Afshain Afzal

Afshain Afzal

By Afshain Afzal
On the request of Turkish President Erdogany both side have agreed in principle to halt attacks and the start ceasefire negotiations but an agreement is still far away. Turkey has categorically rejected military action and is using its diplomacy to resolve the crisis. There is no doubt that Turkey has a big role to play and of course, deploying Turkish forces in conflict zone will further aggravate the situation. Earlier, Turkish Parliament passed resolution and agreed formally that Russia’s military operation against Ukraine is wrong, and that Ukraine’s territorial integrity should be ensured. Accordingly, Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a statement said, “We consider the military operation launched by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation against Ukraine unacceptable and reject it.”
While analysing the prevailing situation, it need to be comprehended that we cannot take Turkey as a NATO member alone as her status is much higher than her recognition as a NATO member. If we recall, in February 2020, during visit to Ukraine, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Ukrainian President Zelensky signed an agreement on military-financial cooperation, in which Turkey allocated about US $ 36 million for the purchase of Turkish military and multi-purpose goods. Turkey is a power and has capacity to deploy its forces to become a party to conflict to save Muslim population. In addition, under the Montreux Convention of 1936, Turkey can limit Russian naval transit of its Dardanelles and Bosphorus straits during wartime but Turkey has not decided to do that and Russian ships's movement from the Mediterranean to the Black Sea would not be much affected. It is apparently that the United States’ and Western nations' stance over Ukrainian crisis is different from Turkey and Istanbul is not going to follow any dictated approach to the crisis.
In fact, Russia as well as the United States were aggrieved over Turkish involvement that empowers Muslim population in Ukraine as well its strategic links with the Ukrainian leadership. Russia is also cautious over Washington's direct interference in the internal affairs of Ukraine and has warned Kyiv many times not to destablize neighbourhood but interference increased. Finally, this led to friction and intervention with an aim to reach a promised agreement between Ukraine and Russia.Turkish military agreement with Ukraine coupled with Western media hysterical propaganda that painted picture if United States is trying to take over the stage of Ukrainian politics; from interference through the third country to direct plans, Russia was quick enough to position its troops at three major strategic avenues where Muslims were in high concentration. Eight Russian warships and two submarine entered Black Sea to show muscles.
NATO and the European nations made tall announcements of continuous supply of arms and ammunitions to the Ukrainian forces but these attempts were either not initialized nor materialized. Any shipment through sea could trigger World War - III, which US, NATO and West could not afford. From the very outset, not much was expected from the West. Military intervention to check Russian deployment in Ukraine was out of question but leaving Ukraine at the mercy of Russian soldiers was also not accepted. It was Uzbek Muslim from the neighbouring countries which ensured the continuity of arms and other supplies to Ukrainian forces, in order to bring Russian on negotiating table. Presently neither there are fears of full-scale battles nor chances of West jumping in the war across Ukraine.
Russian President Vladimir Putin defended the invasion of Ukraine, saying it was "going to plan". Russia made it clear that she would continue its campaign in Ukraine until it had fulfilled its goals. Earlies Moscow with the consent of Ukrainian President allowed truce to a level that set pockets for humanitarian corridors for the civilian evacuations. The term of truce was confirmed by Ukrainian Presidential aide Mykhailo Podolyak.
Till now the only progress is that negotiators from both Ukraine and Russia have agreed to create “humanitarian corridors” to let citizens escape the fighting. Earlier rounds of talks between Ukraine and Russia failed and an attempt this weekend is also likely not to gain much. Now Turkey has the main role to play in Ukraine and in the same regard Ukrainian leadership are schedule to hold talks in Turkey early next week. Venue has been set at Antalya, Turkey where Russian and Ukrainian ministers would hold peace negotiations. An honest opinion that it seems that all were on one side to expel many immigrants who had settled in Ukraine from other countries since decades. Although exagurated figures were reflected everywhere about the refugees but several thousands refugees from Ukraine are sufferings while the onus of this human catastrophe rest on Russia.

