Afshain Afzal

Afshain Afzal

By Afshain Afzal

The 26th August 2021 cowardly intelligence-operated attacks proved to be a perfect match with the plan made by the US and NATO forces. Earlier Pentagon made it clear that Washington has plans to adjust the timetable and the attack has made it “raison d’etre” for the extension of withdrawal. Interestingly, this time too Islamic State in Khorasan Province (ISKP) has claimed responsibility for the deadly suicide attacks outside Kabul airport. US surgical units on board C-17 aircraft confirmed 13 deaths and 21 injuries of US servicemen. Eye witnesseses claimed 55 deaths and countless injuries. US President Joseph Biden announced revenge from the Afghans who carried out terrorist attacks at Kabul airport. His statement said, “We will respond with force and precision at our time, at a place we choose, in a moment of our choosing,” He said, “These ISIS terrorists will not win. We will rescue the Americans and we will get our Afghan allies and our mission will go on. America will not be intimidated.” Interestingly, Taliban kept themselves away from either capturing big cities or taking seat at Kabul. Rather they allowed US and foreign forces to take over the control of airports including and Hamid Karzai International Airport at Kabul. Later, the Qatar-based splinter group was asked by Americans to carryout only the physical check of those entering Kabul airport.

Pentagon press secretary John Kirby said, “We can confirm that the explosion at the Abbey Gate was the result of a complex attack that resulted in a number of US & civilian casualties. We can also confirm at least one other explosion at or near the Baron Hotel, a short distance from Abbey Gate. We will continue to update.” Story circulated in the foreign circles said, “Two suicide bombers detonated in the vicinity, the Abbey Gate and Hamid Karzai International Airport near Baron Hotel and adjacent Abbey gate, which was followed by ISIS gunmen who opened fire on civilians and military forces.” Marine Gen. Kenneth F. McKenzie Jr,  head of U.S. Central Command said in a statement, “We believe attacks have been thwarted by them,” he said, but he added that it is unclear whether Taliban members allowed the militant near Abbey Gate, where the attack occurred. One of the Taliban’s responsibilities is to filter people who approach the gate” Meanwhile, clear instructions have been issued to United States force-commanders to chalk out operational plans to strike key assets, leadership, facilities and hideouts of the Islamic State terrorist group in Afghanistan. There are indications to strike Pakistani Balochistan province to link the name Khorasan with ISIS.

If we recall, Washington and allies, despite warnings from Afghans, were not interested to leave by 31 August 2021 and requested various stakeholders including Taliban to extend the period by the end of this year. Meanwhile, the US troops were seen shooing Afghans from Kabul and other airstrips. Statement issued by US State Department said that they have authentic reports of terrorist attacks at Kabul airport.  Referring back to British and Australian governments, US warned of a high threat level of terrorist attacks. Reports from the Kabul said that around 20,000 people are awaiting their evocation to foreign countries; some 10,000 were estimated at Kabul Airport on 26 August 2021. Britain had pledged to accommodate 20,000 Afghans but did not allow more than 3500. Another report said that London wanted to limit at 5000 immigrants. US claim that more than 80,000 people foreigners and Afghans have been evacuated since 15 August 2021 but the figures seem exaggerated and reports from Qatar, Tajikistan, and other European countries are in contradiction to claim.

Meanwhile, as predicted, United Nations Organizations has decided in principle to make emergency arrangements for hundreds of Afghan families who have been camping near the Kabul airport since 15 August.  The Pakistani authorities have agreed to provide food and medicine provided by World Health Organization (WHO) at Mazar-i-Sharif. The Pakistan national flag carrier would be utilized to carry the load. Islamabad has been also asked to eliminate terrorists from Pak – Afghanistan border and Balochistan. There were extensive movements of aircraft and drones were witnesses from remote bases in Tajikistan. Eyewitnesses say they are preparing for a massive attack. However, the same could not be confirmed taking place in the next 24 hours. Despite undertaking by the US and NATO to ensure the withdrawal of all troops by 31 August 2021, no on-ground preparations have been witnessed. It seems that the United Nations Organizations got another chance to show their humanitarian skills through renewed funding arriving from everywhere rather than permanent peace in Afghanistan. Let the eyes of UNO remain shut that India as a western ally has created ISIS and RAW is behind the Kabul airport attack.

