JERUSALEM, 15 March, 2021, (TON): Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu said he was discouraged from flying to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) through Saudi Arabian airspace last week.

Netanyahu had called off a visit to the Emirates last week over a spat with neighboring Jordan, which had temporarily closed its airspace to the Israeli PM’s flight.

He did not elaborate, nor did he say his plane was targeted by the Iran-backed Houthis.

Yemen's Houthi rebels, who control the capital and a large part of the nation's north, have raised their cross-line assaults on basic Saudi framework as of late, smashing bomb-loaded drones and rockets into the realm's Patriot rocket batteries and uncovering holes in the nation's guards.

A week ago, rockets and drones hit one of the world's biggest oil transporting ports and ended air traffic toward the worldwide air terminal in the port city of Jeddah. While Houthi-asserted assaults on Saudi Arabia infrequently cause generous harm, such strikes have annoyed the world economy and raise the danger of an interruption in worldwide oil supplies.


What measures should parents take in ensuring their child is safe from Coronavirus?

Dubai: 18 March 2020, TON:  Keeping children safe is a concern among many parents, specifically with the children home from school. While there are many ways that preventative measures should be implemented in the home,  Consultant and Head of pediatric dentistry in Dubai Health Authority to ensure the safety of their children.

Dr. Mansoor pediatric firstly advises that children are sleeping well. Although it might be tempting during the holidays for children’s sleep schedules to shift, it is important that they are resting.

“These things are definitely important to ensure that their immunity is optimized. They should engage in any activity. In addition to all that, it’s extremely important to take this opportunity to teach them about hand hygiene and the importance of hygiene etiquette like washing their hands frequently, trying to avoid touching their faces with their hands and to know the etiquette of how to sneeze into a tissue or their elbow,” Dr. Mansoor says.

The pediatrics doctor understands that teaching children about certain habits differs from each individual depending on their age and character, “Every child has a unique personality so understanding what they like can make a huge difference. For example, parents can reward the children every time they wash their hands, they can have a timetable to keep track of handwashing, there can be small competitions in the house between the siblings, there could be a song that they sing while washing their hands, they can be watching a little clip, there are many different things they can follow and it just really depends on the personality of the child.”


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