Afshain Afzal

Afshain Afzal

RIYADH, 7 October 2020, (TON): Saudi Arabia’s Chamber of Commerce asks its Nationals to Boycott Turkish goods including investment  and tourism.

Saudi Arabia’s Chamber of Commerce head Ajlan Al Ajlan on Saturday tweeted,” The boycott of everything Turkish, whether on the level of import, investment or tourism, is the responsibility of every Saudi – trader and consumer – in response to the continued hostility of the Turkish government against our leadership, our country and our citizens.”

Although, overwhelming majority of the people of Turkey love their Saudi brothers and consider Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as their second country, however, the development surfaced after Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan passed statements of world politics including war between Azerbaijan and Armenia. During his recent address to the Turkish General Assembly, Erdogan said, “It should not be forgotten that the countries in question did not exist yesterday, and probably will not exist tomorrow; however, we will continue to keep our flag flying in this region forever, with the permission of Allah.” The media carried out negative propaganda and cautioned many countries of the intentions of Turkish Presidents statement.

Turkey was quoted also to have accused Arab countries of destabilizing the region. Although, Erdogan blamed the Arab countries for instability in the Middle East and did not name Saudi Arabia but the statements from Tel Aviv and NATO Headquarters compelled Saudi Arabia to express their view point.

WASHINGTON, 3 October 2020, (African News): US Defense Secretary Mark Esper signed a 10-year military cooperation deal with Tunis Wednesday during his first stop on a regional tour, hailing US-Tunisia collaboration over the conflict in neighbouring Libya.

The past decade has seen growing cooperation between the Pentagon and Tunisia, particularly on counter-terror training and securing the North African country's long border with Libya, where jihadist groups operate and world powers back rival sides in a complex war.

"We look forward to expanding this relationship to help Tunisia protect its maritime ports and land borders, deter terrorism and keep the corrosive efforts of autocratic regimes out of your country," Esper said in a speech after meeting President Kais Saied.

Speaking at a cemetery in Carthage housing the remains of over 2,800 American soldiers, mostly killed in World War II, he warned of the worldwide threat posed by "violent extremists".

Esper also accused US rivals China and Russia of continuing "to intimidate and coerce their neighbours while expanding their authoritarian influence worldwide, including on this continent."

He said Moscow and Beijing's "malign, coercive, and predatory behaviour" aimed to "undermine African institutions".

Last month, US President Donald Trump reaffirmed that he planned to pull all troops out of Iraq as soon as possible. Accordingly, General McKenzie issued a statement quoted in the media, "In recognition of the great progress the Iraqi forces have made and in consultation and co-ordination with the government of Iraq and our coalition partners, the United States has decided to reduce our troop presence in Iraq from about 5,200 to 3,000 troops during the month of September."  He added he is quite certain that the Iraqi Security Forces has ability to operate independently and to deal with the continuing threat of IS, which once controlled huge portion of Iraq. These troops will be repositioned in Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Central Asian Republic and Germany as well as at choke points.  

Meanwhile, in the new development, there were reported of increased US drones targeting against Yazidis and other Kurds in northern Iraq including elements of Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK). The locals of the affected areas claims that it was sort of show of forces as they never saw drones flying at low flight, visible to the necked eye. Interesting, these are the same Kurds, which had protection of Washington since decades and US had been protecting and patronizing. Many a times, US also issued statements for the independence of Kurdish areas. Locals of Iraq in various localities said that US, all these years empowered Kurds and pro-Iran elements in Iraq to make it their second home so that there is balance of power between Arab Muslims and non-Arab centrifugal forces, who is establishing a different identity of nationalities from Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen and Pakistan. The US F-16 Fighter aircrafts and drones have become a constant feature to mix it with Turkish operations in Libya and Syria. In fact, an attempt is being made to malign Turkey for every attack in Northern Iraq.

If we recall, MQ-9 Reaper drone fired missile at Baghdad International Airport at the convey of General Qassim Soleimani, Iranian Revolutionary Guards commander  when he was planning to meet Iraqi Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi in Baghdad. However, despite the fact that neither his dead body nor any concrete confirmation was there, it is widely believed that General Qasem Soleimani  along with members of his convey were all killed and turned into ashes. In reaction, the Iraqi parliament passed bill urging the government to cancel the request for help it presented to the international coalition. US claimed that Iran launched ballistic missile attack at two Iraqi military bases hosting US forces.

