Pakistan supports China's efforts to safeguard world peace, contribute to global development: PM Imran

ISLAMABAD, 07 July 2021, (TON): Prime Minister Imran Khan said “Pakistan and China were iron brothers, emphasising that Pakistan supported China's efforts to safeguard world peace, contribute to global development and preserve international order.

Addressing the Communist Party of China (CPC) and World Political Parties Summit, he said “President Xi Jinping's vision of shared prosperity through the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) had made a major impact on global sustainable development and proved his credentials as a world statesman.”

He added that the prime minister noted that under Xi's leadership, China had achieved major success in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic.

He added "President Xi's declaration of making the Covid-19 vaccine a global public good is reflective of his compassion and fairness."

He credited the Chinese president's visionary leadership for China's transformation. Xi's people-centric philosophy has made a critical difference as recently China has eliminated extreme poverty, one of the greatest achievements in the history of mankind.

He also praised the CPC, saying the party "united the spirit of the Chinese people and encouraged them to wage an epic struggle for liberation from foreign occupation.”

PM said that the party's leader, Communist China's founding father Mao Zedong, had guided the Chinese people in reclaiming national dignity and self-pride, self-respect and China's rightful place in the world.

For decades, CPC's spirit instilled new vigour and hope beyond China's borders. It inspired people of the colonised nations and contributed to the end of colonialism.

He noted that CPC's astonishing success rests in the people-centric approach of its development philosophy. It remained committed to serving the people and prioritised their well-being.”

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