By Afshain Afzal
Since long Russia had been resisting Western and NATO expansion and as a rollback of previous expansion, it has very dangerous plans. It did not surprise many when Russian President Vladimir Putin took decision to launch an attack on a sovereign state Ukraine on Thursday, 24 February 2022, after recognizing two separatist areas in eastern Ukraine as independent states. It was a US-India joint venture in which orchestra was played by Israel and Britain. Pope Francis said that "increasingly alarming scenarios" are emerging in Ukraine and he urged all sides to refrain from actions and make a serious examination of conscience before God about any actions they might take which could cause suffering to the people in the region. He called celebration of Easter which begins on "Ash Wednesday", 2 March 2020, as an international day of fasting and prayer for peace. It will be followed by Muslims' holy month of Ramadan a month later. World is reacting so calm as nothing as happened. There are no NATO Fighters aircrafts preparing for a dog fights or American and Western Air Defence systems and jammers in near vicinity. It seems that it a global joint venture in which there is human suffering, especially the Ukrainian Muslims are targeted.
In a televised address, Putin described Ukraine as an integral part of Russia’s history and said eastern Ukraine was ancient Russian lands and that he was confident that the Russian people would support his decision.He said that Ukraine never had a tradition of genuine statehood and complained that post-Soviet Ukraine had wanted everything it could from Moscow without doing anything in return. Putin’s formal recognition of the Donetsk People’s Republic and Luhansk People’s Republic signaled an end to a seven-year-old peace deal known as the Minsk agreement. The recognition of the breakaway Donetsk and Luhansk territories of eastern Ukraine has a Muslim population is about 800,000. Currently, all the migrants to foreign countries make a vast population who are eager to return, The internally displaced Muslims from the occupied territories have official IDP [internally displaced persons] status and the right to get social support in terms of special state programs.
With a hope to win global recognition as potential Permanent member of United Nations Security Council, India abstained on a United Nations Security Council resolution by the United States of America that "deplores in the strongest terms" Russia's aggression" against Ukraine. Apparently the Defence Intelligence Agencies of the US and India jointly planned some moves. As planned, Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy spoke with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and sought India's political support at the UN Security Council to stop Russia's military offensive against his country. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's in his tweet said, "More than 100,000 invaders are on our land. They insidiously fire on residential buildings. Urged India to give us political support in UN Security Council. Stop the aggressor together!" Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba spoke to his Indian counterpart S Jaishankar and sought India's support to a UN Security Council. Kuleba urged Jaishankar to use India's influence over Russia to force it to cease "military aggression" against Ukraine besides supporting the UN resolution.
The 15-nation Security Council voted on the draft resolution by the US and Albania and co-sponsored by a "cross-regional" group of 67 UN member states, including Australia, Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Germany, Italy, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Romania and the United Kingdom. The resolution was blocked since permanent member Russia as President of the Security Council for the month of February used its veto. The resolution received 11 votes in favour by Albania, Brazil, France, Gabon, Ghana, Ireland, Kenya, Mexico, Norway, the UK and the US while three nations India, China and the UAE abstained. “The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, in line with its foreign policy of neutrality, calls on both sides of the conflict to resolve the crisis through dialogue and peaceful means.” The government expressed concern over the protection of lives of Afghan students and migrants in Ukraine.
Where the United Nations Organization is a silent observer, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has plans to enhance humanitarian assistance to the people of Ukraine. The world body has demanded US $ 1bn for aid operations in Ukraine over the next three months as a result of Russia’s attack. However, it failed to prevent the war or condemn aggression. In other developments, the Western world including USA, France, Germany and Britain have imposed new sanctions of Russia to encompass “national measures to freeze the financial assets of Russian figures”. The EU Council President Charles Michel has announced that European Union will facilitate the delivery of military aid to Ukraine. He said, “I will propose a package of emergency assistance for the Ukrainian armed forces, to support them in their heroic fight". Meanwhile, the French President France said that will send more military equipment, as well as fuel, to Ukraine to help fight off the Russian invasion. Holland has announced that the government will supply 50 Panzerfaust-3 anti-tank weapons and 400 rockets.
Where the international players expect that a bulk of Ukrainian population should move in different refugees' camps around the world, Western world started media campaign much ahead of event that call Kyiv to work with international partners and INGOs to ensure that Russian-origin Muslims and other immigrants are fairly vetted in the asylum system and protected against deportation or extradition based on false claims and handed over to foreign governments. It is propagated that they may subject them to abuses and human right violations. There is no doubt, that the Indian origin Patel conspiracy that emerged from Haifa, Israel spread all over the Muslim world as well as handful of Indian agents and fifth columnists in Pakistan and Middle East played a dirty role in dragging the peaceful population of Central Asian countries to this level. Pumping in deadly weapons by the Western and Indians players from Poland and Bulgaria into Belarus and Ukraine and aggression itself, it is high time to reform UNO on the basis of equality and justice as it has lost its capacity to deal with open deviations by States to act as civilized humans.

