Afshain Afzal

Afshain Afzal


By Afshain Afzal
Adopting the guise of Taliban does not entitle a license to forcibly marry an Afghan imprisoned Persian speaking young girl, raping her during interrogation process and then marrying her after few months. The young girl try flee to Pakistan to save herself from further humiliation but get caught at Pak-Afghan border at Torkhum, brought back to prison only to add to the miseries; she is divorced on the charges of wrong faith and disbeliever. In the backdrop, Afghan women rights activists counselled this ill-fated lady to make a video of her story and make public. In response of #justiceforElaha, Qari Saeed Khosti challenged, "If Elaha believes in the courts of the Islamic Emirate, she can lodge a complaint against me. If I am guilty, the court should punish me. If she does not believe in the courts of the Islamic Emirate, then I'm ready to go to any court that she wants." There are many questions that will rise in our minds; if Qari Saeed Khosti is a real Taliban why he is ready to go to any court other than courts of the Islamic Emirate where matters are decided on the basis of Islamic system of justice?
As per the details, Elaha Delawarzi is second wife of Qari Saeed Khosti, studying in fourth semester of the University of Medicine in Kabul, after marriage residing with Qari Saeed at Gulbahar Center in Kabul and she tried to flee but was caught by the security authorities from Pak-Afghan border at Torkham. She was sent to prison on her account with her Iranian and American connections, but her husband Qari Saeed took her back to his home. However, as a pre-plan Qari Saeed Khosti divorse her to allow her to become a chatter box against Islam, the Afghan orthodox Muslims and the Taliban. It is important to mention here that Elaha Delawarzi was daughter of top commander of National Defence Service (NDS) during the American invasion and per-liberation of Afghanistan. Elaha claim sin her video that her father is Afghan Army general. Reportedly, family of Elaha Delawarzi has presently in Pakistan.
In the released video by Elaha Delawarzi she has claimed that last year Qari Saeed Khosti came to the prisoners to take pictures to publish a report. After that Qari Saeed carried out rape with her and forced her to marry him. She also claims that Qari Saeed prepared a video of her rape in the prison but filmed another video after she was released from prison to make it public. She added in her claim that two months later of rape incident, Qari Saeed organized a wedding ceremony at one of Kabul's hotels. One wonders the video of Elaha Delawarzi once she was released from prison is an evidence as how a raped young girl can walk straight without making hue and cry. And the wedding pictures of Qari Saeed and Elaha Delawarzi in hotel at Kabul too are evidence as how can a university girl can act normal and maintain a smile after marrying a rapist.
The statements of Qari Saeed appearing in media in response to viral video of Elaha Delawarzi, "#justiceforElaha", clarified and claimed, “I married her six months ago at her request, but she was disbeliever, and I tried to guide her through conversation, but she insulted the holy things and I divorced her. I neither beat her nor tortured her.” However, American newspaper "Independent" reported, "On Wednesday night, a day after the video was released, the Taliban-run Supreme Court tweeted that Elaha had been arrested for defamation under an order from Chief Justice Abdul Hakeem Haqqani. Without mentioning that she has undergone any trial, she added that she "soon will be sentenced according to sharia law." Sharia refers to the code of conduct or religious law of Islam. "No one can damage the name of the Mujahideen or smear the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan and the 20 years of holy jihad," he said, referring to the Taliban and their war against US-led troops and the government close to Washington that insurgents overthrew just over a year ago." However, Twitter page for the Supreme Court, referring to its posting of the arrest, said that the post was fake.

