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ABU DHABI, 30 June 2021, (TON): Israel’s top diplomat Yair Lapid opened the Jewish state’s first embassy in the Gulf during a trip to the United Arab Emirates, nine months after they signed a normalisation deal.

“The opening of the Israeli Embassy in Abu Dhabi with the Emirati Minister of Culture and Youth,” he tweeted with a photo of himself and UAE minister Noura al-Kaabi cutting a ribbon in the blue and white of the Israeli flag.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken welcomed the opening as historic.

Lapid’s visit and the opening of the first Israeli embassy in a Gulf state are significant for Israel, the UAE, and the broader region.

Israeli ministers have previously visited the UAE, but newly appointed Lapid became the most senior Israeli to make the trip, and the first on an official mission.

BEIJING, 30 June 2021, (TON): At the house where Mao Zedong and 12 others met 100 years ago to found the Chinese Communist Party, President Xi Jinping recently led his politburo in reciting an oath to uphold principles and sacrifice everything for the party and the people.

The obscure Shanghai courtyard of 1921 is now a lavish memorial hall, a focal point as China celebrates the centenary on Thursday of the party that controls the world’s most populous nation and second-biggest economy.

The site of that first party congress now chronicles China’s humiliation at the hands of warlords and imperialists, its awakening in the early 20th century and its revival after the party’s 1949 victory in a civil war that sent Chiang Kai-shek’s nationalists into exile in Taiwan.

The commemorations in what has become an upscale neighbourhood of boutiques and restaurants reflect something broader: a myth-making project to amplify China’s message at home and abroad, aligning with Xi’s call this month to tell more positive stories about China.

KABUL, 30 June 2021, (TON): The Afghan delegation in Washington was told that the US will provide 37 Black Hawk helicopters and two A-29 Super Tucano fixed-wing attack aircraft to Afghanistan, sources told media.

The US officials also assured the Afghan delegation that 200 US contractors, mostly working with the military aircraft, will remain in Afghanistan until the end of September.

Currently, Afghan forces have more than 160 helicopters and aircraft.

Abdullah Abdullah, the chairman of the High Council for National Reconciliation, at a press conference said that the US will end its military presence in the country but will continue its assistance to Afghanistan and the Afghan air forces.

HE SAID “A new chapter has been opened in US and Afghanistan relations.”

In his meeting with the Afghan delegation, US President Joe Biden promised the Afghan leaders a sustained partnership even as he moves to accelerate winding down the US’s longest war in Afghanistan.

WASHINGTON, 30 June 2021, (TON): U.S. President Joe Biden discussed bilateral relations and regional issues with visiting Israeli President Reuven Rivlin.

Biden, at the beginning of their meeting in the Oval Office, reaffirmed U.S. unwavering commitment to Israel's self-defense, adding "Iran will never get a nuclear weapon on my watch."

Biden said he would be hosting Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett at the White House very soon, and voiced support for the normalization of relations between Israel and other countries in the region.

Rivlin is due to retire next month after the end of his seven-year term.

The role of the president in Israel is mainly ceremonial with little executive power. The president of Israel is elected for seven years and cannot serve more than a single term.

NEW DELHI, 30 June 2021, (TON): Russian nuclear major Rosatom began construction of Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) Unit 5 in India in what would further expand the strategic partnership between New Delhi and Moscow. Russia has been a close partner for India in the civil nuclear energy sector.

According to Russian government statement “the concrete pouring commemorated the official commencement of the main stage of the nuclear power plant stage 3 construction. Due to anti-epidemiological restrictions, the ceremony was held via videoconference.”

The statement added that first concrete pouring was preceded by continuous preliminary work: concrete bedding for foundations of the reactor building, auxiliary reactor building with the Main Control Room, turbine building and power supply building for normal operation, emergency power supply and safety control systems.

For many years the Kudankulam NPP construction project has been a symbol of close cooperation between Russia and India. However, we do not want to stop at what had already been achieved. Rosatom has all the most advanced nuclear power technologies. Together with our Indian colleagues we are ready to launch the serial construction of the state-of-the-art Generation III+ Russian-designed nuclear power units at a new site in India. It is stipulated by the existing agreements,” Rosatom Director General Alexey Likhachev stated during the ceremony.