Pakistan is celebrating its 74th independence day with traditional zeal across the country. The change of guard ceremonies are held at Mazaar-i-Quaid and Mazaar-i-Iqbal. Flag hoisting ceremonies are held at public and private offices and special programmes are observed at the Independence Day. All the buildings and streets are decorated with flag of Pakistan. This day is celebrated to recall the sacrifices of the forefathers and those who fought and gave their lives for the separate homeland.

Pakistan was created by the continuous struggle of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and his followers. The idea of Jinnah behind the creation of Pakistan was to freely progress and grow however today, a part of country is under Indian occupation. The idea that gave birth to Pakistan was separate Muslim nation which was destined to grow but at present, our brothers and sisters in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir are facing extreme violence, brutality and restrictions. Last year Pakistan marked Independence of India as “Black Day’ to protest India’s move to scrap the special status to Jammu and Kashmir and gave a message to the world that unilateral and illegal act of Indian Government in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) is just to suppress the people of Kashmir. Today, Muslim community in India is such excluded section of Indian social and political structure due to their religion that they are being labeled as 'anti-national'. Muslims don’t feel secure and are apprehensive in today’s India. In truth, India has a long history of marginalizing Muslims, which became the reason on the basis of which our forefathers struggled for separate homeland.

India and Pakistan, both the nations attained independence on 15th August 1947 from the British colonial rule. After the British rule was ended in British India, two nations India and Pakistan were created after 12 pm on 14th August on 15th August 1947. India celebrates its independence on 15th August while Pakistan initially celebrated its Independence Day on 15th August but after the death of Mohammad Ali Jinnah, the Quaid-e-Azam, the Independence Day was changed to 14th August. There is no doubt that the very first independence day of Pakistan was also celebrated on 15th August. Official holiday of Independence Day was also announced for 15th August 1948 and Press Information Department, Karachi also published “Independence Anniversary Series 15 August 1947 – 15 August 1948”. History gives the evidence that the Indian Independence Act of 1947 that created two separate nations confirms that India and Pakistan attained freedom from the British colonial rule on 15th August. The Clause 1 of the Article 1 titled "The new Dominians" states that, “"As from the fifteenth day of August, nineteen hundred and forty-seven, two independent Dominions shall be set up in India, to be known respectively as India and Pakistan."

Moreover, the founding father of nation, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah also declared 15th August as Pakistan’s Independence Day. He said in a radio address to the nation that "It is with feelings of greatest happiness and emotion that I send you my greetings. 15th August is the birthday of the independent and sovereign state of Pakistan. It marks the fulfillment of the destiny of the Muslim nation which made great sacrifices in the past few years to have its homeland."

The first Pakistan’s commemorative postage stamps were released in July 1948, which mentioned 15th August 1947, as its Independence Day. However, it remained unclear that why Pakistan’s government and leaders unanimously advanced the Independence Day. The last British viceroy, Lord Mountbatten in a press conference announced that 15th August would come as the Independence Day, hastening the transfer of power. Mountbatten announced transfer of power of governance over to Pakistan to Muhhammad Ali Jinnah in Karachi that was to take effect at the same time in both the countries.

Historical speeches, documents and all the collections related to creation of Pakistan makes it obvious that Independence Day of Pakistan is 15th August, which has been advanced but the reasons behind this advancements are bizarre. Nevertheless, whatever the reasons are, today, the only thing that matters is that we got our separate nation but indeed, when we are celebrating Independence Day, we are deeply grieved by the sufferings of people of IIOJK who are facing military siege from last two years. Moreover, we cannot forget the immense sufferings of people, horrific violence on Muslims and struggle of our forefathers at the time of partition which left an unforgettable mark on the people of Pakistan and gives the message of faith and courage.