In fact, the role of Taliban in the whole episode is what was also confirmed by Elaha, “A Taliban religious scholar made our marriage contract and asked him to teach me the Quran because I had become an apostate during the republican era, and Qari Saeed should also take me to the Hajj pilgrimage.” It is interesting to note that Elaha confirms that Qari Saeed Khosti went to Elaha’s father’s house to propose and a wedding ceremony was held in one of the hotels in Kabul city. Hence we cannot blame the actual Taliban for the acts of Qari Saeed, in case of his involvement. On the other hand, the affiliation of Qari Saeed with American can be judged from Qari Saeed Khosty tweet dated, On 18 May 2020, "With over 60000 U.S. servicemembers killed, many more wounded, and nearly a trillion dollars spent to date, America’s leaders must now initiate a withdrawal plan that stops a decades-long hemorrhaging of American blood and treasure". Which means he had no sympathy for the Afghans brutally killed during American occupation but was more concerned about trillion American dollars wasted in Afghanistan.
American newspaper, Independent wites "On Wednesday night, a day after the video was released, the Taliban-run Supreme Court tweeted that Elaha had been arrested for defamation under an order from Chief Justice Abdul Hakeem Haqqani. Without mentioning that she has undergone any trial, he added that she "soon will be sentenced according to sharia law." The newspaper reports, "No one can damage the name of the Mujahideen or smear the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan and the 20 years of holy jihad," he said, referring to the Taliban and their war against US-led troops and the government close to Washington that insurgents overthrew just over a year ago. However, another Twitter page for the Supreme Court said in a post on Thursday that the other was fake, referring to its posting of the arrest.
Qari Saeed Khosti remained popular on social media for his pro-Taliban propaganda. One wonders is he really a Taliban or spying for someone? Qari Saeed was appointed as Interior Ministry spokesman when the Taliban took over the control of Afghanistan on USA's withdrawal on 15 August 2021. The question arises why he was sacked in March 2022 from his position. Is it due to Iranian connection or being American paid guy? Although the US State Department has designated the Haqqani Network as an international terrorist group, their leader including Qari Saeed Khosti and Anas Haqqani and many members of the group have Twitter accounts with thousands of followers. It is interesting to note that Afghan citizens who worked for international forces, organizations, media and others were critical of the Taliban on social media have been official pardoned by Taliban in various announcements but Human rights organisations Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch are carrying out misleading propaganda that Taliban fighters are searching for them to kill them in target kilings and attacks.
Qari Saeed, a self-proclaimed social media director of the Taliban since long was openly giving interviews to foreign media about his team's involvement in social media network, focusing on Twitter - Taliban hashtags trending as well as disseminating messages on WhatsApp and Facebook and others forums. Highly provocative statement were a common practice, "Our enemies have television, radio, verified accounts on social media and we have none, yet we fought with them on Twitter and Facebook and defeated them." Saeed was involved is airing propaganda videos glorifying Taliban fighters and their battles against foreign forces and international organizations. The modus operandai of Saeed Khosti is that he and his other members of the group hoist or publishes freely on Twitter and YouTube and Facebook that tarnish the image of Taliban as terrorist and these social media platforms as per the rules were forced to declare the Taliban a "dangerous organisation" and removed all accounts and pages associated with them. Accordingly, Facebook has imposed ban Taliban content from its platforms but surprisingly not Qari Saeed.
In the recent months, the grip over the orthodox Muslims in Afghanistan is getting tighter. The international community, the United Nations, diplomatic corps and Human Rights organizations have joined hands to declare Taliban and other religious groups unlawful in order to pronounce an official censure and sanctions. Behind the game are certain characters who are engaged in defamatory campaign against Taliban and religious leadership. On 02 September 2022, UN diplomatic mission in Afghanistan said in a statement, "We call on the de-facto authorities to transparently investigate all alleged violations of women's rights, to hold perpetrators to account and to ensure safety of Afghan women and girls." The United Nations has called on the Taliban-led government of Afghanistan to investigate allegations of the forced marriage and abuse of Elaha Delawarzi, a medical student by an ex-Taliban official that has sparked strong condemnation by many Afghans. One wonders, why Taliban are being asked to investigate when Qari Saeed Khosti, a self-programmed Taliban, expelled from duties of a spokesman in March 2022 and facing allegations, which if found true destined him punishment in this world and the world hereafter. No doubt, the available evidences suggest that both are working on foreign agenda against Afghanistan interest, nevertheless, the charges leveled by Elaha Delawarzi are serious enough that should be thoroughly investigated under the Islamic law.

By Afshain Afzal

In a strange media announcement by Indian authorities on 25 August 2022, where claims are being made that Bangladesh and India have finalized the text of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on interim water sharing of Kushiyara river. Interestingly, no specifying date for the signing of MoU has been announced. One wonders how long New Delhi would be bluffing Dhaka about the finalization lollypop.

As per the details, at the 38th ministerial-level Joint Rivers Commission (JRC) meeting was held in New Delhi, after a gap of twelve years. A 17-member Bangladesh delegation, led by State Minister for Water Resources Zaheed Farooque attended JRC meeting while India's Jal Shakti (Water Resources) Minister Gajendra Singh Shakhawat led the Indian delegation. Bangladesh and India discussed several issues related to water-sharing, however, as usual Teesta and Ganga remained in the cold storage, despite touching upon.

If we recall, in October 2019, a MoU was signed in which both sides finalized the design and location of water intake point on the Feni river to meet the drinking water needs of Sabroom town in Tripura. as per the October 2019 Bangladesh-India MoU on this subject. No doubt, the drinking water agreement is important for Tripura state, which has history that remained part of Bengal and even today a good number of Bengali nationals are living there but India played the game in the selection of site and other modalities. There is requirement to revisit it and deprived people of Tripura must be compensated.

In a strange move, New Delhi has warned the participants from Bangladesh not to make any of the decision public as a symbolic announcement is likely to be made by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 6 September 2022. Despite Bangladesh State Minister for Water Resources Zaheed Farooque repeated requests to conclude discussion on the long pending Teesta water sharing treaty at an early date, noting concrete was done. Both side accused each other for the delay. However, India side later assured that New Delhi would make earnest efforts in concluding some interim agreement.

The Indian side persuaded Bangladeshi side that the agreement should take its own course and reports from technical team and comments over the feasibility study for optimum utilization of water are to be worked. Interestingly, India is referring report received by Bangladesh under the provision of the Ganges Water Sharing Treaty, 1996. It is irony that New Delhi is not ready to demolish Farakka and Gajoldoba barrages in order to ensure Bangladesh's water share in the trans-boundary Ganges and Teesta rivers.

India and Bangladesh share 54 rivers, of which seven rivers have been identified to reach frameworks of water sharing agreements. No doubt, such measures cannot not be short term as India is stressing generally on data exchange at this stage. New Delhi was reluctant to sign any MoU as Indian side claims that Technical Level Committee of JRC has not yet finalized. Representative of Technical Level Committee of JRC said at the end of meeting, “It cannot do anything overnight meeting as discussion is to be followed by evaluation and reports.” He said, “Exchange of flood related data and information, river bank protection works, common basin management, and also Indian River Interlinking Project were part of discussion and Bangladesh should be obliged as India has agreed to provision of flood related data and information, otherwise it is Bangladesh which is creating delays.”

