Afshain Afzal

Afshain Afzal

KATHMANDU, 8 March 2021, (TON): In a huge blow to the two warring leaders amidst a tussle for power, Nepal’s Supreme Court on 3 March quashed the unification of the erstwhile Communist Party of Nepal (Unified Marxist–Leninist) led by Prime Minister K  Sharma Oli and the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist Center) led by Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda.

The CPN-UML and CPN (Maoist Centre) merged in May 2018 to form a unified Nepal Communist Party following victory of their alliance in the 2017 general elections.

On Sunday, an apex court bench of justices Kumar Regmi and Bam Kumar Shrestha issued the verdict giving authenticity of the Nepal Communist Party (NCP) to Rishiram Kattel, who had registered the party at the Election Commission (EC) in his name prior to the formation of Nepal Communist Party (NCP) led by Oli and Prachanda, The Kathmandu Post newspaper reported. Kattel had challenged the Election Commission’s decision to register Nepal Communist Party (NCP) under Oli and Prachanda in May 2018. The Bench said that a new party cannot be registered with the Election Commission when it already has a party registered with a similar name.

GENEVA, 5 March 2012 (TON): The United Nations human rights investigator on Myanmar said on 4 March that Myanmar’s military has murdered, beaten and unlawfully arrested protesters since it seized power in a coup on 1 February this year and called for wide-ranging punitive sanctions.

In a UN Human Rights Council report, Thomas Andrews urged the UN Security Council to impose a global arms embargo and targeted economic sanctions on the military rulers and refer alleged atrocities to the International Criminal Court for prosecution. He said, “States should impose sanctions on the Myanmar Oil and Gas Enterprise, now controlled by the military and its largest source of revenue.”

As The UNSC is due to discuss the situation on Friday in a closed meeting, the protests supported and funded by foreign nations have increased. In support, the UN investigator’s statement confirmed that 38 people had been killed during Wednesday’s demonstrations while till 1 March 23 were believed to have been killed. Aung San Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy party said in a statement that flags would fly at half-mast at its offices to commemorate the dead.

As per the details, Police opened fire and used tear gas to disperse protests in Yangon, Monywa, Pathein and Taunggyi.

The UN human rights chief, Michelle Bachelet, called on the security forces to stop “vicious crackdown on peaceful protesters”. She added tha more than 1,700 people had been arrested, including 29 journalists.

The European Union suspended support for development projects to avoid providing financial assistance to the military, officials said on Thursday. The support in past years has involved more than 200 million euros ($240.7m) in separate programmes often running for four years.

Meanwhile, there are confirmed reports that India is using its soil and funding to create unrest in Myanmar’s military and Police. Foreign media reported that 19 Myanmar police officers have crossed over into India for unknown reasons.

NEW DELHI, 27 February 2021, (TON): Pakistan and India have signed a ceasefire agreement on Friday 26 February 2021. The day commensurate 26 February 2019 Indian attack inside Pakistani territory, when Indian Mirage 2000 fighter jets crossed the Line of Control (LoC) and bombed Pakistani city of Balakot. The day also reminds of death anniversary of Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, founding father of Abhinav Bharat Society, free India Society, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) and Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP).

The Indian military authorities celebrated the event saying, “it was very positive step in the right direction by the Pakistani military”. General Officer Commanding (GOC) Kilo Force, Major General H S Sahi said Friday, “The security grid along the Line of Control (LoC) and in the hinterland had been established and we will ensure that ceasefire agreement be implemented in letter and spirit”. He cautioned Pakistan, “All activities like infiltration or arms being sent from across the border must stop in case the ceasefire agreement has to be implemented earnestly.”

Major General Sahi said, “Our establishment of the security grid; the infiltration grid on the Line of Control, and the grid there after in the immediate hinterland has been calibrated and we have started moving to the forward operation posts to carry out reconnaissance of whole area.”  

Pointing finger towards Pakistan, Major General Sahi said, “The ceasefire violations are basically meant to assist the militants to sneak across. We hope that in the spirit of the understanding of the ceasefire agreement would be observed” He added, “We are continuously monitoring the situation.”

The breakthrough to reach ceasefire was not an easy task and was achieved after hectic efforts from Pakistani military and diplomatic authorities. Pakistan High Commission officials organized friendly cricket match with India media members at the Pakistan High Commission grounds in their Embassy on 21 February. For the first time, Indian national anthem was played inside Pakistan High Commission.

Meanwhile, a Muslim resident of Jammu claimed that in Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir Indian Army celebrated the ceasefire between Pakistan and India through “Bonfire” in which between intervening night of Friday and Saturday more than six five shops were set ablaze and reduced to ashes in Gandhri village of Ramban district in Jammu division. He added that it is a routine affair by Indian military that it set on fire Kashmiri Muslims’ properties or kill them in extrajudicial killings or fake encounters. Indian authorities, however, claimed that the fire was due to LPG cylinders that exploded inside the shops.

SANNA, 27 February 2021, (TON): Yemeni security forces have claimed that heavy fighting between rebels and Government forces in Yemen's oil-rich Marib has killed at least 27 people.

According to the local tribal leaders Iran has intensified increased its military aid to the rebels. The Iranian-backed Houthi rebels earlier this month renewed their attack on Marib to defeat the Yemeni forces allied with the internationally recognized government. Reports claims that Houthi rebels are also being equipped and aided by the foreign western groups as well as the Iranian government. One witness said that in the past twenty-four hours most of those killed were rebel fighters to had launched offensive attacks to take over the area from Yemeni forces.       



