Afshain Afzal

Afshain Afzal

MALE, 30 November 2021, TON: The Supreme Court freed former president Abdulla Yameen from house arrest today after the court overturned a money-laundering and embezzlement conviction pronouncing that there was insufficient evidence in the original case and allowed him to potentially make a return to politics.
In November 2019, the Criminal Court sentenced that Yameen was guilty of laundering USD 1 million of the government through MMPRC by leasing GA. Vodamula. An appeal was made before High Court which announced that they will be upholding the verdict of the Criminal Court.
Former President Yameen made an appeal before Supreme Court and the case was being heard by a three-member bench, composed of Presiding Justice Mahaz, Justice Azmiralda Zahir and Justice Mohamed Ibrahim.
On 25 November 2021, the Supreme Court (SC) of Maldives scheduled the judgement hearing for the appeal trial of former President Yameen Abdul Gayyoom for 30 November 2021.
The Prosecutor General’s Office (PGO) has filed money laundering charges against the former President on 24 November at the Criminal Court regarding the lease of V. Aarah. The PGO also has another ongoing case against the Former President of accepting bribes worth MVR 117,000 during the lease of R. Fuggiri for the development of a tourist resort.
Hundreds of supporters of Yameen’s Progressive Party of Maldives gathered outside his residence in the capital Male after the verdict which allow him contest the next presidential election.

By TON Research Section
Hundreds of laborers are working to finish India's longest and highest tunnel connecting Kashmir Valley with Ladakh, which shares de facto borders with Pakistan and China. The tunnel is anticipated to open to the public on January 25, the eve of India's Republic Day, in 2024. India is stepping up efforts to make the strategic Zojila tunnel in Indian-administered Kashmir, aiming to reduce travel time to Ladakh, where China is increasingly pushing its territorial claims with the so-called Line of Actual Control (LAC).
High in a rocky Himalayan mountain range in the Indian-administered Kashmir, hundreds of people are racing on this strategically important project, drilling tunnels and constructing bridges to connect the Kashmir Valley with Ladakh, a cold, desert region isolated for half of the year because of a huge snowstorm. India currently rests on air supplies for about six months of the year. A 6.5-km (four-mile) tunnel, the first among the four, is already complete and will make the resort town of Sonamarg accessible during the winter months for the first time.
Indian and Chinese soldiers have been engaged in a sometimes violent standoff in the Karakoram Mountains in Ladakh for more than 16 months along their de facto border, called the Line of Actual Control. China and the Indian sides have deployed tens of thousands of soldiers there, backed by artillery, tanks, and fighter jets. Indian military architects vision the tunnel project as tremendously significant for Ladakh. It will provide logistics flexibility to the military and give it operational and strategic movement.
India has built a setup of tunnels, bridges, and roads in Ladakh to permit for quick deployment of troops in the antagonistic high-altitude region — where temperatures dip as low as -45 degrees Celsius (-49 F). The tunnel, the mass infrastructure project's last, will pass through Zojila in Indian-occupied Kashmir to Sonamarg, which marks the end of conifer-clad mountains before Ladakh begins across the rocky Zojila Mountain pass. The Zojila subway, estimated to cost $932 million (€815 million), will be India’s longest and highest tunnel, at 11,500 feet (3,485 meters).
The passageway would not only allow the Indian Army more elasticity in handling logistics — but it would also decrease the travel time on Zojila Pass from 3.5 hours to 15 minutes. The horseshoe-shaped, single-tube bidirectional tunnel would also short the space from Baltal to Minamarg from 40 kilometers (25 miles) to 13 kilometers. The time for the completion of the tunnel has been reduced by almost three years, to December 2023.
The Zojila Pass, which joins Kashmir's capital city, Srinagar, to Ladakh, is an international disputed territory that constitutes part of the larger Kashmir region. India forges ahead with the tunnel between Kashmir and Ladakh as it depends on Kashmir valley for most basic necessities, from vegetables to fuel to medicine and other essentials come through the Zojila pass, making life difficult for locals, who are forced to stockpile items for half of the year. The Zojila tunnel might open up Ladakh to tourists year-round and help facilitate the easier delivery of health care products and other basic amenities for the locals.
India looks to revamp Ladakh with an infrastructure overhaul to counter China and Pakistan. The Zojila tunnel will have inordinate prominence to India's security, as military activities increase at the borders in the Ladakh, Gilgit, and Baltistan regions. As both India and China have positioned tens of thousands of soldiers in those areas, backed by artillery, tanks, and fighter jets.
The tunnel will provide logistics flexibility to the military and give it operational and strategic mobility in case of emergencies and would make the movement of troops and weaponry to Ladakh through the tunnel. As India-China tensions have spiked in recent years as New Delhi accused Beijing of sending troops to the borders. In June last year, at least 20 Indian soldiers were killed in a clash with Chinese forces in Ladakh, marking the deadly clash in the border area in at least 45 years. The 13th round of talks between Beijing and Delhi in October to resolve the disputed Himalayan border broke down, with the sides blaming each other for the failure to make progress. Instead of take-out of troops from the border over the chilly winter, as many as 50,000 Indian soldiers will stay on the line for a second successive year.
The substitute routes between Srinagar and Leh are not only lengthy and hazardous in winters, but situated close to India's borders with Pakistan and China. The want for such a tunnel was first sensed during the 1999 India-Pakistan Kargil war. With China-Pakistan military collaboration becoming stronger in the region, India wants to speed up work on the tunnel to make Ladakh accessible to the Indian Army by road. India forms tunnels to connect Kashmir Valley with strategic Ladakh as it shares de facto borders with Pakistan and China and depends on air supplies for about six months of the year. Such a project will definitely increase the climate of war in the already tense South Asia regions due to India every now and then interferences into the internal matters of its neighboring countries besides working for its hegemonic designs in South Asia.

