Army deployed in Vienna to enforce lockdown; Operation started at more than six locations in Vienna

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VIENNA, 3 November 2020, (TON): Austrian authorities confirmed several suspects armed with rifles opened fire at six locations in the Austrian capital near Vienna’s main synagogue; Army has been authorized to take the control and guard the buildings.

Jewish community leader Oskar Deutsch confirmed that it was not target on synagogue and adjoining offices as they were all closed at the time of shooting. Several deaths have occurred.

As per the details the people in Vienna refused to obey the orders for complete lockdown which was due to come into effect at midnight local time. The shooting began at a time when bars and restaurants were packed with customers and people refused to care for coronavirus lockdown. There are claims that Austrian themselves created the mess, which caused deaths and injuries.

In a sort of repulsive attack against a harsh police cum military operation, shootings by several terrorists armed with rifles in in Seitenstettengasse, central Vienna resulted at least one person dead and several others wounded.  A large armed operation by police operation was still in progress when last reports came in. Warning by the authorities  urged residents to stay away from the city centre, and public places and not to use public transport.

In a statement, Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said, “It was repulsive terrorist attack but we will never be intimidated by terrorism and we will fight this attack with all means”. Austria’s Interior Minister, Karl Nehammer, called the incident “an apparent terror attack” in which several deaths might have occurred.

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