France on national security high alert - 4,000 additional personnel deployed

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PARIS, 30 October 2020, (TON): Three people were killed in France; two beheaded and one killed in knife attack by unidentified terrorists in the Notre Dame Basilica church in Nice while French security personnel shot an innocent person in Montfavet near the southern French city of Avignon.  Witnesses, however, refused to accept the version that any one was beheaded by the terrorist. They suspected that it was later done to aggravate the situation.

Speaking after visiting Nice, President Macron said: "If we are attacked once again it is for the values which are ours: freedom, for the possibility on our soil to believe freely and not to give in to any spirit of terror”. He said, "I say it with great clarity once again today: we won't surrender anything." 

It is important to mention here that French President has set a new democratic precedent by placing offensive and abusive cartoons of sacred and respected personalities of other nations and minorities on the government building to respect freedom of speech and action. Such French actions may also be adopted by other nations to arouse similar sentiments.

French investigative agencies are suspecting Italian Red Cross sponsored 21-year-old Tunisian national as suspect behind terrorist attack in Nice. Nice Mayor Christian Estrosi spoke of "Islamo-fascism" and said the suspect had "repeated endlessly 'Allahu Akbar' (God is greatest)".

Police sources earlier named the attacker as Brahim Aioussaoi. They said he had travelled by boat from Tunisia to the Italian island of Lampedusa in September 2020. An anti-terror investigation is being conducted into the attack and France has raised its national security alert to its highest level by increasing the number of soldiers to protect public places across the country from 3,000 to 7,000.

Some of the witness said they heard firing from multiple directions if it an encounter between the terrorist and the Police but terrorist had only knife with him. One witness said, Police arrived at the scene immediately and the attacker was fired upon, injured and arrested alive.

It has become a route of anti-terrorist agencies, whether in France or elsewhere, misreports and exaggerates the situations. None of the witness said that the terrorist shouted 'Allah o Akbar', however, Nice Mayor Christian Estrosi gave such a statement which had no foundation.

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