Junta troops arrest 10 locals in Hlegu following shooting of accused military collaborators

NAYPYITAW, 09 July 2021, (TON): According to local sources “when members of the military council were unable to find a student union member in Yangon’s Hlegu Township on Tuesday, they arrested his 50-year-old father instead.”

The junta’s armed forces detained at least 10 people that night, after three people accused of being military informants were shot and injured in the preceding days. 

Among those arrested was a monk from the Ingyin Myaing monastery and a patron from Hlegu’s National League for Democracy (NLD) chapter.

At the time of reporting, it was not known where those arrested were being detained; their families were reportedly unable to make contact with them.

The troops came looking for them in plainclothes just the other day but they couldn’t find them, so they came back with a dozen military vehicles this morning and took them. We still don’t know why they were arrested, though.

Further arrests were reportedly made, with the military tightening security that morning.

Another Hlegu local said “they’re patrolling the town out of uniform. We saw some security forces on the Hlegu bridge and there are even plainclothes security forces in the tea shops.”

Shootings of those perceived to be military informers, collaborators with the coup council, or members of the military-backed Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) have been targeted for attack by unidentified perpetrators across the country.

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