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CAIRO, 5 January, 2021, (TON): At least three people were killed and another 17 were wounded on Tuesday in a bus-truck crash on a desert road of Aswan province in southern Egypt, official medical source said.

"The accident took place when a bus, carrying 30 people, attempted to slow down in a broken road in front of Binban village, then a truck hit it from behind," chairman of Aswan Ambulance Authority Mohamed al-Diekhily told Xinhua.

Ten ambulances were rushed to the scene and the road was closed, he added, noting that the injured ones were transferred to Aswan Public Hospital.

This is the third big accident that occurred on the same road in two weeks. On Thursday, 12 people were killed in two lorries crash while another 12 were killed in a microbus-lorry crash on December 27.

The governor of Aswan ordered to fix some light guidance placards and add some speed bumps to prevent the repetition of accidents. The Ministry of Social Solidarity ordered urgent aid to the families of the victims.

Daily road accidents are common in Egypt because of poorly maintained road infrastructure and loosely applied traffic regulations.

Egypt has been upgrading its road network. The upgrade of Egypt’s national road network and the establishment of new roads and bridges have largely contributed to the declining number of traffic accidents and consequent deaths in the most populous Arab country.

TRIPOLI, 5 January, 2021, (TON): A UN representative on Monday held a virtual meeting with the newly established Advisory Committee of the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum (LPDF) to discuss the latter's tasks and other agendas, the UN Support Mission in Libyan (UNSMIL) said in a statement.

Stephanie Williams, acting special representative of the UN Secretary-General in Libya, talked with the committee's officials over its mandate, tasks, expected outcomes, and the timeframe for its work, said the UN mission.

"In her opening remarks, Williams reiterated that the committee will play an advisory role and will work for a period of two weeks to produce concrete recommendations to address differences that have emerged over the selection mechanism and the nomination procedures of the executive authority, and to build consensus among the LPDF members," UNSMIL said.

Williams urged the participants to seize this opportunity to expedite the establishment of a unified executive authority, and to work together in order to fulfill the aspirations of the Libyan people.

UNSMIL requested the members of the Advisory Committee to submit written proposals to be discussed in the next meeting scheduled to be held virtually on Wednesday.

The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) has announced on Saturday the formation of an 18-member Advisory Committee for the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum (LPDF) tasked with discussing the outstanding issues related to the selection of a unified executive and to put forward concrete and practical recommendations upon which the plenary shall decide.

Moreover, the LPDF's Legal Committee (LC) held its third virtual session on Sunday, where the members shared proposals for constitutional arrangements for elections, the UN mission said.

The proposals presented a range of options to facilitate the implementation of the Roadmap agreed upon by the LPDF in November 2020.

"UNSMIL's Electoral Team provided a briefing highlighting the necessary sequencing and time-bound milestones related to constitutional arrangements for holding the national elections on the agreed-upon date of 24 December 2021. The LC agreed to resume its discussions at the end of this week," it added.

The Legal Committee is tasked with following up on the work of the House of Representatives and the High Council of State in relation to constitutional arrangements, and to provide the two institutions with recommendations in an effort to reach an agreement on a constitutional basis leading to holding the national elections on Dec. 24, 2021.

During the convocation of the dialogue forum held on November 7-15, 2020 in Tunisia's capital Tunis, 75 Libyans representing the social and political spectrum of the Libyan society discussed a political roadmap to achieve lasting peace in the war-torn Libya.

The participants agreed to hold general elections in Libya on December 24, 2021. They also voted on a mechanism to select a unified executive authority of the country.

Diplomatic efforts have been underway in recent months to reach a solution to the Libyan conflict following victories made by the Libyan Army against Haftar's militias

 ISLAMABAD, 05 January 2021, (TON): Pakistan and US on Monday reiterated their pledge to support each other in bringing peace to Afghanistan.

After a meeting between Army Chief Gen Qamar Bajwa and US Special Representative for Afghan Reconciliation Amb Zalmay Khalilzad, ISPR said in a statement, “During the meeting matters of mutual interest including overall regional security situation with particular reference to ongoing Afghan reconciliation process were discussed.”

“Both reaffirmed the commitment towards the common goal of peace and stability in the region and agreed on continued engagement at multiple levels,” it added.

The meeting took place a day before the intra-Afghan talks are set to resume in Qatar’s capital Doha after a three-week recess. The two sides were negotiating the agenda of the talks when they went on the break.

Meanwhile, the Taliban accuse US forces of carrying out airstrikes against them in violation of the Feb 2020 agreement signed between them, which paved the way for the start of intra-Afghan dialogue and phased withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan.

Pakistan's extensive support has been acknowledged in reaching the US-Taliban agreement and the after-comings.

“The visiting dignitary acknowledged Pakistan’s ongoing efforts for enduring peace in Afghanistan and the region,” the ISPR said.