An Iraqi former military officer who retired last year said on the condition of atomicity, “It is a game plan knitted by apparent two enemies i.e. the US and Iran, whose military commanders collaborates against Turkey. American equipment is used to attack Kurds areas to create hatred against the Turkish forces in various countries of Middle East.” He added, Iran based Kurdistan elements, US-settled Iraqis, Iranians living here and other nationalities living in Iraq are destined to play a crucial role in regime change in Iran, in the near future. He said, “Threats to Iran and Turkey for regime change should not be taken lightly.” There is, no doubt, as the moves are being unfolded on world chess board, the Western players have this time planned to target Turkey and Iran for the Government (regime) changes to build strategic partners and allies in Istanbul and Tehran.

NEW DELHI, 1 October 2020, (ToI): The NHRC has issued notice to the Union home secretary over rights organisation Amnesty International winding up its operations in the country after alleging “witch-hunt” by the government, officials said on Wednesday.

According to media reports, after the complete freezing of its bank accounts in India, the Amnesty International has reportedly halted all the work in the country, the NHRC said in a statement.

“The National Human Rights Commission has taken suo motu cognisance of the matter and directs issuance of the notice to the Home Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs, government of India, calling for their comments on the allegations levelled by the Amnesty International as mentioned in the news report,” it said.

In a statement earlier, the international NGO had stated that “it has been compelled to let go of staff in India and pause all its ongoing campaign and research work,” the NHRC said.

“It is alleged that this is the latest in the incessant witch-hunt of human rights organisations by the government of India over unfounded and motivated allegations,” the rights panel said.



Lucknow, 30 September, 2020, (TON):  The Indian CBI court in Lucknow, has ruled that the decision of  Babri Masjid demolition was not preplanned and the  evidence were insufficient. The verdict said, the people who carried the riots were anti-nationals elements. He acquitted all the accused.

Special judge Surendra Kumar Yadav  in his verdict wrote, "The accused tried to stop the demolition." He highlighted, “The Hindu activists who tore down the 16th-century mosque were "anti-social elements".A special court in Lucknow delivered the much-awaited judgment on Wednesday in the 1992 Babri Masjid demolition case.  All the 32 accused, including BJP veterans L.K. Advani and Murli Manohar Joshi, have been acquitted.

CBI judge S.K. Yadav had on September 16 directed all the 32 surviving accused to remain present in the court on the day of the judgment. However, L.K. Advani, M.M. Joshi, Uma Bharti and Kalyan Singh are unlikely to be present in the trial court. The case relates to the razing of the disputed structure in Ayodhya on December 6, 1992.

All-India Muslim Personal Law Board senior member Maulana Khalid Rasheed Firangi Mahali on Wednesday said organisations representing the community will together decide whether they need to challenge or not the CBI court verdict in the Babri mosque demolition case.

Refusing to comment on their acquittal, Mr. Mahali said, “I don’t have anything to say on the verdict. Everybody knows how the Babri mosque was sacrificed on December 6, 1992 in Ayodhya and how all rules were flouted.”

The CBI will decide on filing an appeal against the special court verdict acquitting all 32 accused in the Babri Masjid demolition case after consulting the legal department, its counsel said.“After a copy of today’s verdict is received, it would be sent to the CBI headquarters where it would be studied by the legal department and a decision on filing an appeal would be taken as per its suggestion,” CBI counsel Lalit Singh said.


SRINAGAR, 27 September 2020, (TON): Top Kashmiri Pakistani leader Syed Ali Geelani has asked Pakistan not to change the status quo of Gilgit-Baltistan. In a statement to media, Syed Ali Geelani issued the statement through Abdullah Gilani in which he asked Pakistan to maintain its consistent policy on Kashmir.

He pointed out, “The recent unfortunate decision to grant Gilgit and Baltistan the status of a provisional province represent a major shift in Pakistan’s so far consistent policy.”He said, “The move will result in disastrous consequences. Pakistan risks not only weakening its legal position and losing moral high ground but also demoralizing Kashmiri people.”

“While the local population in Gilgit and Baltistan may have some genuine grievances and concerns and Pakistan is duty bound to address them, we believe the purpose could have been efficiently and sufficiently served without altering the status quo. The move, in our view, is laden with disastrous consequences. Pakistan risks not only weakening its position and losing moral high ground but also demoralizing Kashmiri people.”

