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NEW YORK, 19 February, 2021 (TON): The world is heading toward "a post-enlightenment era" of racism, xenophobia, and discrimination, says the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Thursday.

"The values of the enlightenment, the primacy of reason, tolerance, and mutual respect are slipping away. In their place, we see growing nationalism, populism, xenophobia, even white supremacy, and Neo-Nazism," he said. "Racism is the beating heart of this irrationality."

He told a special meeting of the UN Economic and Social Council, that there are also racist or discriminatory dimensions in growing anti-Semitism, anti-Muslim hatred, the mistreatment of some minority Christians, and other forms of intolerance and xenophobia around the world.

"Racism is the repudiation of our common humanity, of the Charter of the United Nations, of all that we are and all that we do. We must reject racism," he said.

In this ideological battle, we must assert our common values -- the values of equality, non-discrimination, mutual respect -- values that are deeply linked to the affirmation of human rights," he added.

The UN chief’s remarks focus on the transparency for the isolated and marginalized, viewed as accountability to justice without discrimination.


NEW DELHI, 19 February, 2021 (TON): In order to discuss disengaging at friction places at the Line of Actual Control (LAC), the Indian and Chinese military delegates will meet on Saturday for the tenth round of talks.

The other friction areas at the LAC include Hot Springs, Gogra, and 900 square km Depsang Plains. The talks are expected to start at 1000 hours at Moldo on the Chinese side.  

The build-up in Depsang was not being considered part of the current standoff that started in May last year as escalations here took place in 2013, India has insisted during recent military commander meetings to resolve all issues across the Line of Actual Control.

"The initial attempt will be to resolve Gogra and Hot Springs. Finding a solution to Depsang might be tricky and take longer," said an official.

The representatives during the tenth round of "corps commander level" meet will also check the status of disengagement at the northern and southern banks of Pangong Lake.

Till 20 February, the disengagement process at both banks of Pangong Lake is expected to complete.

It was on February 10 that China made an announcement that New Delhi and Beijing have agreed to disengage at Pangong Lake.

Indian Army team along with the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) is physically verifying and re-verifying disengagement at Pangong Lake. "It is a joint inspection team, both from the Indian Army and Chinese PLA," said a senior government officer.

However, both the countries are in a ten-month-long standoff at the Line of Actual Control. The confrontations began on the north bank of Pangong Lake, both in the waters and the bank as Chinese incursions increased in early May last year.


JERUSALEM, 19 February, 2021 (TON): On Thursday, Israel said that together with the U.S., it has begun working on a long-range ballistic missile interceptor (Arrow-4).

"The Israel Missile Defense Organization, in the Directorate of Defense Research and Development of the Defense Ministry, and the U.S. Missile Defense Agency, have commenced the development of the Arrow-4 system," a spokesperson with the defense ministry said in a statement.

According to the ministry statement, Arrow-4 will be "the next generation" of Israel's multi-layered defense doctrine to intercept missiles in the atmosphere and space.

John Hill, director of the U.S. Missile Defense Agency, said in the statement that the cooperative program between the two countries "illustrates U.S. commitment to assisting the government of Israel in upgrading its national missile defense capability to defend the State of Israel from emerging threats." 

However, it is said that this anti-missile system is advanced and innovative with enhanced capabilities to address a wide range of threats in the region.


DHAKA, 19 February, 2021 (TON): The government of Bangladesh has recognized three people and an organization for the contribution in preserving and promoting the mother language nationally and internationally.

National Professor Mohammad Rafiqul Islam has won the award for his contribution at the national level, International Mother Language Institute said on Thursday.

A Nazrul researcher, Prof Rafiqul is the first Nazrul Professor of Dhaka University’s Bangla Department and the first director of Nazrul Research Institute.

Mathura Bikash Tripura, executive director of Jabrang Welfare Association in Khagrachhari, will get the award for his work to protect the mother tongues of the small ethnic groups.

At the international level, the government named Islaimov Gulom Mirzaevich, an Uzbekistan researcher, and the Activismo Lenguan (an online initiative to support networks of indigenous language digital activists in Latin America) or Language Activism of Bolivia for the award. He has played a role in research, practice, and culture of mother language protection, promotion, and revitalization in Uzbekistan, and abroad.

The biennial award has been launched this year, with two at the international level and two at the national level, said Md Safiul Muz Nabeen, a director of the International Mother Language Institute.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will hand the awards by virtually joining the ceremony on 21 February which is the International Mother Language Day and the Language Martyrs Day of Bangladesh.


RIYADH, 19 February, 2021 (TON): On Thursday, a senior U.S. military official said that the U.S. military is seeking fallback bases in Saudi Arabia to prevent its deployed troops from becoming targets amid tensions with Iran.