By Afshain Afzal

Security Situation in Afghanistan has started improving as Taliban offered unconditional amnesty to all the Afghans and asked President Ashraf Ghani and Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah to step down in order to pave way for democratic process in Afghanistan. There is a general announcement that no one would be prosecuted or punished and foreigners would have protection guarantee. Other developments include that Pushtuns of Afghanistan with Uzbeks and Tajiks in general have joined Taliban and made quite abrupt semi-military moves to fill the gap created after the withdrawal of foreign forces. However, foreign nations encouraged mass immigration of US-NATO affiliated Afghan groups to migrate to Iran, India and Western nations including the US, Canada, Greece and UK. Supportive black media propaganda has started gaining momentum like Taliban denied girls right to go to school, women are not allowed to work outside the home, women are forced to wear veil or Burqa and be escorted by a male relative when going outside. Such propaganda received mixed reaction. The influx of refugee movement has made the security situation complex. For the first time US-NATO afflicted groups were seen fleeing to Tajikistan and Uzbekistan and even to Russia. Personnel incharge at Uzbekistan’s Karshi Khanabad (K-2) Base confirmed the reports.

In another development Iran’s eighth president Ebrahim Raisi was elected as a result of 48.8 percent turnout, the lowest in any presidential race since the 1979 revolution. He has promised to take action to lift harsh sanctions imposed by the United States and bridge the gap with dissatisfied Iranians, however, he said that he will not tie the Iran’s future to the West. In a strategic move, Enrique Mora, the European Union’s senior representative in the Vienna talks, is expected to attend Raisi’s inauguration on 5 August 2021. There are high chances that as a result of major compromises separate EU-Iran and US-Iran agreements would be concluded. There are high hopes that 2015 nuclear deal with world powers would be revived in original. Soft corner by the Washington towards Tehran has been witnessed in the near past and after emergence of new leadership post elections, White House has reportedly offered mass immigration to the Afghan refugees through third parties as new phase of US Afghan strategy to create Iraq and Libya like situations in Afghanistan. It is being claimed the Pakistani leadership is in the knowledge of new plan but same could not be confirmed. Western and India media’s are releasing stories of Taliban’s anti-Shia and anti-Hazara but same could not be confirmed on ground. There were available links that suggested some Afghan factions maintaining communication with Western representatives, Iranian leadership and elements in Pakistan were also involved in terrorist attacks in Afghanistan to aggravate security situation in Afghanistan.

At the Afghan capital Kabul, President Ashraf Ghani presented a security plan to challenge the Taliban onslaught before the country’s parliament, but its details have not been made public. Western nations attentions were attracted towards what the Presidential statement said, “Taliban have started violating Human Rights”. In a collective move, the US and the UK as well as other western nations have accused the Taliban of “war crimes” in the southern town of Spin Boldak in Kandahar province, alleging that dozens of civilians were massacred.

Strange foreign forces have started leaving the country, Medicine Sans Frontier (MSF) coordinator looking after Helmand Project started furnishing situation reports, “There has been relentless gunfire, air strikes and mortars in densely populated areas. Houses are being bombed, and many people are suffering severe injuries.” The embassies of Washington and London have started giving separate tweets in which “War Crimes of Taliban” are being highlighted. UK representative in Afghanistan tweeted, "In Spin Boldak, Kandahar, the Taliban massacred dozens of civilians in revenge killings. These murders could constitute war crimes; they must be investigated & those Taliban fighters or commanders responsible held accountable." Tweet said, “The Taliban’s leadership must be held responsible for the crimes of their fighters. If you cannot control your fighters now, you have no business in governance later.”

Although Thomas Nicholson, head of the European Union delegation to Afghanistan was not available for comments but he was quoted to have said, “If Taliban rise to power militarily, the EU will not recognise them.” Afghan media reported that Nicholson said “We are clearly very concerned about the situation. We are trying to stay involved in Afghanistan as much as possible and will continue our development assistance. We will be involved politically, as well.” In a statement US State Department said, “In light of increased levels of Taliban violence, the US government is working to provide certain Afghans, including those who worked with the United States, the opportunity for refugee resettlement to the US.” Interestingly, UNHCR is also presenting gloomy predictions. It is expected that by the end of this month, situation would be much clear. However, fears prevails that Western allies may execute their plan to carryout mass killings of Afghans on ethnic and sectarian grounds before 10th of September to find an excuse of direct attacks on Afghanistan to hunt Taliban and affiliated.