By Afshain Afzal
The Ambassador of the United States of America to Sri Lanka has just taken over the charge to arm the Indian Ocean Island nations tooth and nail. It is Ms Julie J. Chung, who took over as the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to Sri Lanka, to be based in Colombo. Earlier, on 25 February 2022, she presented credentials to H.E. Gotabaya Rajapaksa, President of Sri Lanka. Julie Chung served as Director for Japan in the Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs from where in November 2018, she was posted as the Acting Assistant Secretary in the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs. The State Department has tasked her to focus of Sri Lanka’s programmes regarding demining, narcotics-trafficking, human rights and labour issues. She has also been assigned to coordinate wither various agencies to execute Emergency Assistance Coordination Team in response to suicide bombings and demining operations. She is likely to persuade Colombo to a framework for US- Sri Lanka partnership on which foreign agencies and nations would operate inside Sri Lanka.
It is been calculated that attack of Sri Lanka top leadership is going to take place on the pattern of 7 July 2021 assassination of Haitian President Jovenel Moise. It is alleged that already information regarding some of the Sri Lanka leaderships’ ties with groups involved in organized crime has been shared and over some time more details including lists will be shared with US law enforcement officials. This will be followed by rise in violence and kidnapping of Christian missionaries.
As per the understanding, Sri Lanka will enhance its relations with the US and India in Indo-pacific. In this context, The United States Department of Defense (DOD) has offered Sri Lanka free of cost two Beechcraft 360 ERs aircrafts. Sri Lankan Air Force (SLAF) chief Air has agreed to these two modern maritime surveillance aircraft. However, there are reports that Sri Lanka has to pay for it in the long term as Pentagon has made it public that it awarded Textron Aviation an $11.4 million contract for new Beechcraft King Air 360ER aircraft as part of a Foreign Military Sale to Sri Lanka. The United States has delivered more than $2 billion in development assistance to Sri Lanka since its independence in 1948. Through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the United States seeks to broaden and accelerate economic growth, develop democratic institutions, and promote the reconciliation of multi-ethnic and religious communities in Sri Lanka. If we recall, US government issued a travel ban on the Sri Lankan Army Chief, on the grounds that there was “credible information of his involvement” in human rights violations during the final phase of the war. Likewise certain other officers have also been booked.
Sri Lanka, placed in a vital geostrategic location in the Indian Ocean, faces its own geopolitical challenges. The island is a part of the conceptual map of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and the United States’ (US) Indo-Pacific Strategy.In the recent past, an important tri-lateral agreement along with India and Japan on the Colombo East Port Terminal (ECT) was cancelled and Western Container Terminal was adopted. However, the United States and India are engaging Sri Lanka to sign military pacts to station troops on Sri Lankan maritime boundaries to resist Chinese moves. Meanwhile, the Sri Lanka armed forces are on the way to modernization. As per the Sri Lankan Appropriation Bill of 2022, the Army would get the lion’s share – LKR 188.1 billion, an increase of 11%, Navy would get LKR 63.9 billion, with an increase of 4%, and the Air Force gets LKR 56 billion, an increase of 8.5%. As for capital expenditure, army would get LKR 7.4 billion, navy would get LKR 9.2 and the Air Force would receive LKR 15 billion. All these move may create a suspicion, which would ultimately lead to disturb relations with China. India and Sri Lanka are discussing a number of defence-related pact but so far Colombo has agreed to one. New Delhi is discussing supply of two Dornier aircraft for the Sri Lankan military but the conditions of Indian personnel and technicians have been rejected by Sri Lanka. India is also seeking permission to keep Indian troops in Sri Lanka as peacekeeping and anti-piracy forces.
Sri Lanka was always a peaceful Kingdom comprising of Buddhists and Muslims, However, Europeans invaded the country and Portuguese were in the 16th century. The island was partitioned into seven conflicting kingdoms and to divide and rule and make the local population enemy of each other. After gaining the control, Portuguese forced the Buddhist and Muslim majority to convert to Christianity which gave birth to hatred against various religions. The Portuguese and later Dutch in order to further make the situation volatile and complex, immigrated Hindus from Indian states to create a balance in religion, especially Muslims, and Buddhists. The British eventually took control of the coastal areas in 1796 and named it Ceylon. By 1815, the British brought the entire island under their rule and made the majority population into an amalgam of diversified religions. In fact, Islam was there is Sri Lanka and adjoining States since the time of prophet Muhammad Alhe Salam (Sal Allah Ho Alhe Wasalam). The Sri Lankan gained independence from British invasion on 4th February1948, and Christian ruler Don Stephen Senanayake became its first Prime Minister. On 22 May 1972 Ceylon was renamed as Sri Lanka. There is no doubt that Sri Lankan are a peace-loving nation but apparently, the territories of Sri Lanka is going to be used for aggressive hostile purposes. It is high time that Sri Lanka must not fall in the trap of international conspiracies by becoming part of international military alliances.

By Afshain Afzal
Sunday, the 30th of January 2022, proved to be a new journey of Israel, putting official step at the Arab land under "Abraham Accords". Tel Aviv choose United Arab Emirates to enter the hearts and minds of Muslims through a two days official visit. Tomorrow, Israeli President is scheduled to meet UAE's Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al-Maktoum. This means that Abu Dhabi has buried decades-old Israeli war with the Palestinians and has angered not only the Palestinians but also the Muslims of the world.
In the latest development 21-gun salute was given to Israeli President Isaac Herzog who was received by Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan in Abu Dhabi. During the ceremony, the national anthems of both countries were played.This opened a new avenue for official recognition of Israel by other Muslim States.
Israeli President Isaac Herzog read out carefully crafted statement, "We are two successful nations who started with very little in our hands, developed our lands into a successful paradise and in many ways set an example to the world of how to lead and develop a nation with a vision of the future... We are sending a message to entire region that there is an alternative of peace and living together, and that the sons and daughters of Abraham can reside and dwell together in peaceful coexistence for the benefit of humanity.”
If we recall, US-brokered agreements known as the Abraham Accords as western strategists had successfully installed leaders of loose characters on the top positions and these blackmailed leaders could not muster-up courage to counter the principle stance on Palestine and other disputed states anymore. US President Joseph Biden's administration hammered the final nail on Arab unified identity and off it goes the Islamic identity and Islamic law. The US and Israel have taken opposition leadership in Tehran and splinter groups within Houthi rebels in Yemen's civil war into confidence to install government in UAE and Yemen having friendly ties with Iran and the Shiites. In Afghanistan too, the so called Taliban are the ones who surrendered before the American forces are are friendly towards Iranian leadership.
In other parts of the world, US and Israel as well as UK, Greece and Italy have planned operations in Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bahrain, Syria, Morocco, Somalia, Sudan, Palestine, Lebanon etc where in the name of western and Indian funded ISIS, locals and orthodox Muslims would be eliminated. On the other hand, Israeli businesses have started setting up business in may Muslim countries. Alone in during 2021 around 150,000 Jews visited UAE and 45 Israeli businesses have been set up there including Israeli Swvl. Other services which Tel Aviv has planned to take over and have completed much of its homework are communication, banking and financial services.
Countries like Saudi Arabia has condemned Herzog's visit to UAE. If we recall, in November 2020, Western agents made black propaganda that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made a secret trip to Saudi Arabia, which proved totally baseless. Traitor or in Pakistan like Mohammad Ali Siddiqi, who is based in Karachi and migrated from India made a lot of propaganda that Riyadh putting pressure on Islamabad to normalize relations with Tel Aviv. Saudi Arabia has always condemned move to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and declared that Palestinians have the right to have its own land and vowed Tel Aviv to withdraws to the 1967 boundary. There is no doubt that Saudi Arabia has announced that it will be the last Muslim country to recognize Israel in violation of Palestinians' rights.
As series of changes are planned under "Abraham Accords", UAE and other Muslim countries are quickly changing their Islamic personal laws, allowing unmarried couples to cohabitate, loosening alcohol restrictions and allowing transgenders and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) to involve in un-Islamic activities. Western exaggerated figures claim that there are around 400,000-550,000 LGBT people in the United Arab Emirates for who many laws have been changed. No Muslim is against the Jews but the Jew-Christian strategy to force way for anti-Abraham laws (Hazrat Abraham Alhe Salam) in Islamic world is unacceptable. It is time to challenge the un-Islamic laws in the name of peace and interfaith harmony. One wonders do the Abraham of Jews and Christians teaches sins and violation of Divine Laws; Old Testament and New Testament.