Unholy Indian Army Chief Visit to Israel - Disappointments but a test for Indo Israeli Relations
By Afshain Afzal
High level delegation led by Indian Army Chief General Manoj Mukund Naravane's November 2021-visit to Israel proved to be a bad show but with many hopes, although tied with ifs and buts. The Indian military leadership was really disappointed and had to return with a fatigue and disappointed face to report at New Delhi. Indian Army Chief visit to Israel also saw many surprises. Despite a number of military agreements and Memorandum of Understandings (MoUs) as well as joint stance of counterterrorism, New Delhi is being asked very difficult questions that New Delhi may be hesitant to act upon. India basic purpose of visit to Tel Aviv was defence acquisition, support in surgical attacks on Pakistan through Israeli drones, recognition of Jammu and Kashmir as part pf India, help India in acquiring belt in Gilgit Baltistan to get connected with Afghanistan, funding and supplies against anti-Taliban groups in Afghanistan and Hindu Temple "Mandir" in Haifa, Israel.
As a follow up of November 2021, Indian External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar and Defence Secretary Ajay Kumar visit to Israel, Indian Army Chief visit held immense importance as this time secret agreement were ready to be signed and schedule to be chalked out to move farwad. If we recall, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Israel in July 2017 that mad the decades old secret relations between Israel and India public. Earlier India bluffed and projected herself as champion of Palestinian cause and leadership at New Delhi is even today anti-Israel being pagans. Earlier in August 2021, Indian Indian Air Force Chief R K S Bhadauria visited Tel Aviv while Indian Navy chief Sunil Lanba to visit Israel in February 2021.
There were apprehensions that some thing serious was cooking regarding the militarization of Indian Ocean but Indian for the first time realized that it is a trap around India's own neck. What Israel has asked New Delhi included:-
a. Recognition of State of Israel with capital at Jerusalem.
b. Freedom of transit and settlement from and to India and Israel for thousands of Indian nationals settled in Israel since long. Arrangement of more Indian "lost Jew tribes" to be immigrated.
c. Parting relationship with Iranian religious regime and help Israel to aid revolt in Tehran.
d. Seize Iranian settlement and movements in the Ladakh, especially Kargil.
e. Action against the military fundamentalist in India including Indian Muhjahideen (IM) and Lashkar-e-Tayyiaba.
f. Mend fences with Pakistan as start peace talks.
g. Allow Israel to station its personnel at ports at Gujarat and Goa as well as establish listening posts in selected area.
h. Continue media campaign against Saudi Royal familiy and leadership in Saudi Arabia to bring democratic rev0lution there.

The Indian delegation visited that Israel Defence Forces (IDF) Headquarters and met IDF Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Aviv Kochavi and Major General Tamir Yadai, Israeli Army’s Chief of the Ground Forces and exchanged views on various defense-related issues. The Indian side also visited Special Operations Unit of the IDF where briefing was given on various aspects of counter-terrorism operations. The Israeli senior military and civilian leadership as well as Intelligence personnel at Tel Aviv discussed joint strategy. India-Israel joint working group on defence cooperation also decided to set up a task force.
It was shocking for General Naravane when Tel Aviv agreed in principle to sell India additional Heron drones but set condition that these would only be deployed at Line of Actual Control (LAC) bordering China and not other Indian borders. Another shock was experienced when General Naravane visited the Indian cemetery at Hafia to paid tribute to the Indian army personnel who lost lives during World War l. It was revealed that when Hindu India was voicing against Israel and Western allies Muslims including those living in present day Pakistan sacrificed their lives for the defence and their graves stand as witness even today. It was a surprise for Israel when Indian Army Chief claimed that Hamas is assisting Taliban of Afghanistan in taking over the control of Afghanistan.
India offered its services to Israel and discussed “Hamas-led Change and Reform” after the general elections for Palestinian Legislative Council in Palestinian-controlled territories amid the fears that across the West Bank and Gaza today, Hamas would again garner the most votes. India is planning to bring a political gains in favour of Hamas as otherwise they are likely to win. It has been decided to offer Hamas to renounce violence and recognize Israel to win its support. However, same could not be confirmed from headquarters of the Palestinian Central Elections Commission (CEC) in Ramallah. The issue of Pakistani Assistant Zulfi Bukhari visit to Tel Aviv in November 2020 to pass on messages from Pakistani Prime Minister and Pakistani Army Chief to Mossad head Yossi Cohen was also discussed in detail.
Not all is open about visit but whatever has come to light is dangerous. No doubt, Israel is India’s largest arms supplier, accounting for more than 42% of the total amount expanded on defence procurement and present agreement and MoUs is worth more than a billion dollar. One wonders why New Delhi fails to comprehend that the far-flung military alliances is against the sovereignty and national integrity. It is equally strange that India is playing bluff game with many nations. The game it is playing with Iran and at the same time is realizing the US and Israel as their most trusted ally. It is high time that India must give up dangerous plans to weaponize Indian Ocean and struggle for peace in the whole region. No doubt, peace and development can bring peace and prosperity in the region.