By Afshain Afzal

Fake news is being propagated by western interest players in Middle East that the senior leaders of Hamas and the Islamic Jihad coordinated with Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and Iranian supported Hezbollah in their latest Gaza attacks against Israel. Hamas leadership in West Bank and Gaza have strongly refuted the allegation and said, “Our leadership with the support of Allah through Muslim nations are sufficient and no foreign country in directly involved, whether in advisory role or on ground warriors”. It was added, “Saudi Arabia and Turkey have assured of their moral, financial and arms and armament support when situation arises.”

Misleading impression is being reflected by sponsored media including Lebanese Al-Akhbar and Al-Manar TV which stated that the “IRGC, Hezbollah, and Hamas set up a joint military operations room in Beirut during the latest conflict with Israel.” It stated, “the Commander of IRGC’s Al-Quds Force, General Esmail Qaani, visited Lebanon twice to attend the meetings.” Hamas leadership have refuted any such meeting or understanding and added that Hezbollah is Lebanon based and both Hezbollah and IRGC have no connection with present struggle to free Palestinian territory from Israeli occupation on the basis of UNSC Resolutions. They declined having ever spoken to General Qaani on the phone or otherwise and rejected baseless claim that “head of Hamas’s politburo and the secretary-general of Palestinian Islamic Jihad and assured them of Iran’s support”.

Baseless and unfounded allegation have been levelled on Hamas, which represents Palestinians all across that Hezbollah, acting as Iran’s proxy, transported weaponry and ammunition to Gaza and moved a number of Palestinian Resistance officers out of the Strip during the fighting. A Gaza-based Hamas leader said on the condition of anonymity that this is a joint US-Israel strategy to spread the Palestinian movement towards Lebanon.

If we peep into the series of incidents, the 13th of April was the turning point, the first day of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan; Twenty-seven days before the first rocket was fired from Gaza on Israeli security forces positions by Palestinian representative organisation, “Hamas”. On this day, Israeli police officers entered the most sacred Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem and manhandled worshippers, cutoff connection to speakers from four centuries old minarets and created an ugly situation. Earlier, Israelis asked the Muslims to seize use of loudspeakers for that day or at least pend call for prayers on loudspeaker when Israeli President was delivering a speech at the Western Wall, that lies below the Al Aqsa Mosque. The Palestinians leadership including Hamas and the Islamic Jihad rejected an Israeli request as it accounts to disrespectful before the Almighty Allah. Police raided Al Aqsa Mosque and disconnected the speakers, which was rightly termed by Sheikh Sabri as “a clear message to us that the Israeli police wanted to desecrate the Aqsa Mosque and the holy month of Ramadan.” This was followed by show of force by Israelis as series of raids on Al Aqsa Mosque.

On 21 April, just a week after the police raid, a few hundred members of a Jewish group, “Lehava”, marched through central Jerusalem, chanting slogans “Death to Arabs” and attacking Palestinian passers-by. The situation become further tense when a group of Jews was filmed attacking a Palestinian home, and assaulted others believed to be Palestinian. Due to tense situation, on 29 April, President Mahmoud Abbas cancelled the Palestinian elections. Since the holy month of Ramadan, especially on Friday 30 April, Israeli police created hindrances during prayers, trying to stop Palestinians from accessing the Old City, forcing the Palestinian leadership to retaliate. Left with no other option, Palestinian allowed Hamas to take over the cause of Palestinian and control the situation as things were getting out of hands. Again a Israeli police become more coercive and raided the Aqsa Mosque on Friday, 7 May where Police officers armed with tear gas, stun grenades and rubber-tipped bullets burst into the mosque compound leading to several hours of clashes with stone-throwing protesters in which hundreds were injured. Naturally, Hamas took over the Palestinian leadership and taught lesson to the Israelis not to forget that this land belonged to them.

The confidence and legality of taking punitive against Israel by Hamas had spring through the UN Security Council (UNSC) Resolution 242, which called for Israel to withdraw from occupied lands to secure and recognise borders in exchange for peace and UNSC Resolution 2334 (2016), where the Security Council reaffirmed that Israel’s establishment of settlements in Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem, had no legal validity, constituting a flagrant violation under international law and a major obstacle to the vision of two States living side-by-side in peace and security, within internationally recognized borders. The Council reiterated its demand that Israel immediately and completely cease all settlement activities and it would not recognize any changes to the 4 June 1967 lines, including with regard to Jerusalem, other than those agreed by the two sides through negotiations.