 “We are not looking for new bases. I want to be clear on that,” said General Kenneth McKenzie, head of the US Army Central Command (Centcom), during a tour of the Middle East.
“What we would like to do, without shutting down these (current) bases is to have the ability to go to other bases to operate in a period of heightened risk,” he explained.

 “These are things that any prudent military planner would want to do to increase their flexibility, to make it more difficult for the adversary to target them.”

On Thursday, U.S. President Biden’s administration said it was ready to meet with Iranian officials to jumpstart diplomacy under the EU token reversed the sanctions the U.S. imposed on Iran.

The U.S. military deployed the aircraft carrier, USS Nimitz, to the region and two B-53 bombers overfly the area at the end of the previous year to deter Tehran from carrying out an attack on the U.S.  

SRINAGAR/NEW DELHI, 19 February, 2021 (TON): On Thursday, as a part of the protests against the government-sponsored foreign envoy trip in the region, businesses in Srinagar were closed.

The visit that started on Wednesday was the third trip by the foreign diplomats in India since PM Modi’s government stripped Kashmir of its semi-autonomous status in August 2019.

The August 2019’s move enforced the change with a military crackdown, mass detentions of political leaders and activists, and a communications blackout.

Diplomats of 24 countries, including France, Brazil, Italy, Finland, Cuba, Chile, Portugal, and members of the Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC) such as Malaysia, Bangladesh, Senegal, and Tajikistan, have joined this week’s Kashmir trip, which the region’s pro-freedom alliance group, the Hurriyat Conference, on Wednesday described as “a curated tour of foreign dignitaries to showcase normalcy.”

The critics of the visit say that “rubs salt into the wounds” of Kashmiris.

The local resident told the media, “New Delhi wants to make the international community happy at the cost of the pain of the local people.”

“Believe me, nothing comes out of such a trip unless you feel the pain of common people,” he said.

Dr. Hina Bhat, a Kashmir-based leader of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) said on Thursday, “The foreign delegation’s visit to Kashmir is a sign that the situation is getting better in the area.”

President Sheikh Ashiq, Kashmir Chamber of Commerce and Industry President welcomed the visit however, expressed doubts about what it was meant to achieve “if they don’t meet real stakeholders.”

“They should have met real stakeholders, business leaders, and members of the civil society. That would have brought more authenticity to the trip,” he said.

On the other hand, India’s foreign ministry denies the comment. BJP’s representatives in Kashmir said that it showed that things are improving in Kashmir under New Delhi’s rule.

While India’s foreign ministry declined to comment on the trip, Modi’s party representatives in Kashmir say it shows that things are improving in Kashmir under New Delhi’s rule.


TIGRAY, 19 February, 2021 (TON): According to the media, the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) claimed to kill hundreds of Ethiopian national soldiers including those from Eritrea.

The TPLF spokesperson, Gebre Gebretsadik said it killed 502 troops who were allegedly involved in an offensive in Ethiopia’s northern region last week. The fighting also left a number of soldiers wounded.

"On Monday, February 8, our forces launched a military offensive against enemy troops stationed around Kola-Temben town in Juwamare locality. We have completely eliminated enemy forces," said Gebre.

"On the next day, our forces attacked enemy defense positions around Tembein town in Adi-Chilo locality and killed 358 troops," he added.

"At least 150 were also wounded," he said, adding "backup forces were sent but were beaten."

A number of military hardware including five tanks, 177 rockets, 22 military vehicles, several weapons, and communication facilities claimed to have seized and destroyed by the TDF.

Amid immense tension between the central government and the TPLF, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed launched a military operation against the northern Tigray region on 4 November last year.

As it is seen already that TPLF dominated Ethiopian politics for almost 30 years but since Abiy's appointment in 2018, the party has been gradually marginalized.


NEW DELHI, 19 February, 2021 (TON): Thursday’s tragic Unnao incident triggered a fresh round of face-off between Congress and the ruling BJP.

Three minor girls tied in dupattas were found unconscious in Unnao’s Baburaha village on Thursday morning. Two were declared brought dead at the district hospital while the third was referred to a private hospital in Kanpur. However, the preliminary post-mortem has confirmed; “death due to poisoning”.

Congress accused the police of attempting to hide the incident and not providing proper treatment to the surviving victim.

The party statement said, Congress stands with the daughters of Unnao.

Addressing a press conference in New Delhi, Congress leader Alka Lamba showed a clipping of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s speech in the run-up to the Assembly polls in Uttar Pradesh, in which he could be heard talking about women’s security.

“Why the lone surviving girl has not been airlifted to Delhi for proper treatment? We hoped that the government will show some sensitivity,” Lamba said.