By Afshain Afzal

The Republic of Maldives comprises 1,190 islands, stretched over 348 square miles in the Indian Ocean. The nation is 100 percent Sunni Muslims and the constitution provides that the President, cabinet ministers, members of parliament, and judges must be Sunni Muslims. Tourism is the main source of economic and foreign exchange earnings for Maldives.  In 2018, Ibrahim Mohamed Solih of the Maldivian Democratic Party was elected president, running on a platform of economic and political reforms and transparency, following former President Abdulla Yameen Gayoom, who was President of the Maldives from 2013 to 2018 and Western critics claimed his term in office was marked by corruption, systemic limitations on the independence of parliament and the judiciary, and restrictions on freedom of speech, press, and association. 

If we recall in September 2018, President Abdulla Yameen Gayoom railed against “a plot by the Western-backed opposition to undermine Islam” He highlighted opponents for promoting “Western standards which are intolerable to Maldivian society and values”. “What does the opposition offer? Criticizing Western motive, he said, “What do they do in the name of Western-backed democracy? They protest to seek rights for homosexuals.” In the meantime, Police removed 30 statues “human model sculptures” at the art gallery in Fairmont Maldives, Sirru Fenfushi, designed by British sculptor Jason deCaires Taylor as habitat for coral and other marine species. It was claimed to be “The world’s first semi-submerged art gallery”. Shortly after the raid, Jamiyyath Salaf, a religious organization that lobbies for strict Islamic law, declared its support for the president. It was all engineered to punish President Abdulla Yameen Gayoom for not bending before the Western pressure to do away with strict Islamic compliance in Maldives.

If we analyze, the Maldivian Constitution and law provides propagation of any religion other than Islam is a criminal offense. The law criminalizes “criticism of Islam” and speech “in a manner likely to cause religious segregation.” The law prohibits the conversion of a Muslim to another religion. Propagation of any religion other than Islam is a criminal offense, punishable by prison or house arrest. The Maldivian penal code prescribes flogging for unlawful sexual intercourse (adultery, fornication, and same-sex relations), incest, false accusation of unlawful sexual intercourse and consuming pork or alcohol. One of the main objections by the Western tourists is that due to Maldivian religious and cultural aspect women are discouraged from seeking employment on distant islands away from family.

Maldives being purely a hundred percent Muslim country, a multi-million-dollar project, "Maldives National Museum" was gifted by the Chinese government in 2010. Many local visitors lodged protests to the museum staff that its Buddhist era sculpture was a modern forgery. Historical books including H. C. P. Bell’s research in 1922 claimed that many Maldivian ruins have the Buddhist ingredients. In November 2011, a “Pagan Monuments” representing the culture and religion of the eight SAARC nations was placed at Hithadhoo, Addu City for the summit. A group of protesters knocked down what they called “idolatrous” carvings engraved on the monument whereas it was claimed that the symbols were ancient civilisation of SAARC country. In this momentum on 7 February 2012, protesters attacked Chinese gifted museum storage room and exhibition hall which was full of Buddhist and Hindu artifacts. All idols including Prakrit Dharani from Lndhoo were destroyed. A Maldivian writer claimed that non-Muslims want to project forged self-engineered history of Maldivian culture by Clarence Maloney and Xavier Romero-Frias in Maldives. Many of the Maldivian political leaders and social workers abroad are being convinced to get Maldivian culture as idol worshipper by westerners translated in Dhivehi language of Maldives.

The Belitung Shipwreck, also called the Tang shipwreck or Batu Hitam shipwreck (Tang Dynasty 618-907), was found by local fishermen off the Belitung Island, Indonesia, in 1998. The Arabian ship sailed possibly between Oman and China during the 9th Century AD and evidence suggests it travelled on the so-called Maritime Silk Route even when it mainly transported ceramic.  The majority of the recovered cargo (63,000 pieces) consists of ceramics, most of which are Changsha ware. The cargo also represents the biggest single collection of Tang Dynasty artefacts found in one location, and because of that is also called the "Tang Treasure”. The findings from the original exploration were shown at the Art Science Museum in Singapore and closed in October 2011.