In March 2007 the UNSC added an embargo on arms exports from Iran. This was followed in June 2010 by a UN embargo on the export of most major conventional weapons to Iran. They were amended in October 2015 allowing supplies of major arms and related components and services with the specific approval from the Security Council. The UN restrictions on supplies of major arms to and all arms from Iran expired in October 2020. The Israel – US plan is to develop link between Hamas and Hizbullah cum Iran to not only convince United Nations to reimpose restrictions on supplies of major arms to Hamas and Hizbullah but also malign Iran’s IRGC with international repercussions. We have seen the democratic system under which President Mahmoud lost all hopes after the court decided Palestinians as illegal. It was only Hamas, which made the international community realise how the Palestinians are being treated and highlighted Israeli war crimes. It is high time that the Palestinian as well as Muslim around the world recognise Hamas as main representative of Palestinian and started legal peaceful struggle for the establishment of Palestine as independent and sovereign state with capital as Jerusalem.


NEW DELHI, 29 May 2021, (TON): The Karnataka Congress termed the ₹1,250-crore relief package announced by the BS Yediyurappa-led government an “eyewash” while alleging due to the Covid-19 pandemic the amount was not sufficient to address the growing distress in the state.

Congress leaders Krishna Byre Gowda and Priyank Kharge attacking the state government said, the most effective way to revive the economy amid the pandemic was to give money directly to the poor.

Gowda said “If one rupee is spent, it rotates at least five times in our economy. For economic revival and to kickstart and stimulate it, giving money to the poor Is 100% effective”.

DHAKA, 25 May 2021, (TON): The 122nd birth anniversary of National Poet Kazi Nazrul Islam is being observed today in the country in a befitting manner. He was great Pakistan movement leader and due to his servics Pakistan printed stamps in his honour in 1968 to highlight the poet’s role as a fighter for freedom for the Indo-Pakistan subcontinent. He was a “Muslim nationalist” who had worked to promote the culture and integrity of Pakistan on the basis of Islamic traditions and heritage.

Nazrul Islam, a Bengali literary legend used both new Arabic and Urdu words and succeeded in creating a wonderful poetic rhythm. His used Bengali and non-Bengali words merged into a phonic synthesis. Nazrul Islam wrote and composed music for nearly 3000 songs, collectively known as Nazrul Geeti (Nazrul songs) that still live in the hearts of the Bengali and Pakistani masses. He also wrote several novels, short stories. His works reveals Muslim renaissance, love and the awakening of the common man. In his songs, poems and articles Nazrul Islam inspired Muslims to rise up and fight for freedom against colonial rule by the British in India. His writings roused anger of the British government that proscribed his works on various occasions as well as twice sentenced him to rigorous imprisonment. Nazrul Islam also yearned and inspired peasants and workers against exploiters to establish their own rights. In his long poem 'Samyavad' (Equality) he speaks for his love of poor and deprived classes and demands for a Islamic society free of exploitation and oppression. Enthused with Islamic ideology Nazrul Islam tried to remove divisions in society on account of differences in religions and sects.

On 26 March, 1971 the Constituent Assembly was declared as the supreme and sovereign authority of Bangladesh. The Assembly appointed Sheikh Mujibur Rahman as the President of Bangladesh, and Tajuddin Ahmad, the General Secretary
of the Awami League as the Prime Minister.In Mujib’s absence, Nazrul Islam as senior leader of the Awami League he served as Acting President. 

The cultural affairs ministry, Dhaka University and cultural organisation "Mukto Asar" have taken up programmes to celebrate the birth anniversary of the national poet on a limited scale due to the pandemic.

President Abdul Hamid and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in separate messages yesterday paid rich tributes to the memory of the poet on the occasion of his birth anniversary. Bangladesh State Minister for Cultural Affairs KM Khalid will place a floral wreath at Nazrul's mazar on the Dhaka University.

The Orient News and Strategic & Public Policy Research Institute, Islamabad would highlight on services of great poet Kazi Nazrul Islam here in Islamabad.
Nazrul was born in Churulia near Asansol of West Bengal's Burdwan district.
He was the poet of rebellion against injustice and taboos, known for his rabid criticism of imperialism, social and religious taboos, Nazrul explored the themes of love, romance and devotion also.