By Afshain Afzal
Let us carryout an accountability of pledges and donations through official announcements by various countries. In majority of the cases, it is not the sweet will of these countries but the United Nations mechanism that compel them to extend humanitarian aid. However, as a thumb rule, all the world powers have denied extending any aid and relief to Taliban who are ruling Afghanistan. It is important to note that world nations have been unfair in helping Afghanistan during humanitarian crisis, rather they failed to even fulfill their previous pledges. Not sufficient to address a fraction of needy Afghan, but Turkey dispatched series of convoy, carrying tons of food supply through Pakistan and other means. There are many other countries which did the same but will this mere aid accounting only several hundred tonnes would be suffice for the people of Afghanistan. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan rightly and boldly pronounced, “The people of Afghanistan have been left alone; they were abandoned with the consequences of instability, and the conflicts that have lasted for more than four decades,” He said, “regardless of whether the West likes the Taliban or not, whether they can find some middle ground, or not, Afghanistan needs to be extended humanitarian and financial help”. Pakistan pledged over US $28m in immediate humanitarian aid to Afghanistan. Islamabad dispatched over 1,000 tonnes of humanitarian aid on 58 trucks to Afghanistan.
China announced 200 million RMB Yuan worth of emergency humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan. The United States has prioritized support for Afghan refugees, refugee returnees, and other displaced persons for years. In mid September 2021, US announced that it will be providing nearly $64 million in new humanitarian assistance to the people affected by the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan, however, in revised US Department of State statements it announced additional nearly $144 million in humanitarian assistance in Afghanistan and for Afghan refugees in the region to make nearly $474 million in 2021. The statement said that the aid will go directly to independent humanitarian organizations, including the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), International Organization for Migration (IOM), the World Health Organization (WHO), and other short-listed international and non-governmental organizations to support all Afghan persons in vulnerable situations, including women, children, journalists, human rights defenders, persons with disabilities, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex (LGBTQI) and individuals, and members of minority groups.
The 27 member states European Union has announced a revamped humanitarian aid package worth €1 billion to deal with the aftermath of the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan. The new package include pledges which had been already agreed to support the country's civilian population, protect human rights and advance the coronavirus vaccination campaign. The aid will be channeled through international organizations working inside Afghanistan. As a blackmailing tactics €450 million have not yet been earmarked and linked by a criteria that involve respect for the rule of law and human rights, including women's rights, and assurances that humanitarian aid operations are able to continue to Western favourites include ethnic minorities and LGBTQI. Likewise Canada has announced allocation of $50 million from Canadian international assistance resources but has set same conditions.
Humanitarian organizations, including the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the World Health Organization (WHO) claim to have chalked out plan to provide support directly to the more than 18.4 million vulnerable Afghans in the region including Afghan refugees. This funding will allow designated organizations to provide lifesaving protection, shelter, livelihoods support, essential health care, emergency food aid, water, sanitation, and hygiene services to respond to the needs generated by recent conflict and compounded by the severe drought and other natural disasters, and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
In the recent development world governments including US, Britain, Canada, France and Germany announced aid for Pakistan and Iran to keep Taliban unstable and unrecognized. Major chuck of additional $144 million announced by the US in humanitarian assistance will be expanded under the same head. Germany has said it is ready to mobilize cash for neighbouring countries, like Iran and Pakistan, to help them host displaced Afghans and counter a new rise in terrorist activity and organized crime in the region. It is generally an official stance that humanitarian should go to 3.5 million displaced Afghans, including over 500,000 displaced this year alone. It was all planned to evict Afghan from Afghanistan and settle them elsewhere. In fact, evacuation was preplanned step to develop a centrifugal force abroad. Some evacuees claim facing a year of waiting in temporary locations in order to get resettled in their new home countries to begin in the new countries. One wonders which law allows a foreign occupying nations to evacuate nationals of the country under occupation; preventing them from their possessions, jobs, friends, family members, and culture and tradition. Many nations are behind this new trend of chose and pick slavery.
This time a new strategy has been more overtly adopted to exclude and settle aggrieved individuals and groups from target countries and vigorously support all persons in vulnerable situations. These include people including women, children, journalists, human rights defenders, persons with disabilities, LGBTQI and individuals, and members of minority groups to create pressure groups and act as instrument of instability and chaos. This would bring a constant instability and pressurize governments of those countries to bend knees in accepting dictates from developed of world to end sovereign self governments and create conducive environment that fulfil interests of powerful nations. One wonders the United Nations Organizations has become indirectly party to it and there are likely changes that it would become another League of Nations for which the founder of Pakistan, Mohammad Ali Jinnah, the Quaid-e-Azam said in connection with its role in creation of State of Israel over Palestinian land, "Coffin thieves designated to distribute graves". It is time to think what we are doing to the needy people of Afghanistan? Are we not allowing to die in harsh winters of Afghanistan only because we donot like Taliban as ruling Afghanistan.