One wonders when Maldivian nation is 100 percent Sunni Muslims and have working constitution based on Islamic Shariat or whatever law, what business the Western and non-Muslim nations got to introduce democratic and human rights reforms in a sovereign country. Article 2(1) of the Charter of the United Nations, “The Organization is based on the principle of the sovereign equality of all its Members,” while Article 78 provides “… relationship among which shall be based on respect for the principle of sovereign equality.” United Nations ensures full respect for the self-determination and sovereignty as well as people and Government to resolve their internal problems without any foreign interference. Even for the United Nations Article 2, paragraph 7 provides, “Non-intervention in the internal affairs of States by the United Nations”. In such a case why intervention in the internal affairs of Maldives and other Islamic nations is taking place in the garb of other State-government International Non-Governmental Organizations, International Organizations and Think Tanks. How long we will tolerate interference by foreign government to destroy peace and harmony of independent nations leading to chaos and internal disorder.

By Afshain Afzal

Ground is all set to stage actions leading Pakistan to soon loose her Islamic identity. In the latest development on 7 January 2022, Justice Ali Zia Bajwa of Lahore High Court issued shocking ruling in a judgment that contracting a second marriage without observing the period of Iddat is not illegal. It was pronounced that under Islamic law the marriage contracted by a divorced lady before the completion of the Iddat period would be an irregular marriage but not void and ex-wife and new husband in Nikah cannot be regarded as a cognizable offence under Enforcement of Hudood Ordinance, 1979. The Judgement by Justice Ali Zia Bajwa, rejecting the earlier decisions on the basis of orders given by Almighty Allah in the Holy Quran pronounced, “I do not agree with this contention because perusal of all these precedents transpires that all these decisions were rendered by the constitutional courts before December 1, 2006, when Protection of Women (Criminal Laws Amendment) Act, 2006 was not in existence.” Interestingly, a top Pakistani politician was involved in same sin but now due to recent judgement his marriage with a already married women without Iddat or even divorce has been legalized.

Credit goes to so called Pakistani Muslim leadership of foreign origin, who left behind even non-Muslims and Indian neighbours in the field of sins and immoralities. The Constitution, which binds State to ensure that Muslims enabled to order their lives in the individual and collective spheres as set out in the Holy Quran has been put on the back burner. In 2009, Pakistan became one of the first countries in the world to legally recognize a third sex, allowing transgenders to obtain identity cards and allow legal marriages with them. In 2012, Supreme Court ruled that transgender persons should have the same rights as other Pakistanis, including inheritance and job opportunities. The transgender community was counted in the national census for the 1st time in 2017. In September 2018, Chief Justice Saqib Nisar chaired a bench to hear a case regarding Transgenders’ Rights said, “It's our top most priority to give transgenders their rights,” and “Court wants to bring them into mainstream to resolve their issues”. Seminar on the Rights & Welfare of Transgender Persons was held in the Supreme Court of Pakistan and finally Pakistan passed “Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act, 2018”. Thus Pakistan acquired the role of world leadership in Muslim world for the cause of transgenders and their inter marriages.

On the occasion of International Human Rights Day, Pakistan in general and National Database & Registration Authority (NADRA) in particular launched countrywide free of cost registration campaign for transgender persons “Trans-Rights are Human Rights” across the country. NADRA has so far registered only 5,626 transgender persons. NADRA also engaged other ministries including Ministry of Human Rights, and provincial/district social welfare departments to mobilise transgender persons rights. In all the public transports including Metro busses throughout the country at least two seats in male compartment and two in female compartment have been marked as “X” for transgenders. The universities including the University of Karachi added the transgender column along with male and female columns in the admission form 2021–2022. Last month, the Sindh provincial cabinet, took a historic decision to reserve one percent or at least one seat of membership for transgenders and differently abled persons in each Local Council; Metropolitan Corporation and Municipal Corporations. Last year, Nisha Rao, whose family migrated to Pakistan from India, become the first Pakistani transgender lawyer and activist. This all is being done for less than 6,000 people in the country of 207.68 million population to impress foreign masters.

In another recent development, Justice Ms Ayesha A. Malik’s ‘out of turn’ elevation as Supreme Court’s judge has been approved. There were jubilation all over “Free Word” where many foreign nations, International Non Government Organizations, International Organizations and Pressure Groups took sigh of relief for causing final dent to Constitutional driven “Pakistan’s Islamic Code of Conduct”. There is no doubt on the abilities of Justice Ayesha and empowerment of women is welcoming but it is being analyzed that judiciary would be used to damage ideology of Pakistan and Islamic rule of law. Justice Ayesha in her Judgement of 2020 declared “two finger test and hymen examination in cases of rape or sexual abuse” unscientific having no medical basis, having no forensic value in cases of sexual violence and declared to be illegal and against the Article 9, 14 and 25 of the Constitution. Tweets from US Embassy, Canadian High Commissioner, German Ambassador, Netherland’s Ambassador welcoming Justice Ayesha nomination, talked about her “LL.M. from Harvard Law School”, “Diversity and Inclusion matter and make our system more inclusive”, “Way forward for female jurists in Pakistan” and “a Good start of 2022 for Pakistan that will help achieve Gender Equality women empowerment”. Sweets were distributed by illegally immigrated Indian and other foreign nationals living in Pakistan including those patronized by foreign agencies, trying to occupy top public and private positions in the Islamic Republic.