RIYADH, 05 January 2021, (TON): A breakthrough has been reached in Qatar’s three-year-old dispute with Saudi Arabia and three other Arab countries and an agreement to end their rift signs in Saudi Arabia on Tuesday (today).

As part of the deal, Saudi Arabia will reopen its airspace and land and sea border to Qatar as of Monday, Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Ahmad Nasser al-Sabah said ahead of a Gulf Arab summit in Saudi Arabia on Tuesday (today).

Saudi Arabia’s de facto ruler Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman said the annual gathering of Gulf leaders would unite Gulf ranks “in the face of challenges facing the region”.

Qatar’s ruler, Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani, will attend, the royal court said. Saudi crown prince and Qatari emir to sign the deal today.

Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt have imposed a diplomatic, trade and travel embargo on Qatar since mid-2017 accusing it of supporting terrorism. Qatar denies it and says the embargo aims to undermine its sovereignty.

UAE Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Anwar Gargash said in a Twitter post that Tuesday’s summit would restore Gulf unity and that “more work lies ahead and we are moving in the right direction”.

“Our hope is that this dispute reaches a comprehensive and lasting resolution based on mutual respect for the countries’ sovereignty and that other sanctions against the people of Qatar are lifted as soon as possible,” Turkey’s Foreign Ministry said, adding that Turkey supported all efforts to bring stability to the Gulf region.

Earlier in December, Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister said a resolution to the dispute seemed within reach, Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in a Twitter post said he hoped Gulf reconciliation “contributes to stability and political and economic development for all peoples of our region.”

Meanwhile, Qatar’s Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani is in Saudi Arabia and attending the 41th GCC summit today to reach a formal agreement towards ending an embargo..



JAMMU AND KASHMIR, 05 January 2021, (TON): Kashmiris all over the world are observing the Right to Self-Determination Day, today, with the pledge to continue their liberation struggle till it reaches its ultimate goal while Federal Minister for Human Rights Dr Shireen Mazari on Monday called upon the international community to take notice of human rights violations in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

It was on 5th January in 1949 when the United Nations Security Council passed a resolution supporting the Kashmiris’ right to decide their future by themselves through UN-sponsored plebiscite.

The day is marked by various activities including rallies, seminars and conferences across the world to remind the UN that it must implement its relevant resolutions to save the Kashmiris from the Indian brutalities.

Meanwhile, Dr. Shireen Mazari while addressing a press conference along with the family members of imprisoned Kashmiri freedom fighter Asiya Andrabi, she urged the United Nations, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch as well as women organisations including the International Women Caucuses to take action on the HR violation in held Kashmir.

Ms. Mazari said Asiya Andrabi, along with Fehmida Sufi and Naheeda Nasreen, had been imprisoned in Delhi’s Tihar jail.

She said that imprisoning Dr Ashiq Hussain Faktoo, the longest serving political prisoner, Asiya Andrabi and Syed Ali Gilani, Shabir Ahmed Shah, Ashraf Sehrani, Dr Fayyaz, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, Yasin Malik and Musarrat Alam Bhat in occupied Kashmir’s prisons and the notorious Tihar Jail was a complete violation of Article 49.

The detention of these prisoners was also a war crime under Article 82 (2b, VIII) of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC), read with Article 143 of Geneva Convention IV, she noted.

At the same time, In a series of tweets, while reiterating support to the Kashmir cause Imran Khan said: “On 5th January 1949, the United Nations guaranteed the right to self-determination for the people of Jammu and Kashmir through an impartial plebiscite. We observe this day as a reminder to the UN & its member states of their unfulfilled commitment to the Kashmiri people.

“Despite suffering 73 years of brutal Indian occupation, generation after generation of the Kashmiri people remain steadfast in the demand for their inalienable right to self-determination as guaranteed to them under the UN Charter and by the UNSC.

“We call on the international community to take action against the well-documented human rights violations being committed with impunity by Indian Occupation forces against innocent Kashmiri men, women & children; & to ensure Kashmiris get their right to self determination.

“Pakistan stands unequivocally with the Kashmiri people in their struggle for freedom from the tyranny of one of the most ruthless, inhumane & illegal Occupation in modern history.”


WASHINGTON, 5 January 2021, (TON): The United States said Monday that the legislative elections held in Venezuela on Sunday in which President Nicolas Maduro's socialist political alliance is set to gain control of the National Assembly were a fraud.

According to Venezuela's National Electoral Council Pro-Maduro candidates received 67% of votes cast. Over the election in Venezuela,  US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in a statement, “The United States, along with numerous other democracies around the world, condemns this charade, which failed to meet any minimum standard of credibility,"  

Meanwhile, the European Union which refused to send independent election monitors Sunday, claiming the conditions for a democratic process did not exist also rejected Pro-Maduro candidates victory. US, EU and some other countries are openly supporting National Assembly opposition leader Juan Guaido.