By Afshain Afzal

The Western cum Iranian backed groups including National Resistance Front of Afghanistan (NRF) are again on the stage. There are also other including Indo-US funded Islamic State’s terrorists (ISIS aka ISK) who pretend to be linked with Islam but in fact, are carrying out spree of terrorism and target killing of orthodox Muslims. No doubt, all individuals and groups have every right to raise their voices as they are all Afghans despite the fact that many amongst them were anti-Afghan and acted as pawn in the hands of foreign occupational forces during two decades of holocaust. They need to be pardoned but their loyalty must be tested to allow them to join mainstream politics. Today Iran is holding peace talks on Afghanistan and It seems that very soon Tehran would emerge as the Iran of World War-I. There are plans to establish “Free Zones” in at least four areas of Afghanistan under the United Nations framework, it is almost the same programme France and Britain presented for the creation of a “safe zone” in Kabul to protect humanitarian operations after US withdrawal as well as to maintain pressure on the Taliban. Taliban as well as splinter group sharing power in Afghanistan, however, rejected all such plans, injurious to Afghan sovereignty and national integrity.

The supreme leader of Taliban Mullah Mohammad Yaqoob had been looking after the affairs of Afghanistan and is dealing with future defence strategy. At a right time a right decision was made for a public appearance on media, appealing to Afghan local businessmen to invest in hospitals and clinics. He asked Afghan businessmen to invest in hospitals and clinics as other civic facilities to overcome worst catastrophe created be stoppage of all humanitarian aid and financial support including Afghan own finical resources in foreign banks. As per the United Nations mechanism, the economically strong countries, especially the ones who claim to have leadership role as "VETO" countries have to perform their primary responsibility helping Afghanistan to emerge from catastrophic hardships to vitality. However, these countries have become the reason of further hardships as they imposed unilateral sanctions on Afghanistan including seizure of its state assets to be used to meet people's urgent needs such as healthcare and food. Ironically, every country admits that Afghanistan is passing through worst state of human suffering due to American senseless two decades criminal war, which is still continuing but still united to further bleed Afghanistan. The war crimes and grave human rights violations which resulted in killing of over 1.6 million unarmed innocent Afghan women, children and men remain unaccounted and still the International Court of Justice (ICJ) or International Criminal Court (ICC) or even United Nations Security Council (UNSC) failed to investigate or pass a single resolution against tyrant and aggressors.

It is so disgusting that penniless Afghanistan which is facing worst hunger, famine like situation and disease are not helped by either the world organizations or the so called civilized nations of the world. Rather, they are trying to sell their experimental vaccines for COVID-19 pandemic to Afghanistan masses. The selfish world governments are dictating their conditions one by one in lieu of releasing Afghan assets in foreign banks. One feel to laugh that two of the conditions are pressurizing Taliban to allow International Non Government Organizations (INGOs) to run Polio and COVID – 19 vaccination campaign in Afghanistan.  Other conditions include forcing Taliban to agree on broad-based government and inclusive political stance, adoption of moderate and prudent domestic and foreign policies, and protect the basic rights and interests of ethnic minorities, women and children including and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex (LGBTQI).

The United States, in fact, is pressurizing the members’ countries of United Nations through carrot and stick strategy not to let Taliban to come to power in Afghanistan and press them to adopt moderate, prudent and enlightened domestic and foreign policies to fulfill international agendas. At the same time not only Taliban leaders are targeted through foreign-funded terrorist attacks but they are also labeled for the crimes which they never committed, rather, they themselves remained victims of such attacks. Interestingly, the Western, Russian, Iranian, Indian, to some extent Chinese blocks and Pakistani individuals have created an alliance against Taliban in the name of fighting terrorism and  good-neighborly, friendly and cooperation. 

In the recent development, the Foreign Ministers of the world’s like-minded nations established communication with Tehran to form a new alliance. Official statements like, “Terrorist organizations operating inside Afghanistan pose a threat to international peace and stability. It is important that we remain vigilant of terrorist entities working against return of peace to Afghanistan,” he said, adding that the Afghan interim government must ensure that there is no safe haven for such elements and that Afghan territory is not used to harm any country” are counterproductive and are only aimed to divert attention of the world and the United Nations from disaster Afghan nation is undergoing due to famine like situation, disease and seizure of funds belonging to Afghanistan by international players.

It is important to note that the aid and financial pledges are meant to provide support directly to 18.4 million vulnerable Afghans in the region, mainly Afghan refugees those who helped occupying forces including ethnic minorities and over 500,000 displaced people who have been added to the list this year alone. The ruling Afghans including some of the Afghan leaders have been banned to handle aid while selected organizations are to provide lifesaving security to vulnerable people, shelter, livelihoods support, essential health care, emergency food aid, water, sanitation, and hygiene services to respond to natural disasters, and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and Polio campaigns. In fact, these Western countries including the European Union intend to support Afghan refugees, refugee returnees, and other displaced persons for years to come, till Taliban and such orthodox Muslims are completely eliminated from Afghanistan rather face of the earth.  

By TON Research Section

The upswing of regional impact in the post-unipolar world has changed the orientation of world politics overall. India’s regional desires are derived from the rise of right-wing Hindutva (radical Hinduism) at the start of this century and its political aspiration to regain its lost prestige after British colonial masters in the subcontinent. The religious and cultural extremist Hindutva forces have challenged and threatened the very fabric of India's secular state system. The minorities, chiefly Muslims were intimidated by the radical militant Hindutva forces to eliminate other religious beliefs and make India exclusively a Hindu state.

