Afshain Afzal

Afshain Afzal

VIENNA, 3 November 2020, (TON): Austrian authorities confirmed several suspects armed with rifles opened fire at six locations in the Austrian capital near Vienna’s main synagogue; Army has been authorized to take the control and guard the buildings.

Jewish community leader Oskar Deutsch confirmed that it was not target on synagogue and adjoining offices as they were all closed at the time of shooting. Several deaths have occurred.

As per the details the people in Vienna refused to obey the orders for complete lockdown which was due to come into effect at midnight local time. The shooting began at a time when bars and restaurants were packed with customers and people refused to care for coronavirus lockdown. There are claims that Austrian themselves created the mess, which caused deaths and injuries.

In a sort of repulsive attack against a harsh police cum military operation, shootings by several terrorists armed with rifles in in Seitenstettengasse, central Vienna resulted at least one person dead and several others wounded.  A large armed operation by police operation was still in progress when last reports came in. Warning by the authorities  urged residents to stay away from the city centre, and public places and not to use public transport.

In a statement, Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said, “It was repulsive terrorist attack but we will never be intimidated by terrorism and we will fight this attack with all means”. Austria’s Interior Minister, Karl Nehammer, called the incident “an apparent terror attack” in which several deaths might have occurred.

PARIS, 30 October 2020, (TON): Three people were killed in France; two beheaded and one killed in knife attack by unidentified terrorists in the Notre Dame Basilica church in Nice while French security personnel shot an innocent person in Montfavet near the southern French city of Avignon.  Witnesses, however, refused to accept the version that any one was beheaded by the terrorist. They suspected that it was later done to aggravate the situation.

Speaking after visiting Nice, President Macron said: "If we are attacked once again it is for the values which are ours: freedom, for the possibility on our soil to believe freely and not to give in to any spirit of terror”. He said, "I say it with great clarity once again today: we won't surrender anything." 

It is important to mention here that French President has set a new democratic precedent by placing offensive and abusive cartoons of sacred and respected personalities of other nations and minorities on the government building to respect freedom of speech and action. Such French actions may also be adopted by other nations to arouse similar sentiments.

French investigative agencies are suspecting Italian Red Cross sponsored 21-year-old Tunisian national as suspect behind terrorist attack in Nice. Nice Mayor Christian Estrosi spoke of "Islamo-fascism" and said the suspect had "repeated endlessly 'Allahu Akbar' (God is greatest)".

Police sources earlier named the attacker as Brahim Aioussaoi. They said he had travelled by boat from Tunisia to the Italian island of Lampedusa in September 2020. An anti-terror investigation is being conducted into the attack and France has raised its national security alert to its highest level by increasing the number of soldiers to protect public places across the country from 3,000 to 7,000.

Some of the witness said they heard firing from multiple directions if it an encounter between the terrorist and the Police but terrorist had only knife with him. One witness said, Police arrived at the scene immediately and the attacker was fired upon, injured and arrested alive.

It has become a route of anti-terrorist agencies, whether in France or elsewhere, misreports and exaggerates the situations. None of the witness said that the terrorist shouted 'Allah o Akbar', however, Nice Mayor Christian Estrosi gave such a statement which had no foundation.

NEW YORK, 25 October 2020, (TON): The United Nations announced Saturday on the occasion of ratification from Honduras that 50 countries have ratified a UN treaty to ban nuclear weapons triggering its entry into force in 90 days. The 50th ratification came on the 75th anniversary of the ratification of the UN Charter which officially established the United Nations and is celebrated as UN Day.

The United Nations efforts abolition of nuclear weapons could not bear fruit as the five original Nuclear Powers; Russia, China, Britain and France and the US are in strong opposition to the signing of treaty. Rather, these countries persuaded other countries including NATO members not to sign or ratify the treaty.

Analysts are of the view that the countries which is in possession of Nuclear arsenal are not ready to ratify the treaty and hope to bring peace in this world.

VISAKHAPATNAM, 23 October 2020, (TON): Indian Army Chief General M M Naravane was on visit to Naval Dockyard in Visakhapatnam on Thursday, where he commissioned anti-submarine warfare vessel INS Kavaratti. On the occasion, he said that it is a major step in ensuring security of maritime domain of the country.

Highlighting importance of Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW), Corvette, The Army Chief said, “commissioning of INS Kavaratti marks yet another significant step in securing India’s maritime goals”. He added that it aims at making India Atmanirbhar Bharat.

Built by Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers (GRSE), Kolkata, the ship is 109 meters long and 12.8 meters broad and is highly maneuverable with a speed limit of 25 knots.

