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KYIV, 27 November 2022, (TON): Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky hosted a summit in Kyiv to promote its “Grain from Ukraine” initiative to export grain to countries most vulnerable to famine and drought.
The Ukrainian leader said the plan demonstrated that global food security was not just empty words for Kyiv.
The Kremlin has said "Ukraine’s Black Sea exports during the war have not been reaching the most vulnerable countries."
Zelensky said "Kyiv had raised around $150 million from more than 20 countries and the European Union to export grain to countries including Ethiopia, Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia and Yemen."

JUBA, 27 November 2022, (TON): UN has said in a report "some 9.4 million people in South Sudan will need humanitarian assistance and protection services next year, half a million more than the current number."
According to the 2023 South Sudan Humanitarian Needs Overview report, more people will face food insecurity in 2023. Currently, nearly a third of 12.4 million people living in South Sudan are facing severe food insecurity.
The report said "humanitarian conditions have been worsened by endemic violence, conflict, access constraints, operational interference, public health challenges and climate change effects such as flooding and drought."

ANKARA, 27 November 2022, (TON): In the Syrian Kurdish city of Kobane, gripped by fear of a Turkish offensive, Saleh Abdo Khalil passes an open-air museum of buildings reduced to rubble.
The local baker said “Daesh destroyed these buildings."
That danger has passed, but now, he said “Turkiye wants to destroy the rest of the city.”
Since Sunday, Turkiye has carried out airstrikes against the semi-autonomous Kurdish zones in north and northeastern Syria, and across the border in Iraq.

DHAKA, 27 November 2022, (TON): Foreign Minister Dr AK Abdul Momen advised the opposition leaders to reach out to people at the grassroots instead of seeking favour from foreigners, saying that foreigners have their own interests.
He mentioned that people in a number of countries, including in Afghanistan, suffered due to foreigners' role there.
Momen told reporters “don't listen to foreigners, listen to your leaders. After all, this is our own country. We don't want to harm our country."
Recalling some foreigners' role in the past, the Foreign Minister said, “I have much confidence in the people of this country.”

BANGKOK, 27 November 2022, (TON): Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s visit to Bangkok last week has opened not only a new chapter in Saudi-Thai ties but also new horizons in which officials and the people see a promising future for both kingdoms.
Relations between Saudi Arabia and Thailand were officially restored in January this year, during Thai Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-o-cha’s trip to Riyadh, when the two countries agreed to appoint ambassadors for the first time in over three decades.
The crown prince arrived in Bangkok as a guest of honor at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit hosted by Thailand on Nov. 18-19 and became the first Saudi official to make such a trip.

LONDON, 27 November 2022, (TON): Amnesty International has applauded the establishment of a fact-finding mission to investigate human rights violations in Iran as long overdue given the dire situation in the country.
Amnesty’s Secretary-General Agnes Callamard said “the cries of the people in Iran for justice have finally been heard. It not only enhances international scrutiny of the dire situation, but puts in place a process to collect, consolidate and preserve crucial evidence for future prosecutions."

DHAKA, 27 November 2022, (TON): Education Minister Dr Dipu Moni held a meeting with the President of the Asian Development Bank Masatsugu Asakawa at the latter's office in the Philippines.
During the meeting, the minister and the ADB president discussed ongoing projects in the education sector of Bangladesh funded by ADB.
They also discussed future projects to be funded by ADB in Bangladesh's education sector.

CAIRO, 27 November 2022, (TON): Egyptian MPs and politicians have rejected what they are calling the European Parliament’s blatant interference in Egypt’s domestic affairs.
In a statement issued, the European Parliament called for the immediate and unconditional release of dozens of human rights defenders, lawyers, journalists, activists, politicians and social media influencers currently sitting in Egyptian prisons and for the reversal of the excessive use of arbitrary pre-trial detention in Egypt.
The European Parliament also appealed to the member states of the EU “to support the call for the creation of an international mechanism for monitoring and reporting gross violations of human rights in Egypt at the UN Human Rights Council, as well a deep and comprehensive review of the EU’s relations with Egypt in light of the very limited progress in Egypt’s human rights record.”

NEW DELHI, 27 November 2022, (TON): Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday commended the Department of Information Technology and Telecom Bhutan and ISRO on the successful launch of the jointly developed satellite by both countries.
According to Prime Minister's office "Prime Minister Narendra Modi commended the Department of Information Technology and Telecom Bhutan and ISRO on the successful launch of this jointly developed satellite and said that the India-Bhutan satellite is a testament to our special relationship with the people of Bhutan."
The Prime Minister said in response to a tweet by the Prime Minister of Bhutan who presented a message from His Majesty The King on the successful launch of India-Bhutan SAT.

DHAKA, 27 November 2022, (TON): Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen on Saturday again expressed dissatisfaction regarding foreign ambassadors commenting on Bangladesh's internal affairs.
He warned the ambassadors that action will be taken against them when time comes.
After an event at the Foreign Service Academy, the foreign minister said that countries like the United States were unhappy with Russia for interfering in their last election.
They expelled 20 to 21 diplomats.
He added “they (US) are strong, that's why they did it."

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