Peace and prosperity at home and having a peaceful neighborhood are the major features contributing to acquiring a place across the globe. Any country with disturbing neighborhoods would not be able to achieve the dream of stable growth at home as sharing borders is much more than sharing terrestrial borders. It involves socio-political contact with the neighboring countries. India has continuously been thoughtful longing to launch its predominance in South Asia and since its independence from British in 1947; the main objective of Indian foreign policy is to act upon the goal of becoming a regional force and wants that it should be acknowledged by other states in the region as a whole.

In the South region's geography and demography, most inter-state disputes reflect a series of bilateral disagreements with India.  The phenomenon of internal polarizations into international disputes is not confined to Pakistan and India only but the whole south Asian region. India intimidated all its neighbors in one or another way regarding its controversial territorial issues since independence. After the partition of British India in 1947 India illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir and Pakistan claimed the entirety of the former Muslim majority princely state of Jammu and Kashmir. Since then it is a deadly dispute over the region that escalated into three wars between India and Pakistan and several other armed skirmishes.

Over the years, it has had boundary issues with Banglades, un-demarcated boundaries with Myanmar, the dispute between the land in Kabaw Valley near Hollenphai village, Moreh of Manipur state, India and Namphalong village, Tamu of Sagaing Region and border issue with Bhutan, and lately with China, Aksai Chin area in the northwestern part of the Tibetan Plateau, it is approximately 35,241 sq. km in size, administered by China and part of the Xinjiang Autonomous Region. India considers it a part of its union territory of Ladakh. 

The ethnic divide in Sri Lanka has long had an Indian dimension and its maritime boundary dispute with Sri Lanka on Katchatheevu an uninhabited island of 235 acres. Nepal has often flared up into tensions with India; Kala Pani is an area under territorial dispute in Darchula District of Sudurpashchim Pradesh, Nepal, and Pithoragarh District of Uttarakhand, India, area 400 square km. The story of the 1987 Indo-Sri Lankan agreement, leading to a rather unsuccessful campaign by the Indian Peace Keeping Force (IPKF) for suppressing the Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka, is well known. Indeed it is a complex ongoing story, the issue is nevertheless explosive, both in its domestic and international dimensions, in both countries. The leading events in Tamil Nadu became the reason for Rajiv Gandhi's assassination and changes in the electoral fortunes of several Tamil Nadu parties among them; illustrate the strained relations of both countries.

 Bangladesh has also internal issues likely to figure on the bilateral agenda with India, except the hardy perennial of the Hindu—Muslim divide, common to all states in the Indo-Gangetic—Brahmputra valleys and more recently the influx of Chakma refugees to India. There are territorial disputes between Bangladesh and India, the center of the disputes on of territory in the Berubari Union, a tiny new island thrown up by physical changes and the delimitation of economic zones in the Bay of Bengal. The dividing waters of the River Ganges between India and Bangladesh after the completion of the Farrakha barrage are one of the main disputes among both countries.

The common benefit of the peoples of the entire valleys in India, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Bhutan has been affected by Indian conflicting and controversial roles. So far as Indo Bhutan and Indo-Nepal relations are concerned, crises-cross. It is a pattern that obtains throughout the region. In theory, this could be turned into an advantage by adopting a regional approach. The fact, however, is that regional identity is strangely conspicuous by its weakness. The most peripheral areas of historical India worked loose from the center. Inheritors of the center are wary of those who broke away and fear their ganging up against themselves—an unhappy possibility implied in a regional approach. Hence India's preferred bilateral methodology seems to emphasize divisions rather than unities. For the rest, old India's frontiers have moved in all directions. What is directly related is the interaction of two forces a series of felt internal disunities among ethnic identities in each successor state of the British Indian Empire are getting mixed up in intra-regional disputes. This threatens modern state structures as well as regional harmony in south Asia. Ensuring stable regional peace requires much hard work to resolve these polarities. The other element is the intellectual appreciation of the benefits of regional amity and cooperation. The example of the EC has inspired so many regional cooperation experiments.

However, in the case of SAARC, India is also using this platform for getting its nefarious designs obsessed with its quest to control the region and uphold the hegemony in many ways. The surviving economic and military force is not an assurance to attain the status of regional or global power, principally in a condition where neighboring countries are not ready to approve the influence and legitimacy of the major power holder. Despite India’s phenomenal economic growth and military development, the rise of china and the growing hold on South Asia is providing a much required significant balance of power in the region.

By Afshain Afzal

After the undemocratic and unethical announcement by the American military and civilian intelligence agencies to accommodate and resettle thousands of Afghans including ethnic Hazara Afghans, personnel of Afghan Intelligence and National Army in the US, the focus of Washington has again been diverted towards Doha. Presently, the US Embassy at Doha is witnessing a lot of high-ranking movement. “US interests in Afghanistan need to be ensured at all costs, especially after US withdrawal from Afghanistan and the Taliban takeover of the country”, said one of the guest who tried to remain unidentified and had come from Virginia. In an open breach of Afghan sovereignty and national integrity, US authorities announced open airlift of Afghans to foreign soils without any legitimacy like passport/ visa or permission from Afghan authority. As per the original plan some 65,000 handpicked Afghan refugees to settle in the US this year and 95,000 by next year, followed by another 125,000 in 2023. However, as per an estimated record, the number has already exceeded the expected refugees; till 19 October the number crossed 235,800 Afghan refugees in the US.