In fact, the Pressure Groups backed by foreign nations influenced Pakistani and the Indian judiciaries since long. Despite bowing to the knees, the Global Gender Gap Report 2017 by the World Economic Forum placed Pakistan as the second worst country on gender equality in its Global Gender Gap and the World Justice Project (WJP) placed Pakistan at 130th out of 139 countries. One wonders if this is the state of Pakistani judiciary that they are free to violate the Constitution of the country and feel above the Quranic orders, they should be made abreast with the Quranic or Islamic Jurisprudence and the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973. There is also need to revisit all the constitutional provisions and law made thereunder while Judges must be educated and trained to avoid a case of blasphemy filed against the judiciary. More so, it should also be mandatory for the Judges to take oath under the Article 65 of Constitution, in line with oath taken by the parliamentarians.

By Afshain Afzal

November this year, Indian Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) General Bipin Rawat issued a statement, “China has become India's biggest security threat and the tens of thousands of troops and weaponry that New Delhi rushed to secure the de-facto Himalayan border last year will not be able to return to base for a long time”. The 13th round of border talks between Indian and Chinese military commanders ended in a stalemate as both sides couldn't agree on how to pull back from the border. But few day later both India and China agreed to hold the 14th round of Corps Commander level talks in mid December 2021, to achieve the objective of complete disengagement of the remaining friction points along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in eastern Ladakh. The Inside Story from reliable quarters reveal a breakthrough has been achieved, at least the withdrawal of Chinese and Indian troops from advance positions. Pentagon took it as a serious breach of trust over Indian invitation of Russian President and striking multi million dollar arms deal, purchasing Russian Air Defence System and other equipment.

Against the backdrop of the Southeast Asian states’ growing tensions with China around its claim of the entire South China Sea, the recent maneuvers by US and Russia has made the situation more complex. General Bipin Rawat’s semi-neutral position against American interests, even over the disputes along the South China Sea involving China and countries of Southeast Asia has always remained a matter of criticism at White House and Pentagon. Growing strategic-military partnerships with the littoral states, Indian involvement in achieving long term strategic goals including oil exploitation in these waters and military and diplomatic discussions resulted in passage of disheartening signals at Washington. The escalating Sino - US tug of war with strategic engagement between Russia and India has created bad taste back at Washington. Russian closer ties with China and now Navy Exercise “ARNEX” with the bloc that comprises 10 countries including Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia, Myanmar and Brunei gave a strong negative message to the Western players in so called Indo - Pacific Command.

It is probably a matter of concern that both US and Russia conducted Navy exercises at the same time at Bay of Bengal and Strait of Malacca early this December. The US, during US-Bangladesh Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training (CARAT) series, CARAT Bangladesh 2021, positioned combat ship USS Tulsa (LCS 16) and embarked MH-60S Seahawk helicopter of Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron while Bangladesh carried out real time trialed Scorpion II advanced radar electronic countermeasures system. On the other hand Russia positioned anti-submarine ship Admiral Panteleev during Exercise “ARNEX”. A Bangladeshi participant of the exercise on the condition of anonymity claimed that they experienced locking by Indian Air Defence System and other monitoring equipment from the Western side of Bay of Bengal during the exercise.

 It is too early to confirm if General Bipin Rawat helicopter crash was a retaliation or not. US US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said over the crash of Indian top military General, “My deep condolences on the deaths of Indian Chief of Defence Staff General Rawat, his wife and colleagues who perished in today's tragic accident," and "He was a strong friend and partner of the US, overseeing a major expansion of India''s defence cooperation with the US military. His legacy will continue on.” If we carryout analysis of recent Indian helicopter crash, there is no doubt that crashed-helicopter’s voice recorder and a flight data recorder will give some idea but this should be kept in mind that India doesn't have capability to decode flight data recorder “Black Box” and have to rely on Western interpretation. The helicopter in question was Russian-made Mi17 fleet, acquired and inducted between 2008 and 2018.These are considered as highly reliable and well maintained. The ground position is that the helicopter carrying Indian top military leadership took off from Indian Airforce Station, New Delhi at 0847 hours on 8 December 2021 and landed at Indian Airforce Station, Sulur at 1134 hours. It took off from Sulur to Wellington at 1147 hours and was scheduled to land at Wellington but at 1222 hours, Air Traffic Controller (ATC) lost contact with the helicopter and at 1222 hours, 35 minutes after take-off, the helicopter crashed. Eyewitnesses claimed that they saw helicopter on fire and people falling down from the helicopter. Another witness said, the helicopter crashed at Khatri near Coonoor as it hit into a tree and immediately caught fire. But the other witnesses claimed that the helicopter was already on fir when it hit tree or the ground. Airforce authorities said the helicopter crashed less than 20 kilometers from Wellington Defense College.