WASHINGTON, 27 FEBRUARY 2021, (TON): Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi will receive CERAWeek global energy and environment leadership award at during an annual international energy conference next week.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi will also deliver the virtual keynote address at the CERAWeek Conference-2021, which will be held virtually from 1 to 5 March 2021. Prominent speakers at the conference include US special presidential envoy for climate John Kerry, Co-chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and founder of Breakthrough Energy Bill Gates and president and CEO, Saudi Aramco, Amin Nasser.

The annual international conference is a gathering of energy industry leaders, experts, government officials and policy makers, leaders from the technology, financial and industrial communities, and energy technology innovators.

YANGON, 27 February 2021, (TON): Myanmar military announced on Friday the all operations against the militant and armed groups would remain suspended for another one month. The suspension period of its operation against armed groups was to the end on 1 March.

During the period, the military's operation will be suspended across the country,

The military authorities in a statement said, “All military operations will be suspended excluding state defence and administrative measures in the country to enable ethnic armed organizations to continuously join the dialogue, according to the statement.”

Myanmar’s military has seized power on 1 February 2021 and declared a state of emergency for one year following days of escalating tension over the result of November’s parliamentary elections. Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, commander-in-chief of the armed forces, citing “huge irregularities” in November’s vote took over the control of the country. Political leader Aung San Suu Kyi, President Win Myint and other senior members of the National League for Democracy were placed on preventive custody.


TOKYO, 19 February 2021, (TON):  Seiko Hashimoto has taken over as new Tokyo Olympic President after removal of Yoshiro Mori, existing President Olympic, who passed obnoxious unethical comments about women. 83 years old Yoshiro Mori also remained as former Japanese prime minister.

Seiko Hashimoto appeared in seven Olympics and has made a history as in Japan, women are rarely appointed on top positions. As per the details, 56 year-old Hashimoto was named as president of the Tokyo Olympic organizing committee after a meeting of its executive board. Hashimoto had been serving as the Olympic minister in the cabinet of Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga. She also held a portfolio dealing with gender equality and women's empowerment.

The Olympics are scheduled to open on 23 July with 11,000 athletes, followed by the Paralympics on 24 August with 4,400 athletes. The International Olympic Committee s said it will not require participants to be vaccinated. In addition to the athletes, tens of thousands of officials, media, sponsors and broadcasters are also likely to visit Japan. The pulling off the torch relay would begin on 25 March in northeastern Japan. It will crisscross the country with about 10,000 runners, and end at the opening ceremony in Tokyo.

KATMANDU, 18 February 2021, (TON):  China has announced it decision to provide 500,000 doses of BBIBP-CorV vaccine, developed by Sinopharm, under grant assistance programme.

The Nepalese Department of Drug Administration, The National Drug Regulatory Authority, has granted emergency use approval to a COVID-19 vaccine, “Sinopharm” developed by the Beijing Institute of Biological Products Co Ltd (BIBP) in China. India had also submitted two applications for the approval of its vaccine but it has been rejected.

Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) is granted for some drugs and vaccines by authorities for temporary period during a emergency so that authorities gain time to test and make a judgment to  establish its electiveness, safety and side effects. Such a decision is normally taken when there are evidences to support that patients have recovered from the drug/vaccine.

We cannot ignore to investigate that there is also a general perception that Coronavirus is a biological weapon created to achieve some objectives. Although real, the Coronavirus has been exaggerated manifolds and its spread is intentional against the human rights and other international laws to implement the new strategies of the bankers and businessmen. The package for world governments to introduce smart and strategic technologies based applications and national plans to build future of education, health, economy, services etc. on digital lines, using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics solutions with focus on operating from home. In the first step old systems, applications, software as well as hardware will be no more compactable and new versions of 5G would be prerequisite to enter into the future. This is aimed to achieve objectives ranging from new businesses to control over the day to day affairs of the whole world.

NEW DELHI, 17 February 2021, (TON): A communique from the Rashtrapati Bhavan by Indian President Kovind said, “The President has directed that Dr. Kiran Bedi shall cease to hold the office of the Lieutenant-Governor of Puducherry and has appointed Dr. Tamilisai Soundararajan, Governor of Telangana, to discharge the functions of the Lieutenant-Governor of Puducherry, in addition to her own duties.”

Kiran Bedi was removed as Lieutenant Governor of Puducherry late on Tuesday evening. Telangana Governor Tamilsai Soundararajan has been given additional charge of the Union Territory until regular arrangements are made.

Withdrawal of Dr. Kiran Bedi from the post has been highly resented and some locals took to the streets Wednesday to protest unjust presidential order. Protesters were chanting slogans against Tamilsai Soundararajan and Indian President for dragging the office into the politics. There are unjustified reports that Dr. Kiran Bedi had soft corner for Pakistan. Her statements including, “Imagine good relations with Pakistan? Would love to bike to Lahore from Amritsar. My parents used to go, see a movie there & return same day,” are taken negatively.

Congress leadership has expressed concern, claiming the move was to further weaken Congress ahead of elections in May 2021. The Presidential order was issued at a time when Congress leader resigned from the Assembly, leaving Congress government on the brink of collapse.

Narayanasamy who resigned from Congress and joined BJP said in a statement that the removal of Kiran Bedi as Lieutenant-Governor of Puducherry is a victory for the people.   Congress leaders have started resigning including Narayanasamy , E Theeppainjan, Malladi Krishna Rao and John Kumar so far while another N Dhanavelou, was disqualified last year for alleged anti-party activities. 


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