After Bangladesh's independence, Nazrul Islam was declared the national poet and he was brought to Dhaka from Kolkata. The poet died in Dhaka in 1976. He was buried beside the central mosque of Dhaka University. Although Nazrul Islam is national poet of Bangladesh but he is equally loved and admired in Pakistan. No doubt, he was great friend of Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah and wrote a poem on him and will always remembered a top leader of Pakistan movement. 

ABUJA, 23 May 2021, (TON): Nigeria's Chief of Army Staff Ibrahim Attahiru and 10 other officers died in an Air Force plane crash in the country's Kaduna state, a military spokesman confirmed Saturday

11 Nigerian military officers including Chief of Army Staff Ibrahim Attahiru, aboard an Air Force aircraft died in a crash in state of Kaduna on Friday evening.

Attahiru and the 10 other officers were en route to the city of Kaduna from Abuja when their plane crashed near an international airport in Kaduna, said Mohammed Yerima, the spokesman for the army, in a statement late on Friday.

Chief of Army Staff was on an official trip to Kaduna when the incident occurred. The immediate cause of the crash is yet to be ascertained, said Edward Gabkwet, the spokesperson for the air force, in a separate statement on Friday. Also, the identities of the other officers aboard the aircraft are yet to be revealed.

Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari expressed shock at the incident, saying he was "deeply saddened over the air crash."

There are reports that it was a planned attempt to remove the top military leadership. 


TIBET, 21 May 2021, (TON): China on Friday asserted that any successor to the existing Dalai Lama should have an approval by Beijing, ruling out recognition to any heir nominated by the India-based Tibetan spiritual leader or by his followers.

The reincarnation of the Dalai Lama and other grand Living Buddhas has been subjected to approval by the central government since the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), claimed an official white paper issued by the Chinese government.

The document has also asserted that Tibet was an inseparable part of China since ancient times. It said,

"In 1793, after dispelling Gurkha invaders, the Qing government restored order in Tibet and promulgated the Imperially Approved Ordinance for Better Governance of Tibet, improving systems by which the central government-administered Tibet," the white paper titled 'Tibet Since 1951: Liberation, Development and Prosperity."

SRINAGAR, 20 May 2021, (TON): The Kashmiris all over the world and the leadership of All Parties Hurriyat Conference have paid rich tributes to top Hurriyat leaders, Mirwaiz Molvi Muhammad Farooq and Khawaja Abdul Ghani Lone as well as the victims of Hawal massacre on their martyrdom anniversaries. This reminds of Indian brute actions against unarmed innocent Kashmiris. 

The Chairman of All Parties Hurriyat Conference, Syed Ali Geelani in a statement issued in Srinagar paid high tributes to the martyred Mirwaiz Molvi Muhammad Farooq and Khawaja Abdul Ghani Lone and all other Shaeeds who sacrificed their lives to join Pakistan. He said that all brave-hearts of the Kashmiri nation were sacrificing their youth for the cause of freedom. 

The APHC in a statement in Srinagar, while paying tributes to the martyrs said that both the leaders played a most significant role for the Kashmiris’ movement for right to self-determination. 

Meanwhile, the Mirwaiz-led Hurriyat forum in a statement in Srinagar said that a dearly loved and popular leader Shaheed Mirwaiz led his people from the front in their political struggle. It added that Molvi Farooq was also a great preacher and religious scholar whose services in the educational and social uplift of the Kashmiri people would always be remembered. 

Mirwaiz Molvi Muhammad Farooq was shot dead by Indian agencies at his residence in Srinagar on 21 May 1990. More than 70 Kashmiris were killed in Hawal area when when Indian troops opened fire on his funeral procession. On the same day, in 2002, Khawaja Abdul Ghani Lone was killed by Indian agencies, when he was returning from Eidgah after addressing a public gathering.

By Aroussa Hafeez

As the markets are increasingly globalized, trade and shipping industry has also soared. Since the rise of intercontinental air travel, sea travel has become important around the world as a mean of transportation. Albeit, from the last two years COVID-19 has shaken international trade and hardly hit the global shipping industry. Since the start of pandemic, potential repercussions for international trade became obvious. People across the globe are facing immense challenges and sufferings due to the pandemic. COVID-19 has spurred a number of obstacles for global trade and shipping industry.