A tri-service inquiry has been ordered by the IAF and it will be headed by Air Marshal Manvendra Singh, Air Officer Commanding-in-Chief Training Command. In a statement Air Marshal Manvendra Singh said, "uninformed speculation should be avoided as facts will be made public soon". There are allegations that Russian and Indian were monitoring US-Bangladesh exercise through testing and locking equipment from Indian land, sea and space. However, these allegations, apparently, are unfounded as so far other then communication intercepts there are no ground evidences. There are strong leads of sabotage as some witnesses claimed that they saw people strated falling from the helicopter. There are reports that an Israeli Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) that jammed the controls of the helicopter and caused component failures including failure or loss of navigation system, that bars recognition of turbulence and other bad weather conditions, such as fog, dust, debris and other hazards. Meanwhile, the Airforce authorities tweeted, “IAF has constituted a tri-service Court of Inquiry to investigate the cause of the tragic helicopter accident on 08 Dec 21. The inquiry would be completed expeditiously & facts brought out. Till then, to respect the dignity of the deceased, uninformed speculation may be avoided”. It is too early to pronounce anything with confidence but some serious matter is pending that was shared by Israelis with Indian Army Chief General Manoj Mukund Naravane during his November 2021 visit to Tel Aviv. One wonders it is time to realize that we have to work for peace in Indian Ocean Region and world at large rather than converting battleground for world powers.

NEW DELHI, 8 December 2021, (TON):  A military helicopter, reportedly carrying senior Indian defence crashed near the town of Coonoor in southern India on Wednesday, killing at least four people. There are unconfirmed reports about Indian Defence Chief General Bipin Rawat on board.

Indian Ministry of Defence was silent over the incident. In a statement it said, “We are trying to confirm status of the crash that took place near the town of Coonoor.

Reportedly, General Bipin Rawat was travelling from an Indian Air Force base in Sulur to the Defence Services Staff College in Wellington in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu to deliver a lecture.  

By Usman Khan
Recently the Taliban chief issued a decree that women should not be considered ‘property and must be consent to marriage. Though the Taliban decree did not refer a minimum age for marriage. The Taliban has issued a decree stopping forced marriage in Afghanistan, by saying that women should not be considered “material thing” and her permission concerning marriage is necessary and mandatory and it reflect good omen of the fact Taliban that returned to power in mid-August willing to restore the women’s rights concerning work and education. The decree was announced on Friday by the reclusive Taliban chief, Hibatullah Akhunzada – who is supposed to be in the southern city of Kandahar. Both women and men are equal,” said the decree, added that “no one can force women to marry by pressure or compulsion”.
Although the decree did not indicate the least age for marriage, which previously was set at 16 years old. The Taliban also said a widow will now be allowable to re-marry 17 weeks after her husband’s death, selecting her new spouse liberally in contrast to the ancient tribal customs have held it compulsory for a widow to marry one of her husband’s brothers or relatives in the result of his death.
The Taliban leadership said that it has instructed the Afghan courts to behave women justly, particularly widows seeking inheritance as following of kin. The group, which came to power in August, also said it had asked government ministers to increase the consciousness about women’s rights across the populace. The development was welcomed as a momentous step onward from all spheres of life including the international community still remained the group would extend women’s rights about allowing work and education for females are yet to see.
At the moment the international community has withheld billions of dollars regarding supporting funds for Afghanistan and made women’s and human rights a key element of any future engagement with Afghanistan. It would be marvelous thing if this degree regarding consent of marriages and inheritance get implemented. Such steps would definitely ensure and protect the rights of the girls and will be not be suppressed by family members any more in the future.
It’s a very smart move on the part of the Taliban at this point because due to the rumors spreading across the globe those little girls are being sold as property to others in order to feed the rest of the family. During its previous rule from 1996 to 2001, the Taliban barred women from leaving the house without a male relative covering full face along with head and girls from receiving education. Even the then Taliban government forced men to grow beards and barred the playing of music but this time a change is in making.
Currently, nearly $10bn in Afghan central bank assets froze by the US as well as the international monetary institutions have postponed development funding for the country, plummeting the deeply aid-dependent economy into the abysmal of poverty, famine, and hunger leading towards a humanitarian catastrophe.
Although the Taliban relaxing more rules to elucidate women’s rights by issuing such degree it is still not known that it would conciliate the world powers — which have yet to accept the new Afghan government but indeed it is a welcome move on the part of the Taliban to take a notable step concerning the rights of Afghan women. The Taliban’s supreme leader Hibatullah Akhundzada categorically said that women and girls will not be pressed in married matters anymore and that a widow has the right to have a share in her husband’s inheritance. Since the decree has opposed coercion on women in matters of marriage, it makes it clear that a widow can marry a man of her choice.
Through the decree, the Taliban have ordered the entire government machinery to see to it that the rights of girls and women are safeguarded. All relevant organizations have been instructed to take “serious actions to enforce women’s rights”. It has ordered the ministries of information and culture to publish material on the rights of women and girls in order to raise general awareness about the important issue. This decree serves to clear the haze surrounding women’s rights under the new indulgence and shows that the Taliban leadership is aware of the rights of women — as in contradiction of a general impression in the world about them being too traditional in their dealing of women.
By issuing the decree on women’s rights, the Taliban have upheld their declaration made on the occasion of assuming power in August this year that they would safeguard that mistakes of the previous Taliban government would not be repeated. The decree will go a long way in addressing gender-based issues in Afghanistan where the male and female population is nearly equal. It has also magnified the expectation that the Taliban would soon let thousands of girls from grades seven to 12 to attend school moreover, a majority of women who have been banned from occupations will be permissible to restart their jobs.