WASHINGTON, 5 January 2020, (TON): The US Treasury Department on Monday issued a new license allowing certain transactions with Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido despite US sanctions on the country, reaffirming Washington's support for the politician as Venezuela's legitimate leader.

One of the mainstream opposition boycotted a parliamentary election on 6 December 2020, allowing President Nicolas Maduro's ruling socialists to win the election. Venezuela’s Supreme Court last week ruled that the move by the opposition-controlled National Assembly to extend its term an additional year was invalid, paving the way for allies of Maduro to take over the body this month. US claims that Maduro is in power due to backing of Venezuela’s military as well as Russia, China and Cuba.

Contrary to the election victory and Venezuela’s Supreme Court’s decision, the US Treasury Department allowed transactions with Venezuela's National Assembly and some others, recognizing the extension of the opposition-controlled National Assembly's term by a year. Washington in January 2019 recognized Venezuelan politician Guaido as the OPEC nation’s rightful leader.




WASHINGTON, 5 January 2021, (TON): House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was elected speaker of the US House of Representatives for the fourth term. Democrats hold only a very narrow majority in the US House of Representatives in the 117th Congress, with 222 Democrats to 211 Republicans.

The Democrats have indirectly accepted that Elections 2020 voting system was fraud as due to the same reasons for the first time since May 2020, lawmakers had to be present in person for the vote instead of using a digital proxy system set up after controversial COVID pandemic. All the lawmakers were brought into the hall to vote in order to maintain accountability and transparency.

The 80-year-old Nancy Pelosi also announced after this two-year period she will not seek another term as speaker of the House, in accordance with a deal made with Democrats in 2018.  

RAMALLAH, 04 January 2021, (TON): Ismail Haniyeh, Hamas Islamic movement chief, has called for holding a comprehensive Palestinian dialogue as soon as possible following a decision to hold general elections in the territory.

Haniyeh said in a televised address on Al-Aqsa TV on Sunday that Hamas and Fatah put an end to their dispute over holding general elections, adding that his movement is ready to involve in the legislative and presidential elections.

He stressed that the Palestinians should agree on a unified national political program, as well as a specific strategy of resistance in the Palestinian territories that would help Palestinians gain their legitimate rights.

On January 1, Haniyeh addressed Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas via an official letter, confirming that his movement is ready to end the internal division and hold general elections.

Meanwhile, the Palestinian President welcomed what came in Hamas's letter about ending division, building partnership and accomplishing national unity.

Abbas decided to invite Hana Nasser, Chairman of the Palestinian Central Elections Commission, to discuss the procedures for issuing the decrees related to holding the elections.

Despite a history of strife, Fatah and Hamas recently announced their agreement to put differences aside.

DHAKA, 04 January 2021, (TON):  Bangladesh Foreign Minister Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen said that the countries, including Russia and China, which voted against a resolution recently adopted by the 75th UN General Assembly (UNGA) on the human rights situation of the Rohingya refugees, "could play a better role".

On December 31, 2020, the UNGA plenary adopted the resolution by a recorded vote of 130 in favour to nine against, with 25 abstentions. Besides China and Russia, the other countries that voted against the resolution are Belarus, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, the Philippines, Vietnam and Zimbabwe.

"Those countries could play a better role which voted against the resolution. We don't have any displeasure against them," Momen told reporters at his office on Sunday.

"It's a strategic decision. We're happy with the results," he added.

"We're happy that they talked to us before the decision," the Foreign Minister said explaining why the countries wanted to remain neutral in the UN to use their leverage on Myanmar in finding a solution to the Rohingya crisis.

China is trying to work with Myanmar and Bangladesh to find a solution through tripartite discussions.

Momen said the Rohingya issue remains a big challenge and expressed his optimism over resumption of the repatriation process in this year, adding: "It's our expectation."

The Foreign Minister said he wrote to his counterpart at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Myanmar on January 1 touching upon overall issues.

"I've conveyed to my counterpart in Myanmar that we want the process to start. You repeatedly told us that you will take them back after verification and provide safety and security. It's our demand that you will provide it what you promised," he said, adding that creating a conducive environment for voluntary repatriation has to be in place as promised.

He said Myanmar is a friendly country and Bangladesh is trying to solve the Rohingya issue through discussion with the former bilaterally, apart from exploring other ways.

Responding to a question, the Foreign Minister said China is trying to discuss the issue through a trilateral mechanism with Myanmar and Bangladesh.

"We're ready. We'll sit once a date is fixed for the next round of discussions."

"Japan assured us of extending their help. We're yet to take a decision on how the framework will be designed."

"Development is not possible without peace," he said.

Two repatriation attempts turned futile as Myanmar "failed to remove trust deficit" among the Rohingya and there was "lack of conducive environment" in Rakhine state for their return.



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