To conclude, the Ganges Water Sharing Agreement will expire in 2026 and Bangladesh is not happy over 25 August meeting as it was an eyewash. By discussing projects like mere river bank protection works, addressing river pollution, conducting joint studies on sedimentation management etc, the core water issues cannot be resolved. India is more interested in protecting its interests rather than addressing Bangladeshi rights. Dhaka is well aware that India is not serious about resolving the water issues with Bangladesh. It is high time that New Delhi should start with demolition of Farakka and Gajoldoba barrages to ensure Bangladesh's water share in the trans-boundary Ganges and Teesta rivers as well as protect environment.

Theorizing The teesta River Water Dispute - Modern Diplomacy

By Afshain Afzal

As the end of August is approaching, India is all set to make 5th, 6th and 7th September 2022, the beginning of a new history. As per the sources in Indian Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation, as a pre Bangladeshi Prime Minister three-day official visit to India a meeting is scheduled between India and Bangladesh on 25th August, which will discuss water-sharing treaties of the Teesta River as well as number of other rivers will be touched upon to refresh the memories of earlier meetings but New Delhi has no plans to go for an all out Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) or commitments. He claimed that Bangladesh has lost its rights as International Law for transboundary waters gives right to Indian West Bengal. He added that India has not signed United Nations Watercourses Convention and Bangladesh has no legal claim on Indian rivers waters. 

The Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Wajid is suspicion over the Indian moves especially unwarranted silence over expected water sharing agreements but cannot pronounce this Indian stubborn act as “Water disputes between India and Bangladesh”. The Bangladeshi authorities are quite clear that 25th August minister-level meeting is an eyewash so that the 6th September-show of meeting between Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and Indian counterpart Prime Minister Narandra Modi does not get de-tracked. If Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina fails to achieve any understanding over water sharing, she may face difficulty in forthcoming elections but Indian Prime Minister has given its intelligence estimates that Sheikh Hasina Wajid would have clear win due to Indian agencies backing. One wonders it can be other way around and in such a case who would repay the long list of India defence and security armament and equipment, India is trying to sell Bangladesh.

If we recall, the 7th Meeting of the Joint Consultative Commission (JCC) was held in New Delhi on 19 June 2022, in which Indian External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar met Bangladeshi Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen participated. The main agenda was to cement agreements for expanding connectivity in the road, rail, inland waterways, ports, joint border management, defence and security and culture as well as people-to-people links. So far all is good but why New Delhi is dragging the Water Resources Accord and denying the Bangladeshi rights on water courses.

Another senior officer from Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) said on the condition of anonymity. “India and Bangladesh signed numerous understandings on water courses.  Mainly to create access of Indians from West Bengal and Bangladeshi  refugees Hindus inside Bangladesh. He said the water disputes between India and Bangladesh have been resolved otherwise Protocol on Inland Water Transit and Trade (PIWTT) could not be signed in May 2020, New Delhi intend to establish people to people contacts between Bangladesh and India, especially Hindus of bordering states including Agartalla for bilateral and regional trade.

There is no doubt that 25th August meeting would bring a hope for the Bangladeshi government and people of Bangladesh. With this hope, Dhaka would refrain from discussing the issue before the Indian leadership and the Indian press during three-day visit to India in September 2022, meetings between the two Prime Ministers is taking place. However, many analysts are of the opinion that India is playing smart to put Bangladesh under the heap of external debts, leading to temporary  gains but serious repercussions in the long term. There are are reports that soon India would place its Navy in Bay of Bengal, using Bangladeshi ports in the name of maritime security and border management.

By Afshain Afzal

Fake messages are circulating that Pakistani Taliban have demanded concessions before a long-term cease-fire could be achieved with Pakistan to resolve deadlock. When investigated, it was found that IP used by fake TTP elements was Dubai based on which number of contacts were made with Indian national living inside India as well as other countries. There are evidences that India is training ISIS aka ISIS (K) and projecting them as TTP in Pakistan, Taliban and Al Qaida. In the months to came dangerous terrorist activities are expected. As per the reports, Afghan territory has been planned for international terrorism inside India and Pakistan.

Interestingly, the month of May 2022, witnessed improvement in bilateral relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan. People for the first time are hopeful of new phase of development and prosperity between the two countries. In the near past the relations between the two countries were tense as both countries were claiming that other's country is being used to attack inside their territories. Allegedly several airstrikes were carried out on Khost and Kunar provinces in the month of April 2022, which created further mistrust. There are reports that certain foreign funded elements, maintaining houses in both Pakistan and Afghanistan carryout attacks to create to mistrust between two brotherly countries.

Due to recent heavy rain and flood like situation in Afghanistan there was much disaster and loss. Pakistan dispatched consignment of relief goods for flood-affected Afghan civilians through a special flight of the Pakistan Air Force (PAF). According to the authorities, there are series of relief and development plans for Afghanistan in the near future. Further projects include health, educational, infrastructural improvement inside Afghanistan and training. Islamabad and Kabul believe that according to the Doha Agreement things should move forward and each country should ensure that its soil is not misused against the other.

On the political front, Taliban’s Acting Prime Minister, Mullah Hassan Akhund has praised Islamabad efforts in bringing peace and stability in Afghanistan. Pakistan is in favour of persuading foreign nations and International Organizations including India to reopen its embassy in Kabul. Afghan government has ensured to provide security to all diplomats working in Kabul. If we recall, New Delhi closed its Embassy in August 2021 when the Taliban took over Kabul.
In the recent development the back door channel are being used to mediate between Government of Pakistan and foreign funded Pakistani insurgents, confused by "Pakistani Taliban". Once this is achieved, Pakistan and Afghanistan would again be able to live as one nation two sovereign countries. It is hopeful that both countries would soon be able to enjoy preferential trade and commerce relations as well as opportunities to jointly celebrate common religious, cultural and heritage events.