By Afshain Afzal
To kill three not two birds with one stone; this time it was sectarian poster that took life of another innocent person in Pakistan. An attempt to ruin Pakistan Sri Lanka growing relationship. The sectarian posters pasted inside the Rajco Industry, a private sportswear manufacturer and exporter industrial concern located at Naul at Wazirabad Road in Pakistani city of Sialkot become a source of regrettable 3rd December incident. Senior factory manager, a Sri Lankan national namely Priyantha Kumara was ruthlessly killed on Friday over alleged blasphemy charges for removing sectarian posters. Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa and Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa condemned the brutal killing of national in Pakistan and demanded justice. This is not the first incident of the nature as it has become important ingredient of crimes, where sometimes state sponsors them in the name of interfaith harmony to crate a balance between sects and faiths. The incident was a planned one to reach three objectives; firstly to badly damage growing Pakistan Sri Lanka relations; secondly to allow state machinery to formulate tougher laws on religious organizations and lastly to create international hatred against Islam and Pakistan. 
The printed poster on the wall inside the factory bore written slogans, "Labbaik Ya Hussain" and an advisory to recite "Darood Shareef" in the morning. According to eyewitnesses present during the incident inside the factory, "The Ahle Tassiah Shia workers decided to teach Priyantha Kumara a lesson for removing the poster so that no body should ever dare try to insult Prophets again and started beating him". No body allowed Priyantha Kumara to explain and resorted to blows and kicks. Priyantha Kumara fled upstairs to the roof to save his life. Workers chased him and threw him from roof to ground. Despite serious injuries and requests by some workers, they kept beating him until his death and later dragged his dead body outside the factory before setting it on fire by angry mob at GT Road Chowk.
Where three main groups; Tehreek-e-Fiqah Jaffaria Pakistan, Majlis Wadhat-e-Muslimeen and Tehreek Labbaik Pakistan are being blamed for the incident, however, official statement to media did not come except Tehreek Labbaik Pakistan whose spokesman termed it unfortunate that the incident had been attributed to the Tehreek Labbaik and demanded that conspiracy should be investigated impartially, keeping in view all aspects including background actors." The fact cannot be denied that such posters are not permitted to be displayed on private and public walls, billboards, road side signs, bridges and wall chalking everywhere. Leader of the Deobandi school of thought and Special Representative to Prime Minister on Religious Harmony, Maulana Hafiz Tahir Ashrafi, while condemning the incident termed it as an act of terrorism and demanded case be registered under Section 7 of the Anti-Terrorism Act. He said, “Those who killed the Sri Lankan manager in Sialkot have committed an un-Islamic, inhumane act and I believe such an act have brought disrepute to Islam and to Pakistan. In fact, they have opposed the teachings of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and his code of conduct.”
Police officials from Uggoki police station said, "The manager had torn down a religious poster and thrown it in the dustbin.” The video clip has showed many persons including two identified as Farhan Idrees and Usman Rashid seen in a video clip thrashing the deceased on the equal provocation of other factory workers. The witnesses said, "The foreigner, while inspecting the workers in a hall of the factory, asked the supervisor to remove the posters on reluctance, he removed some posters from a wall bearing slogan, "Labbaik Ya Hussain Alhe Salam" and put them into a dustbin, which infuriated the factory workers who attacked him." The witnesses added, "At no point of time any element of the Police, district management or law enforcement agencies tried to intervene to save the life of Sri Lankan manager."
The official mouthpiece of Pakistan Army, Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) said, "The cold blooded murder of Sri Lankan citizen by a mob at Sialkot is extremely condemnable and shameful. Such extra judicial vigilantism cannot be condoned at any cost. COAS directs all out support to civil administration to arrest perpetrators of this heinous crime and bring them to justice." Concerned District Police Officer Omar Saeed Malik said the workers of the factory severely beat up the foreigner, leading to his death instantly. Later on his body was also set on fire by the angry mob." He added, "Upon receiving a report about the incident, a heavy contingent of police reached the spot and tried to control the situation and after successful talks with the angry group of protesters, traffic was restored on the road.”
There is no doubt that it was a display of bigotry and intolerance. One wonders what is the responsibility of state machinery in Islamic Republic of Pakistan, should it allow the general masses to interpret Islam and take justice system in their hands. Article 2 A of the constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan states, "Wherein the principles of democracy, freedom, equality, tolerance and social justice, as enunciated by Islam, shall be fully observed." This means that it is the responsibility of the state machinery to enforce Islamic principles of democracy, freedom, equality, tolerance and social justice in Pakistan. Why so far code of democracy and religious freedom has not been announced. Can any Muslim citizen or member of minority allowed to exhibit his religion in the manner he or she deem fit? Sri and Pakistan have centuries long relations, which is recorded even before Muhammad Bin Qasim in 712 AD, when Arabs save Sri Lanka from Indian invasion. The people of Sri Lanka are very dear to Pakistani and the cold blooded murder by factory workers should not only be fully compensated but the sectarian group behind the posters and murder should be banned and punished. Legal frame work for handling such situation through district magistrate, Police and nearby military unit as provided under the law should investigated for not being enforced.

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