In another development on 18 October 2021, US Charge de Affairs to Pakistan, Angela Aggeler met Pakistan Chief of the Army Staff at General Headquarters, Rawalpindi to convey message regarding US-Afghanistan strategy and expected cooperation from Pakistan with regard to US operations to control the prevailing situation in Afghanistan. To keep mouths shut Islamabad has been offered a lot of funding to purchase equipment and military courses for all shades of military officers including International Military Education and Training (IMET) programs for young Pakistani Army officers. It is interesting to note that recently same offer was extended to India which refused to airlift material and personnel from and to Kabul Airport due to security concerns; “No chance of Indian aircraft landing or taking off from Kabul”. New Delhi, however, agreed to provide facility to US personnel at Tajikistan as well as base at locations including Mundra and Kandla ports in the Gulf of Kutch in the Arabian Sea.  As per an Indian officer Ashok who indirectly indicated drone and marine movements.  Earlier, US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman also visited India (6-7 October) and Pakistan (7-8 October) to finalize strategic repositioning and acquisition of bases.

Although, the complete withdrawal of US combatants was completed in the year 2010 and handful of security personnel and contractors were left in Afghanistan to look after US investment and multinational projects there, but there is reason why Washington is making so much hue and cry. No doubt, the wise decision by former US President Donald Trump to ensure complete US withdrawal by Christmas 2020 was criticized at that time by President Joseph Biden but ironically he followed the same decision rather implemented in true letter and spirit as there was no option to overcome humiliation and agony of defeat. Interestingly, the authorities at Arlington and Langley have levelled all blame on Afghan President Ashraf Ghani and US Envoy to Afghanistan Zalmay Khalilzad for the failure of US strategy in Afghanistan.  Accordingly, Zalmay Khalilzad has been replaced by his Deputy Thomas West as new Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation (SRAR).

In fact, the Western negotiators have been bluffing the world that they were carrying out intra-peace talks with Taliban, whereas at the Durham, with the exception of a few, all leaders and their associate were those splinter groups who defected Taliban and joined US and allies in the Western war against the Taliban. It was projected as if on 29 February 2021, an agreement was reached whereas a gesture was also given if Taliban were negotiating the talks but a later the talks were dragged till 15 March 2021 to force the dummy Afghan Taliban (sic) to sign an agreement that they would cut ties with the Taliban and Al-Qaida. Diana Shaw, the State Department's acting Inspector General, has issued notifications to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, the House Foreign Affairs Committee and the House and Senate intelligence committees, that her office is collecting pieces of evidence of "several oversight projects" regarding ending diplomatic relations in Afghanistan. Strange but true, the credibility of the office of US President has been seriously damaged as policy and agreements signed by the former President are being rejected by the next.

To destabilize Taliban government, the Doha based Western-patronized former Taliban as well as those loyal to Taliban are being targeted to eliminate Taliban top leadership. The factitious ISIS which is being funded by Washington and New Delhi to achieve the fall of Taliban is active in their missions. If we recall, in August Western agencies planned terrorist attack to build world opinion against the Taliban by blowing 13 US personnel and injuring more than 100 Afghans in a suicide attack outside the Kabul airport during the evacuation. Few days before the incident, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said the United States believes there are still "specific, credible" threats against the airport after the bombing at one of its gates .He said, "We certainly are prepared and would expect future attempts... We're monitoring these threats, very, very specifically, virtually in real-time." Interestingly, on side US claims that Taliban are terrorists but US Commanders assigned Taliban forces positions in most places of Kabul airport, especially the outer gates, when most of the Americans were still at Kabul airport planning withdrawal. Although president Biden ordered the Pentagon to airstrike ISIS-K and the Islamic State affiliate that claimed responsibility one wonders why would it eliminate its own funded aids and terrorists. No one can deny the fact that presently all countries including China, Russia and India have joined hands to defy the 29th February agreement and isolate Taliban from coming into power. 

On 20th September 2021, the United Nations Organization confirmed complete diplomatic withdrawal from Afghanistan. As a follow-up, UN General Assembly high-level debate begins from 21 September 2021, the Taliban are expecting the UN to remove the names of their leadership from the blacklist as the name of acting government cannot be announced if the names Taliban figures on UN and US sanction list or group. All Western nations, neighbouring countries and those which have invested including India and China have distanced from Taliban.US authorities have taken a step further and linked Taliban with the reemergence of international terrorist threats like the group Islamic State (IS) or its local affiliate, Islamic State-Khorasan (IS-K), which claimed responsibility for a deadly attack with crowds massed outside Kabul airport on 26 August. The Western propaganda has crossed all previous limits, not to allow Taliban to form a Government and efforts are being made to reach to a broad-based government as the only viable option.

Connecting events, Brookings reported on 6 August 2021, "Pakistan’s official stance is that it would prefer a peaceful outcome in Afghanistan, some sort of a power-sharing arrangement reached after an intra-Afghan peace deal. Many are skeptical of this given Pakistan’s support of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan in the 1990s, and the sanctuary the group later found in Pakistan. But Pakistan argues that a protracted civil war in Afghanistan would be disastrous for it, on three dimensions: First, insecurity from Afghanistan would spill over into Pakistan. Second, Pakistan fears that this would set up space for the resurgence of the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), a group responsible for killing tens of thousands of Pakistani civilians and attacking the country’s army, security forces, and politicians. Third, this would increase the amount of refugee flows to Pakistan (which has hosted millions of Afghan refugees since the 1990s, including 3 million at present), which it can’t afford. These are well-founded fears."