Congress leader, Rahul Gandhi said that the women in UP not only Dalits are facing violations of human rights. “The Congress party will fight to ensure justice for such victims.”

As per the reports, the families of the victims are under house arrest, which is opposed by Congress.


NEW YORK, 19 February, 2021 (TON): Japan Foreign Ministry stated that China in the four leader meeting agreed on its forceful attempts to change the situation on the seas in the region should be strongly opposed.

On Thursday, India's External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and Foreign Ministers Toshimitsu Motegi of Japan and Marise Payne of Australia participated in the virtual meeting

The Indian and the U.S. made no direct mention of China in the statement, but Japan named China in its statement after the meeting.

Japan's statement was also more forthright in recognizing the challenge to the "international order" from "unilateral attempts to change the status quo"  diplomatic speak for aggressive actions.

It said, "Foreign Minister Motegi expressed serious concern with regard to China's Coast Guard Law, and the four Ministers concurred to strongly oppose unilateral and forceful attempts to change the status quo in the context of the East and the South China Sea."

Last month, the Coast Guard Law passed by Beijing is viewed as a threat to countries in the region, including Japan, which is embroiled in maritime disputes with China as the law permits its forces to destroy structures in areas claimed by it and to fire on vessels in the waters it claims as it's own escalating the danger of clashes a" which has already happened with India on land in the Himalayas.

Without mentioning the name of China, the Indian External Ministry stated, "The ministers emphasized their commitment to upholding a rules-based international order, underpinned by respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty, rule of law, transparency, and freedom of navigation in the international seas and peaceful resolution of disputes."

“The ministers agreed to closely coordinate to address the global challenges posed by China," a joint statement issued by Blinken, British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab, and Foreign Ministers Jean-Yves Le Drian of France and Heiko Maas for Germany after a similar virtual meeting on Thursday were explicit about China.

"They expressed their commitment to cooperate in addressing this challenge, enhancing access to affordable vaccines, medicines, and medical equipment," it added.

The Indo-Pacific region, the focus of the Quad, figured in the discussions with the ministers agreeing to "strengthen cooperation on advancing a free and open Indo-Pacific region, including support for freedom of navigation and territorial integrity," State Department Spokesperson Price said.

The Japanese statement read, "The four ministers concurred on further advancing practical cooperation in various areas towards the realization of a 'Free and Open Indo-Pacific', such as quality infrastructure, maritime security, counter-terrorism, cybersecurity, humanitarian assistance/disaster relief, education and human resource development."

It added, "They also welcomed proactive efforts by other countries including those in Europe toward a 'Free and Open Indo-Pacific'."

Stressing on Myanmar New Delhi said, "In the discussion pertaining to recent developments in Myanmar, the upholding of rule of law and the democratic transition was reiterated by India."

 Japan's statement said that "the four ministers shared the view on the need to recover the democratic regime early" in Myanmar.

Motegi expressed "grave concern" over the existing situation in Myanmar and said that Tokyo wanted the military to stop violence against its citizens and swiftly release State Counselor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and others who have been detained.

These statements confirmed their support for ASEAN, the Southeast Asian group of nations including the outlook on Indo-Pacific, its unity, centrality, and regional infrastructure

MUMBAI, 18 February, 2021 (TON): On Thursday, “Rail-Roko”- Indian farmers agitated on the farm laws staged a four-hour rail-blockade in different parts of Maharashtra, although the train services majorly remained unaffected.

The Samyukta Kisan Morcha (SKM) and other farmers' organizations led protest marches to railway stations and railway lines in a various districts like Thane, Palghar, Nashik, Aurangabad, Pune, Parbhani, Yavatmal, while reports were awaited from other districts, said a spokesperson for the organizers.

The farmers carried banners, flags, and posters and raise vociferous slogans demanding the repeal of the 3 new farm laws as they attempted to storm rail premises or railway tracks. The rally was led by the state and local leaders.

However, the heavy presence of the local and Railway Protection Forces ensured that services were not hit by the agitation, and there was no impact on the suburban train services in Mumbai city.

The protestors attempted to squat on the railway tracks in Palghar, Nashik, and Aurangabad; however, the police cleared the lines for the train services to continue unhindered and detained hundreds of protestors that were released later as the four-hour rail-roko continued without any untoward incidents.

Meanwhile, the spokesman of the opposite party BJP Ram Kadam allegedly said that the demonstrators were not farmers but activists of Congress parties.

The row between the government and the farmers was likely to be calmed when the PM reiterated the laws are meant to benefit the agricultural sector and not to harm the farmers, however, the agitated farmers did not agree.  

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