TBILISI, 30 June 2021, (TON): Defense Ministry reported that Georgia has completed withdrawing its troops stationed in Afghanistan after the last remaining unit of the 32nd Battalion returned home.

The 32nd Battalion, of Georgia’s Western Command’s 3rd Infantry Brigade, served in Afghanistan under U.S. command as part of the Resolute Support Mission.

Georgia began the drawdown, after the NATO Allies decided in April to begin withdrawing the Resolute Support Mission forces starting May.

Georgia had been part of NATO-led missions to Afghanistan since 2004, first participating in the International Security Assistance Force and then the RSM.

ISLAMABAD, 30 June 2021, (TON): Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi expressed concerns over the involvement of anti-state agencies behind the Johar Town blast and sought an international probe by anti-terror financing investigation agencies in this regard.

In a statement today, the minister urged the agencies, such as the Financial Action Task Force, to conduct a comprehensive inquiry to expose elements involved in financing terror operations in Pakistan.

On Monday, Punjab Chief Minister Usman Buzdar revealed that an intelligence agency of an enemy country was directly involved in last week’s blast in Lahore and that all the alleged culprits behind the bombing as well as their facilitators had been apprehended.

Qureshi felicitated law enforcement agencies for exposing those responsible for destabilising Pakistan.

He commended intelligence agencies, Punjab's counter-terrorism department and police for conducting a scientific and prompt probe into the incident.

The minister expressed concerns that some elements in Afghanistan were playing the role of spoilers and wanted to sow instability in Pakistan.

He added “Pakistan had rendered unprecedented sacrifices against terrorism and had set a direction for the future.”

MOSCOW, 30 June 2021, (TON): Russia has reportedly tested the readiness of its air defence systems in Crimea, an apparent show of force as Ukraine and NATO countries hold military drills in the Black Sea as part of their Sea Breeze 2021 exercise.

Russia deployed about 20 warplanes and helicopters, including Su-24M bombers, as well as S-400 and Pantsir surface-to-air missile systems in the tests, citing Russia’s Black Sea fleet.

It was not clear when the tests took place.

The National Defence Management Centre said in a statement “the Black Sea Fleet is doing a number of things to monitor the actions of ships from NATO and other countries taking part in Sea Breeze 2021.”

Russia had called for the military exercises, which have taken place 21 times since 1997, to be cancelled and the Russian defence ministry has said it will react if necessary to ensure national security.

Sea Breeze 2021, which began on Monday, will last two weeks and involve about 5,000 military personnel from NATO member states and other allies of the transatlantic security alliance.

The United States Marine Corps will take part, as will about 30 US ships and 40 aircraft, including the missile destroyer USS Ross.

Ukrainian navy commander Oleksiy Neizhpapa said during an opening ceremony in the Ukrainian port city of Odessa that the exercises would send a “powerful message to maintain stability and peace in our region.”

BRUSSELS, 30 June, 2021 (TON): On Tuesday, the European Commission issued guidelines for safe reopening of the cultural and creative sectors across the EU.

Margaritis Schinas, vice president of the European Commission and in-charge of promoting way of life said at a press conference, the reopening of the cultural and creative sectors for the festive summer season should happen gradually.

EU member states will have to consider their own COVID-19 vaccination coverage and epidemiological situation as they reopen their cultural establishments and events, according to Schinas.

According to the guidelines, Encouraging results from trial events held in five European countries throughout the spring show that "live events do not accelerate infection" if measures such as testing at the entrance and wearing masks are observed.

At cultural establishments, member states should put in place a series of measures, such as install proper ventilation; ensure that all staff are vaccinated; enforce the wearing of masks and hand hygiene; maintain social distancing; operate contact tracing; and have a preparedness plan.

To help the cultural and creative sectors recover, the EU will "activate a whole range of actions and tools," according to Schinas.