Both Pakistan and Afghanistan were one nation since centuries and British divided them through an artificial line. After the partition of Indian sub-continent in August 1947, Pakistan become a sovereign nation with proper internationally recognized boundaries. Afghanistan being a land locked countries has made Pakistan and Afghanistan to use same waters for trade and business. Hence, there existence is in well being and security of each other. It is high time that the United Nations give  remove all the Afghan Taliban leadership from ban-list so that hunger, disease and suffering of the Afghan masses are addressed.  

By Erlina Premadani


It was on Friday, that the Leader of Myanmar’s military installed the government’s offer to participate in peace talks with the ethnic groups that sought greater autonomy through armed struggle.

The statement was shared through a brief broadcast on television by Senior Gen. Min Aung Hlaing. In his brief explanation, he stated that he wants to meet the leaders of all ethnic armed groups in person to negotiate. The negotiation aims at ending the armed conflict across the country this year.

This great movement of Min Aung Hlaing becomes the latest series of administrations during his authority, especially for the armed ethnic organizations. Since the military seized power from the elected government of Aung San Suu Kyi, there is no concrete progress previously.

Min Aung Hlaing has urged the ethnic armies not to support the groups opposing army rule, which have been designated as terrorists by his administration. The military generally could contain fighting in the ethnic-controlled areas, however, it has faced a broader challenge since its takeover last year.


Previously the Central Government has battled for decades the armed groups. They hold loose control of border regions where their ethnic groups predominate. An occasional cease-fire agreement has been managed however, the armed groups look for a permanent and comprehensive political solution. This action is done as a response to their demands which are not received by Myanmar’s government.

There is a nonviolent protest against military rule and being put down with a lethal force that triggers armed resistance. Now it becomes a civil war that extends violent conflict to the peaceful areas of the country.

There are about 20 ethnic rebel armies in Myanmar which control the border territory remotely. They fought each other over the drug trade, natural resources, and autonomy. However, there was a rejection from key Ethnic groups in Myanmar to take part in the peace talks. Based on a report in The Irrawaddy, there are several representatives from several prominent ethnic armed groups who rejected the offer. The groups rejecting the peace talk offer are Karenni National Progressive Party, Karen National Union, Kachin Independence Army, and Chin National Front.

These ethnic for decades have fought for independence and greater autonomy from the central state. Since the conflict began in February 2021, 16 months after the ethnic armed groups have entered into a loose alliance with a raft of new civilian militias, namely the People’s Defense Forces (PDFs). They have opposed the military rule and attempted security forces to quash the PDFs. They have brought violent conflict to certain areas in Central Myanmar for years.

In a brief, the peace talk offered by Min Aung Hlaing to the leaders of all ethnic armed groups in person could not meet the goal. It is expected that there will be a negotiation with the leaders of the ethnic armed groups to end the armed conflict. The reason they won’t come is they do not believe the invitation is a genuine desire for peace. They wish for real peace through dialogue.

The calling for negotiation on April 22, junta chief, Snr. Gen. Min Aung Hlaing personally promised to attend and gave the ethnic armies an offer until the military regime. But several ethnic armed groups as stated above rejected the offer. They even said that if there is no offering from the government, they keep unwilling to meet.

Fortunately, some armies accepted the offer, they are The United Wa State Party, the Shan State Progressive Party, and the National Democratic Alliance Army (NDAA). They all confirmed to attend the peace talk. Followed by the Arakan State Liberation Party, the Shan Rehabilitation Council, the Karen National Peace Council, the Democratic Karen Army, the New Mon State Party, and the Pa-O National Liberation Organization. All of them are members of the Peace Process Steering Team (PPST) of NCA signatories.


It was stated by the Political analyst, Sai Kyi Zin that the peace talk invitation has failed since the four strongest armed groups declined the junta’s invitation to attend. Although major ethnic armed groups confirmed to attend the peace talk, it has not yet met the expectation.

Permanent Secretary of the NUG’s Defense Ministry also said that the junta is not doing well military, politically, or economically, thus they are making a fake peace invitation. The unity among the revolutionary forces nowadays is unprecedented. Therefore, the military hopes to create misunderstanding between them.

There is no valid evidence whether the junta of Myanmar did a real talk invitation for pursuing peace or just a political tactic for a certain purpose. It could be concluded that the peace talk offer of Myanmar cannot meet the expectation due to the trust issue. The ethnic armed groups lose their belief in the government of Myanmar.


By Afshain Afzal

On 26 April 2022, a vehicle caught fire and exploded near the Chinese built Confucius Institute at University of Karachi when the Chinese staff was returning to Karachi university after a lunch break. The blast killed the director of the Confucius Institute, two Chinese teachers and the driver of the van while injuring another Chinese teacher and the security guard inside the van. Confucius Institute is a Chinese language teaching centre at the University of Karachi.

As per the initial investigation a transgender was seen exhibiting his suspicious acts in front of Close Circuit Television Camera. It was confirmed from his body structure, arms, limbs, the way he was standing with gap between his feet that he was not a female. Interestingly, this transgender despite standing close to the ill-fated van was not killed. A security personnel claimed that the video was engineered to link transgender in female dress with suicide attack. He ruled out any suicide attack and claimed that remote control was used to explode the middle portion of the van.