Shipping is the life blood of global economy. More than 50,000 merchant ships are trading internationally. The world fleet, which is registered in more than 150 nations is crewed by millions of seafarers. International shipping industry relies greatly on seafarers and India is one of the biggest provider of seafarers for the shipping industry. However, recently India has been affected the most by the coronavirus pandemic. The second wave of COVID-19 has strongly hit the country. Coronavirus cases are increasing at an alarming rate and every single day witness record high deaths and infections. India’s huge wave of coronavirus pandemic has also strongly hit the international trade and shipping industry.

Where, maritime transport is the backbone of globalized trade and 80 percent of goods trade is carried by sea but on the other hand due to the coronavirus pandemic maritime port traffic has slowed down. In the start of 2020, port ship traffic was down by more than 10 percent on the same period in 2019 and in the second half of May 2020, global port calls had fallen to less than 80 percent. UNCTAD estimates in its Review of Maritime Transport 2020 that Global maritime trade plunge by 4.1% in 2020 due to the unprecedented disruption caused by COVID-19.

India’s unprecedented surge in coronavirus cases hits the work at ports, which also cause the slowdown of global trade. Due to explosive outbreak of COVID-19, global trade and shipping industry has witnessed disruptions. Slow shipment and delays in vessels offloading create supply chain bottlenecks. In the month of May, India has 21.9 million tons of cargoes scheduled to arrive but due to the shortages of seafarers and labour many vessels could see delays in scheduled loadings and discharge. Moreover, according to the Container Availability Index (CAx) data, the equipment shortages are also causing increase in container prices at major Indian ports.

The changing circumstances of global market affects the shipping industry. Logistic chain of shipping company suffers when it does not adapt to global industry trends but now due to coronavirus pandemic, everything has slowed down and Indian shipping industry has been hit hard by the pandemic. Although, the divergent trade flow and shipping industry which has gone down during COVID-19 outbreak in India has much to do with the policies of Indian government to combat it. Drastically reducing employment in shipping industry due to surge of coronavirus pandemic has caused difficulties for seafarers in India. Total of seafarers serving on internationally trading merchant ships are estimated at 1,647,500 seafarers and according to India’s maritime administration, the Directorate General of Shipping (DGS), the number of Indian seafarers employed globally has exceeded 150,000 in 2018. According to the DGS, at the end of 2017, India had 154,349 seafarers employed on merchant ships, compared to 143,940 in 2016 but now the numbers of seafarers from India, serving on international trading merchant ships has decreased.

Recently, a number of seaports are closing their doors for thousands of seafarers to and from India. Many companies are tapping seafarers from other countries. Thousands of seafarers across India who are unable to get out of the country because of COVID-19 that sparked travel curbs and restrictions on Indian crews. Many shipping authorities have advised Indian crew not to sign off from the vessel until the COVID-19 situation improves. Earlier, the Wilhelmsen Ship Management, a crew provider said that Zhoushan in China has banned the entry of ships or crew that have visited India or Bangladesh in the past three months. Industry executives also added that many crew members coming from India are tested positive for COVID-19. Port authority of South Africa also said that a vessel arrived in Durban from India was quarantined in which 14 Filipino crew tested positive for Covid-19. Last year, almost 400,000 seafarers were stranded at sea beyond their contract length because of the pandemic.

An estimated 240,000 Indian seafarers were supposed to receive Indian-made vaccines, from May 1st but the shortage of stock has postpone the vaccination. India is facing extreme shortages of medicines, oxygen cylinders and vaccines. It seems crucial in vaccinating the whole country. India, is one of the biggest vaccine producer but now it does not have enough doses to protect its own citizens because India has donated 8 million doses and sold almost 52 million doses to other countries.

India’s COVID-19 crisis take a bigger hit to global Shipping industry which will cause difficulties for seafarers. The Global maritime trade also lost momentum due to outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, which has drastically changed the global environment and the recovery is still uncertain. Notwithstanding the challenges experienced due to the pandemic, coordinated efforts are needed to recover from the crisis.

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