US still wants to revive nuclear deal despite Iran kidnap allegations’

WASHINGTON DC, 15 July 2021, (TON): The Biden administration intends to keep pursuing efforts to resurrect the 2015 Iran nuclear deal despite new allegations that Tehran plotted to kidnap a U.S. citizen.

A U.S. official familiar with the issue told POLITICO in a statement that restricting Iran’s nuclear program remains an “important and urgent” concern of the United States.

The official stressed that the U.S., categorically condemns the alleged Iranian plot.

But the official also noted that the fact that the United States was able to indict multiple Iranians suspected in the kidnap plot showed that Washington can simultaneously pursue multiple objectives when it comes to dealing with the Islamic Republic.

The official said “so yes, we intend to continue our effort to limit Iran’s nuclear program through a return to mutual compliance with the [deal] while also actively protecting American citizens and American interests on non-nuclear issues.”

Federal prosecutors unsealed the indictment in Manhattan.

It alleged that four Iranians plotted to abduct an Iranian American journalist living in Brooklyn who has sharply criticized the regime in Tehran for years.

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