Karachi Police Chief Ghulam Nabi Memon said an initial investigation showed a suicide bomber was behind the attack. He said that closed circuit television footage from the site showed a person dressed in the female burqa head-to-toe covering walking up to the van, followed by an instantaneous explosion.

The aggrieved and separatist Baloch elements in Balochistan province as well as abroad have rejected any of their involvement in 26 April attack on Chinese. They ensured that they are the most loyal citizens of Pakistan but aggrieved our injustices. However, international and local media have blamed Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) for the attack and claimed that BLA has accepted responsibility of the attack on vehicle carrying the Chinese, using female suicide bomber. A local Baloch commented that it is an excuse to launch military operation on Baloch citizens to handover their properties to outside investors.

Pakistan Foreign Office in a statement said, “We strongly condemn the reprehensible terrorist attack in Karachi which claimed innocent lives, including those of Chinese nationals working at the Confucius Institute. The Government and people of Pakistan extend their deepest condolences and sympathies to the families of victims who lost their lives in the incident." It added that the law enforcement agencies are investigating the incident to apprehend the culprits and bring them to justice.

The Chinese Ambassador in a statement said, “The Embassy and Consulates General of China in Pakistan express deep condolences to the victims from both countries and sincere sympathy to the injured and the bereaved families, and will make every effort to handle the incident with the Pakistani side,”

In a statement, Pakistani Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif tweeted, “I am deeply grieved on the loss of precious lives including of our Chinese friends in the heinous attack in Karachi today. My heartfelt condolences go to the bereaved families. I strongly condemn this cowardly act of terrorism. The perpetrators will surely be brought to justice,

Former Prime Minister Imran Ahmed Khan Niazi tweeted, "Strongly condemn the blasts in Karachi which claimed yet more innocent lives. We must unite to reject the agendas of hate & violence." The media issued self engineered statement on the behalf of Imran Khan. “Strongly condemn the terrorist attack targeting Chinese teachers of Karachi University. This is yet another attack with a specific agenda of trying to undermine Pak-China strategic r’ship. We must ensure defeat of this foreign-backed agenda of our enemie.”

If we recall, within minutes of being declared Pakistan’s new Prime Minister, Shahbaz Sharif made clear his intention to breathe new life into the estimated US$60 billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). The Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman, Zhao Lijian, announced in a statement, “We noted Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif’s remarks on the CPEC and we highly commend them.” If we recall, in the near past, Chinese-funded programme slowed to a level that most of ongoing construction projects fell far behind schedule, while there was no new major projects launched. The concentration, however remained on Chinese-funded programme slowed to the point that most under-construction projects fell far behind schedule, while no new major projects were launched. Previously, Abdul Razak Dawood, PM Advisor concentrated only on investment under the second phase of CPEC. The B2B Investment to include private sector and academia in the sectors of information technology, agriculture, transport and urban development under public-private partnership, automobiles, pharmaceuticals and special economic zones. Now there is hope to start earlier projects.

There is no doubt, the the transgender behind 26 April University of Karachi attack has direct links with India. The self engineered video need to be investigated and this person in the guise of female suicide bomber who remained unhurt as no dead body was found outside the van. Through video the culprit can be easily identified and whole network of stakeholders to derail CPEC and Indian connection can be unearthed. It was shocking to lose precious Chinese and Pakistani lives but it is likely to strengthen Pakistani - Chinese relation rather than further delay in already pending and slow down CPEC projects.

By Saneem Afshain

Bangla New Year, popularly called Pohela Boishakh is the first day of the Bengali calendar, which is also the official calendar of Bangladesh. Just as the 1st of January is the first day of the year in the Gregorian calendar, Pohela Boishakh is the first day of the Bengali calendar.

It is celebrated on the 14th of April in Bangladesh, and 14/15 April in the Indian states of West Bengal, Tripura, Jharkhand and Assam (Barak Valley) by Bengalis regardless of religious faith. It is celebrated across religious boundaries by its Muslim majority and Hindu minority. The festival became a popular means of expressing cultural pride and heritage among the Bangladeshi.

It is a national holiday in Bangladesh and also in some parts of India.

The traditional greeting for this occasion is শুভ নববর্ষ "Shubho Noboborsho" which is literally "Happy New Year".

Pohela Boishakh was celebrated from the times of Sher Shah Suri and after the death of Sher Shah Suri in 1545, when his son Islam Shah occupied the throne of Delhi he announced celebration of both Hijri new year as well as Pohela Boishakh to bring Bengal under the control of a single administrative apparatus. However, in 1584 Rana Pratap again rebuffed emissaries of Akbar, and tried to interfered in the socio – cultural heritage. Even Taj Khan Karrani became the ruler of Bengal and Bihar in 1563 AD followed the heritage and cultural norms of Sher Shah.

There is also a view point regarding Pahela Baishakh celebration that it dates back to Mughal Emperor Jalaluddin Muhammad Akbar’s reign, who was semi Hindu-semi Muslim- semi atheist. Akbar was grandson of Zahiruddin Muhammad Babar was the 3rd Mughal Emperor but due to his father dethroning, he was brought out within the Hindu families of Umarkot in present day Pakistan.

It is claimed that in order to ease tax collection, Akbar eliminated Hijri and changed the tradition of agricultural tax collection according to Pohela Boishakh as Hijri calendar being a lunar calendar- did not coincide with the harvest sessions and thus the farmers faced severe difficulties in paying taxes out of season.

