US Pledged 37 Black Hawks, 2 Fixed-Wing Attack Aircraft

KABUL, 30 June 2021, (TON): The Afghan delegation in Washington was told that the US will provide 37 Black Hawk helicopters and two A-29 Super Tucano fixed-wing attack aircraft to Afghanistan, sources told media.

The US officials also assured the Afghan delegation that 200 US contractors, mostly working with the military aircraft, will remain in Afghanistan until the end of September.

Currently, Afghan forces have more than 160 helicopters and aircraft.

Abdullah Abdullah, the chairman of the High Council for National Reconciliation, at a press conference said that the US will end its military presence in the country but will continue its assistance to Afghanistan and the Afghan air forces.

HE SAID “A new chapter has been opened in US and Afghanistan relations.”

In his meeting with the Afghan delegation, US President Joe Biden promised the Afghan leaders a sustained partnership even as he moves to accelerate winding down the US’s longest war in Afghanistan.

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