As per the sources at Visakhapatnam, INS Kavaratti already existed in Indian Naval fleet and it is neither new nor indigenous as it was the same ship which participated for the defence of India shores not very insignificant ship in the past. It was US Naval ship that prevented Pakistani supplies from coming to Bangladesh during civil unrest in 1971. The same participated in various exercises, especially in 2000s and afterwards. INS Kavaratti was also remodeled after refit. It was also reported that the US has also provided Indian Navy with same class ship last year.  

SRINAGAR, 18 October 2020, (TON): Lieutenant General B.S. Raju, Corps Commander 15 Corps, Srinagar said in a statement on Sunday, "We are doing counter-terror operations without harming other people in the areas. We are appealing the youths who have taken arms to surrender and many young Kashmiris are willing to shun terrorism and surrender now". He added, ““From the military point of view or Information Warfare point of view, Pakistan can keep spending its money but it is of no use.”

The statement came as a backlash of UN estimate that more than 15,000 Kashmiri’s were arrested soon after the special status of Kashmir was revoked by the Indian Parliament as well as reveal of the truth in media about Indian policies and atrocities in occupied Jammu and Kashmir State. Indian Army and the security forces are under tremendous pressure after protests by Kashmiri politicians against atrocities by Indian security forces to suppress peaceful Kashmiri movement to get their right of self determinations under the UN Security Council Resolutions. The Kashmari politicians of Indian-occupied Jammu and Kashmir said few days back, “Our battle is a constitutional battle. We want the government of India to return to the people of the state of Kashmir the rights they held before 5th August 2019.”

Lieutenant General Raju seems satisfied with the ongoing tense security situation in occupied Jammu and Kashmir and declared that situation in the Kashmir Valley is normal while Pakistan is not happy about it and "propagating false narratives about the Valley". However Indian atrocities in occupied Jammu and Kashmir have been internationalize and world has focused on disappearances of civilians, fake encounters by Indian security forces, custodial deaths, extra judicial killings and instances of rape, kidnapping, torture and extortion in Jammu and Kashmir.

KABUL, 14 October, 2020, (TON): US General Mark A. Milley on Tuesday broaden the gap between the White House and Pentagon on declarations on US troop withdrawals that emerged from the White House a week ago. His criticism arrived after US President Donald Trump tweeted withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan by Christmas.

 In a talk with Afghan National Army commanders, General Milley, the administrator  of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said that the arrangement of US troops withdrawal came with Afghan and Taliban authorities to leave Afghanistan was conditional on the security situation in Afghanistan.
 General Milley did not try to isolate himself from schedule announced by President Trump for pulling back US troops from Afghanistan, however, his comments did not in any way challenged or confirm withdrawal schedule.   

SYDNEY, 12 October 2020, (TON): Google on Sunday condemned Australia's draft for new News Media Bargaining Code, saying it is unworkable and the company has raised concerns about its unfair payment conditions and unclear definitions and obligations. About the the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) Media code, the Australian Government has announced that the code would initially apply only to Facebook and Google. Other digital platforms may be added to the code if they hold a significant bargaining power imbalance with Australian news media businesses in the future.

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) released a draft code for public consultation on 31 July 2020 due to conclude on 28 August 2020, asking the ACCC to develop a mandatory code of conduct to address bargaining power imbalances between Australian news media businesses and digital platforms, specifically Google and Facebook. The draft code would allow news media businesses to bargain individually or collectively with Google and Facebook over payment for the inclusion of news on their services.

The draft code would allow news media businesses to bargain individually or collectively with Google and Facebook over payment for the inclusion of news on their services. The draft code has been developed by the ACCC in close consultation with the Department of the Treasury and the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications. The ACCC would be responsible for administering and enforcing the code, and would have a role in providing submissions as part of compulsory arbitrations conducted under the code. The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) would be responsible for determining eligibility of news media businesses to participate in the code.


By Afshain Afzal

9 October 2020

President Trump’s 7th October tweet saying all US troops in Afghanistan should be home by Christmas need not to be taken in letter and spirit. It seems more to be a political statement and does not appear to be US’ official policy. A welcome note by the Taliban, terming tweet as a positive step is but natural. If we go by the wordings of President Trump’s tweet, it read, “We should have the small remaining number of our BRAVE Men and Women serving in Afghanistan home by Christmas!” Trump tweeted at 7:28 p.m. Eastern time Wednesday.  Interestingly, the policy of Robert O’Brien reflects United States would reduce troops to 2500 troops in Afghanistan early next year.