It is also claimed that Astrologer of Emperor Akbar`s court, Amir Fatehullah Siraji, was the one who actually devised this calendar, after performing a research on the lunar Hijri and Solar calendar.

 The unique characteristic of the Bengali year was that, rather than being a lunar calendar, it was based on an amalgamation of the solar and lunar year. This was indeed a great development, as the solar and lunar years were formulated in very different methods.
Initially this calendar was named as “Fasli San” (agricultural year) and then Bonggabdo or Bangla Year was introduced on 10/11 March 1584, but was dated from 5th November 1556 or 963 Hijri.
Another study,  shows that, King Shoshangko who ruled ancient Bengal might have actually started the Bengali era. It means the Bangla calendar started from value one, the starting point is estimated to be on Monday, 14th April 594 in preoptic Gregorian calendar and Monday, 12th April 594 in the Julian calendar.

 Pohela Boishakh is celebrated since hundreds of years ago, when Bengali calendar was introduced. The festival is celebrated by Bangladeshi’s with a display of colors, from the decorations to the clothes and accessories people wear. The most popular decorations are the signature colorful masks, made in the style of South Asian folk art and depicting animals, kings and queens.

 On the Bangla New Years’ Day, they start from visiting relatives, neighbors and friends, with special foods being prepared and shared. The day is marked with singing, processions, and fairs. Traditionally, businesses start this day with a new ledger, clearing out the old which often involves inviting loyal customers and offering sweetmeats to them. This festival is called Haal Khata. Singers perform traditional songs welcoming the new year.

 People enjoy classical Jatra plays. People wear festive dress with women dusking their hair with flowers. White-red color combinations are particularly popular.

New Year fairs are held in various locations around Bangladesh, featuring entertainment products. A Bangla New Year's (Pohela Boishakh) parade.

the occasion is celebrated by people parading the streets, donning traditional colorful Bengali attire and with carnivals, where singing and dancing performances take place.

 Bangladeshis prepare and enjoy a variety of traditional festive foods on Pohela Boishakh. These include Panta Bhat (lightly fermented watered rice), Ilish Bhaja (fried hilsa fish) Roshmalai a sweet delicacy and many special Tarkari (vegetable curries) The celebrations start in Dhaka at dawn with a rendition of Rabindranath Tagore's song "Eshoo he Boishakh" by Chhayanaut under the banyan tree at Ramna (the Ramna Batamul).

 An integral part of the festivities is the Mangal Shobhajatra, a traditional colorful procession organized by the students of the Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Dhaka (Charukala). According to the history, the rudimentary step of Mangal Shobhjatra was started in Jessore by Charupith, a community organization, in 1985. Later in 1989 the Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Dhaka arranged this Mangal Shobhajatra with different motives and themes. Now, the Mangal Shobhajatra is celebrated by different organization in all over the country.

The Dhaka University Mangal Shobhajatra tradition started in 1989 when students used the procession to overcome their frustration with the military rule.

They organized the festival to create masks and floats with at least three theme, one highlighting evil, another courage, and a third about peace. It also highlighted the pride of Bangladeshi people for their folk heritage irrespective of religion, creed, caste, gender or age

In recent years, the procession has a different theme relevant to the country's culture and politics every year. Different cultural organizations and bands also perform on this occasion and fairs celebrating Bengali culture are organized throughout the country. Other traditional events held to celebrate Pohela Boishakh include bull racing in Munshiganj, Boli Khela (wrestling) in Chittagong, Nouka Baich (boat racing), cockfights, pigeon racing

The festival is celebrated with processions, fairs and family time. The festive Mangal Shobhajatra is organized in Bangladesh. In 2016, the UNESCO declared this festivity organized by the Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Dhaka as a cultural heritage of humanity.

Bangladesh Heritage and Ethnic Society of Alberta in Canada celebrates its Heritage Festival (Bengali New Year) in a colorful manner along with different organizations. Bengali people in Calgary celebrate the day with traditional food, dress, and with Bengali culture. Bengali people live on hope and rely on dreams! Whatever the situation may be, Bengalese always hope for a better and brighter future. Every year Bangla New Year brings new hope, goals and dreams for the people of Bangladesh. 

The Bangabandhu Council of Australia every year hosts a Pohela Boishakh event at the Sydney Olympic Park.

By Afshain Afzal

There is an ongoing genocide of indigenous inhabitants in UN recognized dispute Jammu and Kashmir State. Does it matter to anyone? India has established a reign of terror and anyone who demand implementation of UNSC resolutions on Kashmiris' right of self determination are killed in Indian military operations. This year alone hundreds of Kashmiris are missing whose whereabouts are not known. India is bent upon converting this disputed State on model of Dubai and settle thousands of non-state subjects to create a balance between aliens settlers and indigenous inhabitants of Kashmir. India introduced amendment in Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA)1967, which allowed agencies to designate individuals as terrorists and seize their property. Earlier, only organizations could be designated as ‘terrorist organisations’. The UAPA allows detention without trial for six months and turns the burden of proof on the accused. In guise of the new law genocide of Kashmiris is taking place and their properties confiscated and given to others who are ready to invest in the disputed state.