Masshal Radio reported at the National Security and Defense Standing Committee, Pakistan's Army Chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa and Lieutenant General Faiz Hameed, head of the military’s intelligence agency, the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), issued the warning during an off-the-record meeting on the security situation in Pakistan and the region after the withdrawal of U.S.-led international forces from neighboring Afghanistan that an army crackdown against militants of the Afghan Taliban group inside Pakistan could result in blowback and Afghan Taliban and the Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan (TTP), also known as the Pakistani Taliban, were “two faces of the same coin.” Another entity, The James Town Foundation published on its website, "Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan’s Latest Merger Enables Renewed Attacks in Pakistan.

In the same regard, in a latest development in the Pakistani capital Islamabad, a case was registered with the Aabpara police station under section 7 of the ATA, 124-A (sedition) and 188 (disobedience to order duly promulgated by public servant) of the Pakistan Penal Code (PPC) after flags representing the Afghan Taliban were found hoisted on the rooftop of Jamia in G-7/3. Pakistan's Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid Ahmed on 20 September 2021 said in a statement that the government resolved issues with Maulana Abdul Aziz through dialogue despite there were several cases against Maulana Aziz but the government wanted the situation in the capital to remain normal so "That's why we keep talking to them." He added that there were 511 Madrassahs and 1,000 mosques in the capital. He said, "Out of 511, we have issues with only one which we resolve through dialogue." In June 2020, under an agreement with the Government, Maulana Aziz and his wife shifted from Lal Masjid to their house located on the premises of JamiaHafsa at G-7.

Aftermath the withdrawal, UN conference last week, the Secretary General asked for $600 million but more than the expectations, $1.2 billion were pledged. It is interesting to note that many countries in the past pledged millions of dollars but failed to fulfill even small portion of their commitment.

As per the OCHA data on 15 September 2021, 634,000 people have been internally displaced by conflict around the country between 1 January and 15 September 202. IOM data recorded that between 1 January and 15 September, 890,726 undocumented Afghan returnees from Iran (881,582) and Pakistan (9,144).UNHCR figures recorded, there are 47% are Pashtun, 41% are Hazara and smaller numbers of those who are Tajik (9%) and Turkmen (1%). The data confirm that a selected portion of Afghan population on the basis of sectarian linkage was migrated to neighbouring countries to extend all facilities even as in refugee status. It will interest many that the generally those who approached UNHCR were ethnic Shitte or Persian speaking from Kunduz,Balkh and Kandahar, mostly Hazara applied for registration from Quetta, Balochistan and Faisalabad, Punjab in Pakistan while applicants, those who migrated from Nangarhar, Kabul and Kunar and settled in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The picture seems gloomy as Western nations along with the United Nations would continue patronizing Afghan sectarian minorities so that despite general amnesty by Taliban, they do not settle in Afghanistan and game of blood and fire continues in unstable Afghanistan while neighbouring Pakistan would be destabilized in hunt against Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan.

By Afshain Afzal

Top Kashmiri-Pakistan leader, Syed Ali Shah Geelani died at Srinagar after a prolonged illness at the age of 92. He was the main voice who did not bow before Indian coercive forces and demanded right of self determination for the Kashmiri State-Citizens; free and impartial plebiscite as per the United Nations Security Council Resolutions on Jammu and Kashmir dispute. His funeral is scheduled on 3 September as per orthodox Muslim referred as Deobandi Hanfi traditions. As he belonged to Jamaat-e-Isami so large number of members of Jamaat attended his funeral while in Pakistan Pakistan's Jamaat-e-Islami party, urged people to offer funeral prayers in absentia for Geelani on Thursday. 

During his education in Lahore before partition he was linked with Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah for struggle for partition and Independence, Since the establishment of Jamaat-e-Islami in Jammu and Kashmir in 1946, Syed Ali Geelani remained deeply connected to Maulana Saad-uddin, the first chief of Jamaat-e-Islami, Jammu and Kashmir. Later on returning to Jammu and Kashmir after attaining degree from Lahore he joined public school as a teacher. He resigned from his government job in 1959 to devote himself full time to the party's activities and soon rose to become the district chief of Kupwara and Baramulla. In 1992, when All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) was founded as a platform of at least 30 pro-independence parties to pursue Kashmir's fight for right of self, Syed Ali Shah Geelani resented Jamaat-e-Islami. He resigned from the chairperson as many Kashmiri leaders had sold their conscience.

Syed Ali Geelani was deeply connected with Pakistan but in 2006, when ex General President Pervez offered India his Four-Point Formula and partition of Jammu and Kashmir State between India n and Pakistan, he not only opposed it but voiced against the nefarious design of the then Pakistani leadership running the Government. On 5 August 2019, the Indian government revoked Article 370 and 35 A and other related provisions from its Constitution, scrapping the country's only Muslim-majority state with its autonomy, Syed Ali Geelani exposed India;s plans to bring demographic changes in Kashmir to defeat the Islamic ideology in Jammu and Kashmir. He was also highly critical about Shia Central Waqf Board chairperson, Syed Waseem Rizvi blasphemous attempt in which he approached the Supreme Court to seek removal of 26 verses of the Quran on the ground that these are “teaching hatred, violence and terrorism” and that “These verses were added to the Quran, by the first three Caliphs, to aid the expansion of Islam by war”.

