pakistan and verify the truth of allegations from either side. The matter is much too urgent to be relegated to the routine mechanism of the Human Rights Council and the various bodies established to monitor various conventions.

 The Secretary General should also alert the P5 that the existing confrontation between India and china, and constant hostilities between India and Pakistan – all nuclear powers and share borders with Kashmir – will lead the whole region to the nuclear catastrophe with immense consequences for the whole world if Kashmir conflict remains unresolved.

We trust that the world powers in general and the United Nations in particular will bring immense moral and political influence to bear on initiating a peace process which will lead to a speedy, just and honorable settlement of the dispute and restore to the people of Kashmir their inalienable right to self-determination.

 Dr. Fai is the Secretary General of Washington-based World Kashmir Awareness Forum

TEHRAN, 13 September 2020, TON:  Iranian wrestler, Navid Afkari, who has won medals in numerous of Iran's national tournaments, was hanged till death today in the southern city of Shiraz. He was sentenced to death over the murder of Hassan Turkman, a water company security guard during a wave of anti-government protests in August 2018.  

Navid Afkari, a 27-year-old Greco-Roman wrestler, had won medals in numerous of Iran's national tournaments. In August 2018, foreign backed protests were launched across Iranian cities over economic hardship and political repression. Afkari was arrested by police who identified him using CCTV footage in which he was caught stabbing. There were also visuals of Afkari on a motorbike, saying he stabbed Hassan Turkman in the back. Iranian television also aired a video this month in which Afkari confessed to Turkman’s killing and also made a written confession.

Human rights organisation Amnesty International described Afkari's execution as a "travesty of justice". The World Players Association said he had been "unjustly targeted" for taking part in the protests, and called for Iran's expulsion from world sport if it went ahead with the execution. In a statement from the office of US President Donald Trump it was said, "The sole act was an anti-government demonstration on the streets".

Kuala Lumpur, 12 September 2020, TON: Malaysian authority has decided to lift the travel ban on 23 countries, including Bangladesh. Before that, on 4th September 2020, the administration imposed the temporary entry ban.

            To prevent the spread of COVID-19, Malaysia had announced that people from countries whose nationals had contract COVID would be barred from entry. Though this restriction has been eased, the authority has taken some precautionary measures. Like, the immigrants must be approved by the Malaysian Immigration Department before they enter the country. Besides, their application for entry must be accompanied by a supporting letter from the Malaysian Investment Development Authority or agencies concerned; regional media reports quoted Security Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob as saying.

             After the announcement on the entry ban, Malaysian employers complained that the government should continue to allow expatriates and professional pass-holders to come in as the economy needs their technical skills. Ismail Sabri Yaakob said on Thursday that a select cabinet committee has decided to relax the regulation that was enforced from Monday slightly.

             About 800 000 Bangladeshi work in Malaysia. Many of them are employees of construction and plantation sectors as low-paid workers. Several migrant workers came home on vacation before the pandemic. Later they got that temporary entry ban. Now they are waiting to return to their workplace again. Israt Jahan Leena, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh

ISLAMABAD, 12 September 2020, TON: A Pakistani journalist associated with English-language daily, The Express Tribune was arrested by police from his residence in Defence Housing Authority, Karachi on Friday, after he allegedly posted social media posts, criticizing government authorities.

Additional Inspector General Ghulam Nabi Memon confirmed that Bilal Farooqi, who is a news editor at The Express Tribune, was arrested by  DHA Police Station on Friday evening.  

An FIR was lodged against Bilal Farooqi under Sections 500 and 505 of the Pakistan Penal Code and Sections 11 and 20 of the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act (PECA), 2016. The police authorities informed that FIR has been lodged on the complaint by Javed Khan on 9 September 2020. According to the FIR, the complainant, who is a machine operator at a factory and is a resident of Majeed Colony in Landhi area, said he visited a restaurant in DHA Phase-2 Extension on September 9, during which he checked his Facebook and Twitter accounts. It was then he found highly objectionable posts against the Pakistan Army were posted by Farooqi on both platforms and the material was aimed at allegedly spreading religious hate.

Javed Khan alleged that the Bilal Farooqi has defamed Pakistan Army and social media posts could be used by enemies to achieve nefarious designs so legal action should be initiated him.

Meanwhile, the Karachi Union of Journalists (KUJ), released a statement condemning the arrest of Bilal Farooqi and saying that Bilal remained executive committee of the KUJ, has is an educated and responsible youth, who has never indulged in any kind of violation of Pakistani laws.


MOSCOW, 12 September 2020, TON: India and China have reached a five-point disengagement consensus to resolve the four-month-long military standoff in eastern Ladakh and take steps to restore peace and tranquility along the Line of Actual Control (LAC).

Indian External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar and his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi met in Moscow on the sidelines of a Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) on Thursday.

The Indian Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) said in a statement on Friday, “The two foreign ministers agreed that the current situation in the border areas is not in the interest of either side. They agreed therefore that the border troops of both sides should continue their dialogue, quickly disengage, maintain proper distance and ease tensions.”  

The joint statement also said Jaishankar and Wang agreed that both sides should take guidance from the series of consensus reached between leaders of the two countries on developing India-China relations, including not allowing differences to become disputes.

It was clear that the reference was to the broad decision taken by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping in the talks following the Doklam episode of 2017.

“The two sides also agreed to continue to have dialogue and communication through the Special Representative mechanism on the India-China boundary question,” the joint statement said.

“They also agreed in this context that the Working Mechanism for Consultation and Coordination on India-China border affairs (WMCC), should also continue its meetings,” it said. Foreign Minister Wang and National Security Advisor Ajit Doval are special representatives for the boundary talks.

The Indian Army and the PLA have been locked in a tense standoff in multiple areas along the LAC in eastern Ladakh since early May. Shots were fired across the LAC on Monday for the first time in 45 years with the two sides accusing each other of firing in the air.

In New Delhi,  top military brass also  deliberated on the five-point agreement which included National Security Advisor Ajit Doval, Chief of Defence Staff Gen. Bipin Rawat, Army Chief Gen. MM Naravane, Air Chief Marshal RKS Bhadauria and Navy Chief Admiral Karambir Singh. 


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