It is on record that Jammu and Kashmir Inspector General of Police (IGP) Vijay Kumar, in an official statement on 9 April 2022, said, “45 terrorists have been killed in Jammu and Kashmir since January this year”. An Indian Junior Commissioned Officer (JCO) serving at 3 Rashtriya Rifles, who claimed to be involved in the operations in Kashmir said, “The 9th April figures of killings between 1 January and 31 March 2022 by IGP are the official figures, whereas, as per Brigade level briefing at Command Headquarters, 189 Kashmiris have been killed and 1760 youth have been arrested in the Area of Responsibility of Northern Command for their involvement in anti-India activities. We kill normally 2/3 Kashmiris each day in operations and bury silently them under the new rules”.

In the recent development, official statements emerging from different Indian authorities including Indian Army, Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), Police and Indian Ministry of Home Affairs confirmed that on the basis of input furnished by Indian Military Intelligence (MI) personnel about presence of terrorists in Sirhama village of Sri Gufwara in the Anantnag district, a joint team of the Indian Army, CRPF and J&K Police launched a search and cordon operation on Saturday, 9 April 2022. Later, it was claimed that a hard core Kashmiri terrorist was killed in an encounter identified as Lashkar-e-Tayyiba (LeT) commander Nisar Ahmed Dar while two Indian security forces personnel were injured in the operation. Three days back, two other terrorists, identified as Safat Muzaffar Sofi and Umar Teli were killed in an encounter with Indian security forces in Tral area of Pulwama district.

The question arises whether those Kashmiris killed were terrorists or innocent civilians? We will cover the encounter of 9 April 2022 that killed Kashmiri terrorist as a test case and request international community to carryout probe themselves. There is hardly any Indian electronic media, print media or social media websites which did not cover the 9th April 2022’s encounter in Anantnag in which a hardcore terrorist was killed after a fierce gun battle. Every entity claimed that Indian Army and the security forces have killed a hard core terrorist Kashmiri belonging to LeT in an encounter in Sirhama village. Some of the media that covered the incident include Zee News, NDTV. Times Now, The Hindu, Economic Times, Business Standard, Outlook India, Times of India, ANI News, PTI, India Today, The Print, Deccan Herald, Republican World, Daily Excelsior, Mid Day, First Post South Asia Terrorism Portal etc.

Interestingly, on 4 January 2020, information was leaked to Indian media and Indian news agency ANI tweeted that Security forces on Friday late night arrested Nisar Ahmad Dar, a most wanted terrorist from Srinagar along with cache of arms and ammunition recovered from his possession. If we critically examine ANI’s tweet two years back at 08:59 am on 4 January 2020, “J&K: Lashkar-e-Toiba terrorist Nisar Dar arrested by security forces last night. He had earlier escaped from an encounter in Kullan Ganderbal in which one Pakistani terrorist was killed”. One wonder how it is possible that a terrorist who was arrested two years back in January 2020 was killed in a joint operation by Indian Army and Security Forces on 9 April 2022. Surprisingly, one Indian media outlet reported, “Police officials said that LeT commander Nisar Ahmad Dar resident of Redwani Bala Kulgam has been killed in Sirhama. It further said that he was involved in several crimes and killings in the area. He was active since 6th May 2021.” How it is possible that when Nisar Ahmad Dar was arrested on 4 January 2020 but he become active from 6 May 2021.

There hundreds and thousands of Kashmiris who have been killed like this and buried without handing over the bodies to their families. How long Indian occupying forces should be allowed to carryout genocide of Kashmiris. Where the United Nations Organization has so far failed in implement its own resolutions in the disputed region of Jammu and Kashmir state, what can be expected from other Human Right Organizations. Mere statement by these organizations would not suffice. UNO has deployed UNMOGIP but when the mission does not have a mandate beyond the Line of Control (LoC), one fails to understand purpose of existence of UNMOGIP, which has 44 Military Observers, 25 International non-military personnel and 47 local non-military staff. It is high time that all the world leaders, especially the UNO should stand and support oppressed Kashmiris of Indian held Jammu and Kashmir. There is no doubt that Jammu and Kashmir is witnessing a renewed stage of freedom struggle to make the world realize that Jammu and Kashmir is not an internal matter of India

By Afshain Afzal

There is an ongoing genocide of indigenous inhabitants in UN recognized dispute Jammu and Kashmir State. Does it matter to anyone? India has established a reign of terror and anyone who demand implementation of UNSC resolutions on Kashmiris' right of self determination are killed in Indian military operations. This year alone hundreds of Kashmiris are missing whose whereabouts are not known. India is bent upon converting this disputed State on model of Dubai and settle thousands of non-state subjects to create a balance between aliens settlers and indigenous inhabitants of Kashmir. India introduced amendment in Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA)1967, which allowed agencies to designate individuals as terrorists and seize their property. Earlier, only organizations could be designated as ‘terrorist organisations’. The UAPA allows detention without trial for six months and turns the burden of proof on the accused. In guise of the new law genocide of Kashmiris is taking place and their properties confiscated and given to others who are ready to invest in the disputed state.

It is on record that Jammu and Kashmir Inspector General of Police (IGP) Vijay Kumar, in an official statement on 9 April 2022, said, “45 terrorists have been killed in Jammu and Kashmir since January this year”. An Indian Junior Commissioned Officer (JCO) serving at 3 Rashtriya Rifles, who claimed to be involved in the operations in Kashmir said, “The 9th April figures of killings between 1 January and 31 March 2022 by IGP are the official figures, whereas, as per Brigade level briefing at Command Headquarters, 189 Kashmiris have been killed and 1760 youth have been arrested in the Area of Responsibility of Northern Command for their involvement in anti-India activities. We kill normally 2/3 Kashmiris each day in operations and bury silently them under the new rules”.