The statement said, “We, therefore, earnestly urge the government of Pakistan to rethink the decision granting provisional provincial status to Gilgit and Baltistan keeping in view all aspects, particularly, the possible detrimental repercussions it would have on the future of Kashmir as a dispute and, consequently, on its final settlement.”

KABUL, 20 September 2020, (TON):  20 (ANI): The UNSC issued a statement on Friday regarding Afghanistan peace negotiations in Doha, Qatar on 12 September 2020. It welcomed the start of the Afghanistan peace negotiations and reaffirmed the Security Council's strong commitment to the sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and national unity of Afghanistan."

The members of the Security Council recognized that a sustainable peace can be achieved only through a comprehensive and inclusive Afghan-led, Afghan-owned peace process that aims at a permanent and comprehensive ceasefire as well as an inclusive political settlement to end the conflict in Afghanistan.
The members of the Security Council strongly encouraged parties to the negotiations to continue pursuing confidence-building measures including reductions in violence, and to continue to engage in good faith, the statement further said.
The members of the Security Council reaffirmed the importance of the United Nations’ role in promoting peace and stability in Afghanistan and welcomed the efforts of all regional and international partners of Afghanistan in facilitating intra-Afghan negotiations and in helping the parties reach peace.
The members of the Security Council thanked the Government of Qatar for facilitating the first round of negotiations, the statement added.
The members of the Security Council, as quoted in the statement, emphasized the importance of the implementation of its relevant resolutions, including resolution 2513 (2020).

DUBLIN, 20 September 2020 (Conor Trindle): The Irish Department of Foreign Affairs on Thursday updated the government's 'Green List' of countries on the basis of the current ECDC data.

This is in line with the government's decision to include EU /EEA countries with a 14-day cumulative disease incidence rate of 25 or less per 100,000, based on data provided by the European Centre for Disease Control (ECDC). The changes to the list will take effect from midnight on Monday.

The list of countries will be Cyprus, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland.

Irish citizens considering travel to these locations are being made aware that these countries continue to announce new restrictions on arrivals from abroad, including the requirements to quarantine on entry. This can include restrictions on arrivals from Ireland.

"The government agreed that Ireland should broadly support the European Commission proposal for a common approach to travel within the EU / EEA, which is currently under discussion in Brussels. Between now and the EU signing off on a system, Ireland's Green List will be updated on a weekly basis. The changes announced today will come into effect on Monday. People should use our travel advice to carefully consider their need to go abroad and take into account the restrictions that other countries may have on travellers from Ireland," the Minister for Foreign Affairs Simon Coveney said Thursday.

With effect from Monday 21 September, Cyprus, Germany, Poland and Iceland have been added to the list and their security status rating has been changed to "normal precautions". From Monday 21 September onwards, passengers arriving in Ireland from these countries will not be requested to restrict their movement.

With effect from Monday 21 September, Hungary, Italy, Slovakia, Greece, Norway and Estonia have been removed from the list, and their security status rating has been changed to 'avoid non-essential travel.' Passengers arriving in Ireland from these locations will be requested to restrict their movements.

The general advisory to avoid non-essential travel remains in place, the department says, except for countries on the 'Green List', and for certain exempted categories. The security rating for countries on the 'Green List' is 'Normal Precautions' (green).

The government says citizens should be aware that many countries, including some of those on the Green List, are imposing quarantine, testing or other restrictions on arrivals from abroad. This can include restrictions on arrivals from Ireland. Citizens who are considering travel to particular locations are advised to monitor news and information from the public authorities in their destination, the department said.

Reviews to the Green List will take place on a weekly basis, using the ECDC data published every Thursday, with any changes to the list taking effect from the following Monday.

SRINAGAR, 19 September 2020, (TON): Indian puppet Jammu and Kashmir government has notified new housing policy 2020, with a set target to construct one lakh residential units in next five years, for marginalized section and lower income groups.

A notification issued by Jammu and Kashmir Housing and Urban Development Department reads: “In supersession of all the previous policies/notifications/orders on the issue and in the interest of general public, the government of Jammu and Kashmir hereby notifies the Jammu and Kashmir Housing, Affordable Housing, Slum Redevelopment and Rehabilitation and Township Policy -2020.”

Under the policy, the government has set an initial target of 1 lakh dwelling units to be constructed over the next five years for economically weaker section and lower income group households.

As per the sources in Jammu, already multiple stories apartments and houses have been built in Jammu and Srinagar and other localities to settle mostly non-Kashmiris and Government Servants. Separate scheme have been announced by Hindus of Jammu and other districts.


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