However, the budget has been increased by 4.5 billion euros (5.35 billion U.S. dollars) in total for the 2021-2027 period to help finance the sector's recovery, said Mariya Gabriel, European commissioner for innovation, research, culture, education and youth.


By Zia ur Rehman Zia

In 2018, Pakistan was put on the gray list of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) at the behest of some enemies of the beloved homeland. A 27 points plan was also given, these all points were very difficult, this was the time when the government was changing in Pakistan and the political situation was very tense. When the PTI came to power a few weeks later, the responsibility of implementing the 27 most difficult points to get out of the FATF's gray list also fell on their shoulders as a challenge.  Pakistan was given the time till June 2020 to implement these 27 points. Obviously, it was not possible for a new government to solve all the remaining problems and implement these points so quickly. However, the government did its best and implemented 14 points within the stipulated time.

In February 2021, a report was issued on the implementation of 24 points as well as substantial implementation of the remaining points. At that time, Pakistan was given another four months. At a recent meeting, FATF President Marcus Pleyer acknowledged that Pakistan had implemented 26 of the 27 points, but that it still needed further legal action against the terrorists.

Pakistan has implemented 26 points, while much progress has been made on the 27th. Despite this, Pakistan was not removed from the gray list and then it was further persecuted that the FATF gave Pakistan another seven point action plan. These points are given a year to implement. According to a Pakistan’s Federal Minister, the new action plan is related to money laundering and being on the gray list will not impose any further sanctions on Pakistan.

Reacting on the latest move, Foreign Minister said that there was no justification for placing Pakistan on the gray list after implementation of 26 points. He lamented the unjust action of the FATF and said that it had to be decided whether the FATF was a technical forum or a political one. It is also important to see that is this forum not being used for political purposes? He added that some forces want the sword to hang over Pakistan.

The FATF takes action against countries where individuals or groups are involved in money laundering and terrorist financing. Pakistan has been placed on the gray list for not taking action against terrorist facilitators. Money laundering continued in Pakistan and Pakistan remained a target of terrorists. Pakistan has taken many steps against terrorists. Pakistan sacrificed a lot to eradicate the stronghold of terrorists, although this terrorism was a special gift from the United States to Pakistan, because of the support of the United States, Pakistan faced terrorism. The damage Pakistan has suffered in the so called war on terror cannot be compensated for centuries. Pakistan destroyed its country in the so-called American war on terror. Losing their most precious soldiers, thousands of innocent civilians became victim to this war. In the war on terror 75,000 Pakistanis sacrificed their lives; moreover, the Pakistani economy lost more than 123 billion, while the United States provided only 20 billion in aid, which is like salt in flour. No other country has made so many sacrifices against terrorism in the interests of the world powers.

Pakistan also carried out a number of operations against terrorists and their facilitators at the behest of the FATF and in these operations some innocent people were also punished just to please the FATF, because in our view there is a difference in Mujahid and terrorists, but non-Muslims look at everyone with the same eyes, so we also have to take equal action against everyone for their consent.

Despite all this, the world forgot all the sacrifices of Pakistan and accused Pakistan of not taking action against the supporters of terrorists. The government even persecuted the people enough to please the FATF. Even after doing all this, this institution is not happy with Pakistan and new conditions are imposed in every meeting. Despite the implementation of 26 points in the recent meeting, Pakistan was not removed from the gray list and a plan of seven more points was given.

If the FATF had functioned free from political pressure, it would certainly have been a profitable body as it cracks down on money laundering and terrorist financing. Both these crimes prove to be detrimental to any state. Pakistan has also been plagued by these two problems. If Pakistan gets rid of these two crimes due to the pressure of FATF, then it will prove to be better for Pakistan. But the problem is that this organization, like all other world organizations including the United Nations, has become a political weapon in the hands of world powers and the influential forces are using it for their advantage which raises questions about the functioning of this body. Pakistan has been playing a leading role against terrorism on the dictates and input provided by interest groups. Irony is that despite so many sacrifices Pakistan could not get out of FATF’s gray list.

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