In the recent development, official statements emerging from different Indian authorities including Indian Army, Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), Police and Indian Ministry of Home Affairs confirmed that on the basis of input furnished by Indian Military Intelligence (MI) personnel about presence of terrorists in Sirhama village of Sri Gufwara in the Anantnag district, a joint team of the Indian Army, CRPF and J&K Police launched a search and cordon operation on Saturday, 9 April 2022. Later, it was claimed that a hard core Kashmiri terrorist was killed in an encounter identified as Lashkar-e-Tayyiba (LeT) commander Nisar Ahmed Dar while two Indian security forces personnel were injured in the operation. Three days back, two other terrorists, identified as Safat Muzaffar Sofi and Umar Teli were killed in an encounter with Indian security forces in Tral area of Pulwama district.

The question arises whether those Kashmiris killed were terrorists or innocent civilians? We will cover the encounter of 9 April 2022 that killed Kashmiri terrorist as a test case and request international community to carryout probe themselves. There is hardly any Indian electronic media, print media or social media websites which did not cover the 9th April 2022’s encounter in Anantnag in which a hardcore terrorist was killed after a fierce gun battle. Every entity claimed that Indian Army and the security forces have killed a hard core terrorist Kashmiri belonging to LeT in an encounter in Sirhama village. Some of the media that covered the incident include Zee News, NDTV. Times Now, The Hindu, Economic Times, Business Standard, Outlook India, Times of India, ANI News, PTI, India Today, The Print, Deccan Herald, Republican World, Daily Excelsior, Mid Day, First Post South Asia Terrorism Portal etc.

Interestingly, on 4 January 2020, information was leaked to Indian media and Indian news agency ANI tweeted that Security forces on Friday late night arrested Nisar Ahmad Dar, a most wanted terrorist from Srinagar along with cache of arms and ammunition recovered from his possession. If we critically examine ANI’s tweet two years back at 08:59 am on 4 January 2020, “J&K: Lashkar-e-Toiba terrorist Nisar Dar arrested by security forces last night. He had earlier escaped from an encounter in Kullan Ganderbal in which one Pakistani terrorist was killed”. One wonder how it is possible that a terrorist who was arrested two years back in January 2020 was killed in a joint operation by Indian Army and Security Forces on 9 April 2022. Surprisingly, one Indian media outlet reported, “Police officials said that LeT commander Nisar Ahmad Dar resident of Redwani Bala Kulgam has been killed in Sirhama. It further said that he was involved in several crimes and killings in the area. He was active since 6th May 2021.” How it is possible that when Nisar Ahmad Dar was arrested on 4 January 2020 but he become active from 6 May 2021.

There hundreds and thousands of Kashmiris who have been killed like this and buried without handing over the bodies to their families. How long Indian occupying forces should be allowed to carryout genocide of Kashmiris. Where the United Nations Organization has so far failed in implement its own resolutions in the disputed region of Jammu and Kashmir state, what can be expected from other Human Right Organizations. Mere statement by these organizations would not suffice. UNO has deployed UNMOGIP but when the mission does not have a mandate beyond the Line of Control (LoC), one fails to understand purpose of existence of UNMOGIP, which has 44 Military Observers, 25 International non-military personnel and 47 local non-military staff. It is high time that all the world leaders, especially the UNO should stand and support oppressed Kashmiris of Indian held Jammu and Kashmir. There is no doubt that Jammu and Kashmir is witnessing a renewed stage of freedom struggle to make the world realize that Jammu and Kashmir is not an internal matter of India.

President of Sri Lanka “Gotabaya Rajapaksa” has drawn the anger of protesters, who called for his resignation outside his residence on Thursday, situation is getting worse day by day as the protestors wants the resignation of Rajapaksa’s family .As per prevailing situation Sri Lanka’s president declared a state of emergency in the island nation on Friday, a day after angry protesters demonstrated near his home demanding he resign and as plans were made for a nationwide protest over the country’s worst economic crisis in memory.

Emergencies in Sri Lanka are declared under the legal framework of the colonial-era Public Security Ordinance. Section 2 of the PSO empowers the President of Sri Lanka to declare an emergency in two situations:

First, when it is required in the interest of public security and preservation of public order.

Second, when it is necessary for the maintenance of supplies and services essential to the life of the community.
President Gotabaya Rajapaksa invoked sections of the Public Security Ordinance, which gives him authority to make regulations in the interests of public security, preservation of public order, suppression of mutiny, riot or civil commotion or for the maintenance of essential supplies.

Under the emergency regulations the president can authorize detentions, taking possession of any property and the search any premises. He can also change or suspend any law.

Constitution of democratic socialist republic of Sri Lanka also gives right to president to deployed armed forces with the recommendations of commission under Article 104(d) stated:

It shall be lawful for the Commission, upon the making of an Order for the holding of an election or the making of a Proclamation requiring the conduct of a Referendum, as the case may be, to make recommendations to the President regarding the deployment of the armed forces of the Republic for the prevention or control of any actions or incidents which may be prejudicial to the holding or conducting of a free and fair election or Referendum, as the case may be.”

The constitution of democratic socialist republic of Sri Lanka also restricts the fundamental rights in the interest of national security under Article 15(1):

The exercise and operation of the fundamental rights declared and recognized by Articles 13(5) and 13(6) shall be subject only to such restrictions as may be prescribed by law in the interests of national security. For the purposes of this paragraph “law” includes regulations made under the law for the time being relating to public security”.


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