Few month back reacting over conference at New Delhi on 24 June 2021, in which all the prominent pro-India compromised Kashmiri leadership participated, Syed Ali Geelani made quite clear that holding talks with "so-called politicians" and giving the impression that the situation in Indian Occupied Kashmir is returning to normalcy, is wrong, "The Indian government has always betrayed the people of Kashmir. So there is no other option less than right to self-determination.” New Delhi should be clear that Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh will never be accepted as separate union territories.” Syed Ali Geelani’s enemies were not only the Indian military and intelligence but also the Kashmiris who sold their conscience to the Indian for pity favors. Leaders like Sheikh Omar, Mehbooba Mufti and other distance themselves from Syed Ali Geelani due to fear of coercive tactics and extra judicial killing by the Indian security forces.

Where the death of such a great leader has strengthened the Kashmiri struggle for the right of self determination, Indian agencies are trying to tarnish the image of Syed Ali Geelani (late). In a recent attempt Jammu and Kashmir State Police chief Dilbagh Singh had in an interview to NDTV, “A letter was initiated by Syed Ali Geelani which was an eye-opener and he admitted his path was wrong and he used Kashmir for personal gains." Sons and daughters of Syed Ali Geelani including Naeem and Naseem have vowed to carry forward the great struggle by the father and other Kashmiris. Indian occupying authorities have imposed restrictions, including suspension of internet services, deployment of additional military and para-military forces as well as restriction on vehicular movement but despite this hundred and thousands of Kashmiris announced attending the funeral. The Kashmiris not only in India occupied Jammu and Kashmir but throughout the world have wowed to join hands to fulfill the dreams of Syed Ali Geelani to attain right of self-determination on the basis of UNSC Resolutions.

By Afshain Afzal

Another phase of mass coldblooded murders of orthodox Muslims under the United Nations flag has been planned. Pressurizing Afghans to agree to western plans of future government in Kabul, all resources and humanitarian resources have been blocked for indefinite time period. Instead of addressing non-access to those who control Afghanistan after International Monetary Fund (IMF) blocked access to financial resources through World Bank development projects in Afghanistan worth more than $5.3 billion and $ 12.9 billion raised by Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund, the world nations are trying their level best to keep Afghanistan bleeding.

A new phrase has been coined in the United Nations Security Counsel Resolution 2773 of 2021, passed on 30 August 2021, “Protection of civilians and protection of objects indispensable to the survival of the civilian population.” Cleverly crafted, UNSC Resolution drafted by US, Britain and France worked out a parallel government in United Nations protected safe zones. In the name of diplomacy, safe passage and freedom to be airlifted, the military maneouvers have been worked out to support one against other. The United Nations got its share by having approval of enhancement of technical expertise within United Nations country teams (Afghanistan) to respond effectively to support the provision of essential services. Is that's all?

The hidden words and approvals speaks of malafides plot by the western, Indian and neighbouring players. It is a “Lose-lose situation”, If the Afghan or Pashtun-Taliban cooperate in implementation of UNSC Resolution they lose and if breaches implementation, they again lose. The Resolution confirms Afghanistan as nation in armed conflict and reminds obligations of all parties to armed conflicts the prohibition of attacks directed against civilians and civilian objects, medical personnel and humanitarian personnel exclusively engaged in medical duties, their means of transport and equipment, hospitals, and other medical facilities.

Quite intelligently “civilian populations, civilian objects and all other persons and objects afforded protection” have been included in the Resolution to declare certain ethnic and religious communities as “persons afforded protection” to ensure their participation the the future government.

Phrases like, “Demands that all parties to armed conflicts fully comply with their obligations to distinguishing between, on the one hand, civilian populations, civilian objects and all other persons and objects afforded protection, and, on the other hand, combatants and military objectives, prohibiting indiscriminate and disproportionate attacks, taking all feasible precautions in planning, deciding and conducting attacks to avoid, and in any event minimize, harm to civilians and civilian objects...”, “protecting humanitarian personnel and consignments used for humanitarian relief operations” and “starvation of civilians as a method of warfare as a war crime” speaks the plan to conduct military operation in the garb of humanitarian personnel and consignments engaged in humanitarian relief operations.

It seems that United Nations foresee continuation of armed conflict in Afghanistan for many years to come. It binds parties in conflict to protect civilians operating, maintaining or repairing critical objects to enable the delivery of essential services, as well as their movement for the purpose of maintaining, repairing or operating such objects as well as allowing and facilitating safe passage of equipment, transport and supplies necessary for the reparation, maintenance or operation of such objects.

It is irony that on one side the Resolution talks about armed conflict while on the other plans long term cooperation and coordination at the international level, including technical assistance and capacity building to reduce humanitarian needs, enhance long-term recovery, protect livelihoods, improve access to essential services, build resilience of conflict-affected populations, and recover from the pandemic, while ensuring full, equal and meaningful participation of women in efforts to promote and maintain peace and security and promoting the inclusion of young people, and contributing to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The United Nations Organization must play its due role for peace rather than authorizing long tern armed conflict zones in Asia and Africa to keep nations bleeding. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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