What are the ground realities  and how the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan will be unfolded is early to comment but there are very less possibility that complete withdrawal can be planned by the Christmas this year. The fact, however, cannot be ignored that bulk of combatants have been withdrawn many years back and only handful of American combatants are there in Afghanistan, protecting American vital projects and investments in the country. There is no doubt that the Afghan forces have almost full control while Americans are only involved in neutralizing few Counter Terrorisms threats.

As the date of 18 October is approaching nearer, many changes are rapidly taking place on the world chess board. Exactly, five years from the JCPOA’s adoption day, Resolution 2231 allows lifting of UN restrictions on countries selling conventional arms to Iran or buying Iranian weaponry from 18 October 2020. In the backdrop, new frictions have already taken roots in Africa and Middle East ranging from Mali to Iraq and Syria to the shores of Caspian Sea, which is likely to challenge and endanger the existence of present leadership at Ankara and Tehran. In Afghanistan, where efforts are in hand to include Iran and India in the make and break as well as future negotiation of Afghanistan, anti Taliban groups have displayed show of force launching attacks in 24 province of Afghanistan in a single day. Instead of an atmosphere of peace and tranquility to rebuild lost trust in the region, the strings have been released to generate new hostilities.

Back at the White House and Pentagon there is much is cooking up for regime changes in Turkey and Iran as well as Saudi Arabia. Washington is not ready to engage its troops in these bloody operations, due to fear of back-fire from American taxpayers. In a preplanned lobbied move, the United Nations Security Council’s members rejected United States of America’s Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s attempt of 20 August to impose sanctions on Iran due to violations of  JCPOA’s Agreement. France, Germany and the UK the U.S. notification was not “effective”.

In a new development, the US is repositioning its non-combats from Afghanistan to locations in Middle East and Central Asian Republics (CARs). We have witnessed in the past and will experience it again that in order to win Tehran as most favorite and permanent ally, Washington would attempt to given enough room to Iran to operate but at the same time look for a regime change in Iran, Turkey and Saudi Arabia. The strategy involves, making Iran more powerful despite sanctions and restrictions and finally support Shah of Iran era style government to establish top relationship between Washington and Tehran.

Washington is all due to help Tehran in war between Armenia and Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh to weaken Turkey and Saudi Arabia and to develop new rift between Arabs and non-Arabs and at the same time US will use its proxies against Turkey and Saudi Arbaia through open media war and stationing its troops to help anti Turkish forces in Armenia and Azerbaijan conflict and Syria where Russia has already established its military might in this area to help Iran against other stakeholders.

ISLAMABAD, 7 October 2020, (TON): In  a change of command ceremony, held at PNS Zafar in Islamabad, on 7 October 2020,  Admiral Amjad Khan Niazi took over the charge as 22nd Chief of Naval Staff (CNS). Outgoing Chief of Naval Staff , Admiral Zafar Mahmood Abbasi formally handed over the command of Pakistan Navy by presenting the traditional scroll to Admiral Niazi. Speaking on the occasion, Admiral Zafar Mahmood Abbasi said, “fleet of more than fifty vessels, including twenty major ships, was envisioned to improve the capabilities of the Navy while four Chinese frigates will be inducted in the next few years”. He added, “Four Turkish medium-class ships will be inducted between 2023 and 2025”.

On the occasion, a smartly turned out contingent of Pakistan Navy also gave guard of honour to the new Pakistan Navy Chief at Islamabad.

RIYADH, 7 October 2020, (TON): Saudi Arabia’s Chamber of Commerce asks its Nationals to Boycott Turkish goods including investment  and tourism.

Saudi Arabia’s Chamber of Commerce head Ajlan Al Ajlan on Saturday tweeted,” The boycott of everything Turkish, whether on the level of import, investment or tourism, is the responsibility of every Saudi – trader and consumer – in response to the continued hostility of the Turkish government against our leadership, our country and our citizens.”

Although, overwhelming majority of the people of Turkey love their Saudi brothers and consider Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as their second country, however, the development surfaced after Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan passed statements of world politics including war between Azerbaijan and Armenia. During his recent address to the Turkish General Assembly, Erdogan said, “It should not be forgotten that the countries in question did not exist yesterday, and probably will not exist tomorrow; however, we will continue to keep our flag flying in this region forever, with the permission of Allah.” The media carried out negative propaganda and cautioned many countries of the intentions of Turkish Presidents statement.

Turkey was quoted also to have accused Arab countries of destabilizing the region. Although, Erdogan blamed the Arab countries for instability in the Middle East and did not name Saudi Arabia but the statements from Tel Aviv and NATO Headquarters compelled Saudi Arabia to express their view point.

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